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Messages - steveu

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Technical Support / Re: Identification of type
« on: February 14, 2025, 08:14:37 pm »
When you ask for a link to the track file, what do you mean by a link in this context?

If you got to Aircrew and upload a track file to view, after the upload is successful and you are looking at the result, you need to copy the link for it in the browser address and paste it here.

Technical Support / Re: PAW and G3X
« on: February 14, 2025, 08:12:14 pm »
I am still pondering on a G3X PAW traffic solution. If I use another Raspberry Pi, I have one spare for some reason then maybe a solution is attach this to the PAW via ethernet, get it to autoboot to the browser with the PAW IP address and radar page and use the HDMI output from it to go to the G3X via the HDMI-BNC(PAL) connector. Seems a bit of a faff but would it work as it costs me nothing. Not sure what the startup script is, could do it in MSDOS though!!

If you want to do this then the easiest way IMO is to build a "kiosk" Pi. The kiosk Pi would have the browser on its output and you could also program it to cycle through various web pages that come from PAW.

I used Raspbian for this...

Technical Support / Re: Netgear 4 G mobile router
« on: January 15, 2025, 06:45:56 pm »
The router works well with everything apart from the Wi-Fi on the paw, I have tried all settings even taken off security with no effect.
The only thing I can think of is that the isp is for both?

I would put the router on a different subnet.

If your router is on, and the PAW has to be on the same address, there is an IP clash.

Solution 1 - make your router IP address, and change the gateway to the same address. Check that you DHCP range does not include This is not a move to a different subnet.

Solution 2 - change the second digit from the right to something other than 1, say 4 or 10, so your router becomes and the gateway follows to the same address. This is another subnet. This is where I am now and it works. Can't remember if it's or

In both cases leave the subnet mask at

Please document all the numbers before you change them in case someone else points out that I've got it wrong.

General Discussion / Re: New FX user questions
« on: December 30, 2024, 12:13:09 pm »
Router function working on my FX.

Wifi name change works without issues.

Test running on internal GPS antenna - works in the harshest of conditions.

Firmware 20241006

Technical Support / Re: FX and ADSB Out
« on: December 30, 2024, 11:51:57 am »
What then in the purpose of this cable?

Have I taken a backward step trading all the considerably impressive upgrades that FX offers for then not having ADSB Out on my Trig Transponder? And what will I need to do to the transponder to ensure functionality? Bear in mind I'm not terribly technically minded..... :-\

I looked at it and I couldn't see any instructions.

AFAIK, the Trig has a number of protocols you can set to receive ADS-B in GPS info.

You need to find the instructions that tell you what protocol to set?

My FX has output settings for Trig, so you could try that and see if you get anything.

In settings, drop down RS232 protocol, and set the Trig protocol and whatever baud goes with that.

I think this is new - when I first used te FX early this year I don't remember it?

Technical Support / Re: FX and ADSB Out
« on: December 30, 2024, 10:27:48 am »
Edited to add: strange that it will use the GPS from a Flarm unit's feed if that is plugged in but it won't use a dedicated GPS feed from the Dynon kit  ???

The input feed involves traffic, so likely to be some version of the FLARM protocol. It must be so, as it's an interrupted feed to a FLARM display.

GPS data is normally exchanged as some variant of the NMEA protocol.

Very different, and the latter unlikely to be subject to NDAs.

Technical Support / Re: FX and ADSB Out
« on: December 29, 2024, 04:58:00 pm »
AIUI there is no GPS location feed output for ADS-B for transponders from the FX...

The two RJ45s are for FLARM in/out...

General Discussion / Re: New FX user questions
« on: November 28, 2024, 07:39:26 pm »
Please could you provide details of the BT adaptor that you use. I've seen a few on Amazon but most seem to be battery powered and I'm not sure how reliable they would be in a cockpit environment.

This was what I bought. On/off button, volume controls on the side, 3.5mm jack out (same as PAW Rosetta) and power via USB micro.

General Discussion / Re: Parachutes!
« on: November 27, 2024, 08:50:59 pm »
I've not been on the Forum for a while so may have missed a similar query.
Flew yesterday with EasyVFR4 for the first time as my display. EVFR4 has different icons for powered aircraft, glider and parachute. Was surprised to see several parachute icons, particularly as some of them were moving quite fast! At least 4 also showed registration - G-INFO revealed that there were 3 PA28s and 1 Icarus.
Question - why are they being incorrectly shown as parachutes?

I'd be interested to know which protocol EasyVFR is using for traffic, although I find it quite difficult to use. I've got a basic version loaded to help a friend with interface issues on a Sky Echo II.

If no one else on any of the other EFBs has seen this issue, then it's a bug in EasyVFR.

I'm guessing most people sticking with EasyVFR bought lifetime subscriptions. We could debate how good the move from 3 to 4 was, and ask how many voted with their feet.

General Discussion / Re: New FX user questions
« on: November 27, 2024, 08:40:51 pm »
I don't have a bluetooth headset either, and I would be reluctant buy one since I prefer to have control over the audio in one place and be able to suppress alerts at busy times with the push of a button.

So the response below, to use bluetooth from Skydemon on my ipad would not work for me. Does anyone else have this problem? Can anyone offer any other solutions, for example a standalone bluetooth to audio jack gizmo?

I was not a fan of the loss of the audio out jack on the FX.

However, there is an opportunity here for an improvement.

I used a Bluetooth receiver into my Lynx intercom, you could use the same and connect a BT receiver into your Garmin if you can source the right wiring.

The big bonus of doing this is that you can then get both traffic and airspace alerts, properly spaced out without one talking over the other.

Set both up from Skydemon, which will then transmit them over BT to your intercom.

When flying with the FX, I therefore have both traffic and airspace alerts.

The BT adaptor I bought has an on/off switch and a volume control on the body, so all alerts can be quickly adjusted or turned off.

You will need to get USB power to the adaptor...

Which radio is it? I’ve got a PAW classic, the USB radio was replaced a couple of months ago, the one inside the case (which I assume is on the Pi circuit board) hasn’t been (and I don’t know if it can be)

There's a radio bridge inside the case, last time I looked or fixed one, it was a separate daughter board. If faulty, and it's a big if, it can be replaced. Be wary of static when replacing, if this doesn't mean anything, leave well alone.

The radio bridge is a transceiver. A damaged aerial can result in reflected power back from a mistermination causing a problem in the output stage of the transmitter. This is a bit techie, I know, but that's just how it is...

The "USB radio" is an SDR and does 1090MHz for ADS-B and mode S

I should add both aerials are new and bought from Pilotaware

If damage has occurred to a transmitter stage, replacing the aerial doesn't fix that.

It was only when I replaced a damaged aerial and I checked the vector chart that I realised it hadn't been transmitting for a while. I can still receive traffic.

Damaged aerial? Do we think the transmitter side of the radio module could have croaked?

Technical Support / Re: Android firmware updater not on Play Store?
« on: November 14, 2024, 08:30:44 am »
I imagine the majority of PAW users are on Android, are they forever doomed to USB updating?

I don't think so.

I'm an Android user, and have not used the app or USB stick for a while.

The easiest way to update any PAW if it is on the Internet via iGrid is to update from within the GUI itself.

I'm not at the strip so have no access to my PAW, but I seem to remember this and licence updates are now automatic if on the Internet. No more typing the licence number in.

Double check the number has remained correctly entered and the licence is current?

Technical Support / Re: Ghosting
« on: November 05, 2024, 08:57:52 am »
Did you fix the issue? I occasionally have the same problem, with a portable setup, and if I check the aircraft callsign is always an aircraft that is plausible. The Hex value corresponds to the transponder's. It's kind of scary.
Multiple times I tried to carefully "separate" from the "ghost" but did not get a distinct trace.
What's very strange is that on the radar I don't see them, only on Skydemon. Could it be a FLARM protocol issue?

As I understand it, it's not the aircraft call sign that prevents ghosting but the ICAO code. This for mode S, not sure about mode C...

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