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Messages - steveu

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 29
Double check the number has remained correctly entered and the licence is current?

Technical Support / Re: Ghosting
« on: November 05, 2024, 08:57:52 am »
Did you fix the issue? I occasionally have the same problem, with a portable setup, and if I check the aircraft callsign is always an aircraft that is plausible. The Hex value corresponds to the transponder's. It's kind of scary.
Multiple times I tried to carefully "separate" from the "ghost" but did not get a distinct trace.
What's very strange is that on the radar I don't see them, only on Skydemon. Could it be a FLARM protocol issue?

As I understand it, it's not the aircraft call sign that prevents ghosting but the ICAO code. This for mode S, not sure about mode C...

Technical Support / Re: Trouble with Rosetta in Herefordshire
« on: October 24, 2024, 09:45:03 am »
Or WeTransfer - no login needed for smaller files IIRC...

Technical Support / Re: Trouble with Rosetta in Herefordshire
« on: October 14, 2024, 05:59:08 pm »
Any sign of any GPS jamming NOTAMs?

In settings, check the setting for transmitting PAW has not become some silly speed.

In settings, check what your ICAO code is, it sometimes gets reset on software updates.

If the setting is not correct, write down the wrong setting before correcting it.

Check the incorrect ICAO code in Vector and see if it matches your flights.

Next time you fly, check for the corrected ICAO code.

Went to phone shop, brought iPhone SE 2020 for £90, and 4 greens
Moral of story, buy a cheap iPhone to use purely as data link.

You'll get a mobile broadband router for less...

Technical Support / Re: Request - new standard non-beta software release
« on: September 23, 2024, 11:35:24 am »
oooooh, stand by, I'll try that(, soon as I can). Thanks!

I think the clue is here, check the attached web GUI, with a downgrade option.

Please test, I could be wrong...

Technical Support / Re: Anker power supply - hard wiring modification
« on: September 22, 2024, 11:23:54 pm »
For a certified aircraft you might be better with fitting a charge 2/ 4 usb supply as these are already approved

Plus one for Charge 2/4. Path to certified install IIRC and a very high quality product.

Technical Support / Re: Request - new standard non-beta software release
« on: September 22, 2024, 11:22:33 pm »
I think it doesn't work like that. The app to do the uploads is great, but AFAIK, you can't go back.
You can turn off 'load beta', but that's not the same as 'revert to official'

I'm not talking about the app and I didn't mention it. I said the update menu on the Rosetta.

I may look tomorrow if I'm at the strip.

Technical Support / Re: Request - new standard non-beta software release
« on: September 22, 2024, 09:57:09 pm »
Last time I looked in the update menu on the Rosetta, you could revert back to official from beta.

But it's been a while as I've spent some time on an FX... tap me if you want me to look tomorrow...

Technical Support / Re: Spurious position reading from a/c origin
« on: September 22, 2024, 08:04:19 pm »
I looked but don't really have any concrete ideas, last time I saw something like that I was told it was an SDR fault in a ground station, but it could be an ADS-B problem with GPS jamming? Worth checking on another tracking app? It seems fine on planefinder for all flights.

However, the second and third flights on Playback have spikes. I'd be looking at the ground stations or the database...

Technical Support / Re: FX playback
« on: August 07, 2024, 08:32:49 pm »
Is the playback being done from ground station records?

Technical Support / Re: Position data not shared
« on: July 20, 2024, 08:52:37 pm »
I assume he is using SafeSky on a mobile phone, in which case his position and velocity data first of all goes over mobile broadband/mainstream Internet to the SafeSky servers.

From there, it would then get fed to the OGN, and at the same time to other Safesky users.

Now, in the early days I was told that PAW/ATOM didn't use OGN data for latency reasons.

Now, I'm led to believe that either SafeSky data direct or via the OGN is used, but with strict latency filters, so if the data is deemed to be too old to be accurate, it is rejected.

I am not a PAW insider, so the emphasis is on the word believe. Some people believe the earth is flat, that don't make it so, even if Pratchett made it work.

There was some big disruption to the OGN when the FLARM encryption was changed a little while back, depending on whom you ask, it's now fine or there is still disruption.

Tristan says "filter and publish" so he does know that the data is filtered. He also knows how often SafeSky pings when there is no other traffic around.

If the data isn't getting to the OGN but Tristan tells you it then that needs to be resolved with him. When you can verify that, then you can question the next step...

It may do, but as a 'legacy' Rosetta user that doesn't answer my question!

Maybe start a new thread rather than dragging this one off topic, then?

This is about Rosetta FX - it's a separate product.

As an aside, when I update the iOS PAW updater, it tells me that 230316 is the latest version.

Is 240417 still a beta version?

The Rosetta FX offers updates from within the status GUI if connected to the Internet.

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