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Messages - grahambaker

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Technical Support / Re: Mode-CS (Beta)
« on: January 08, 2017, 11:40:27 am »
Hi Lee, the PAW box is in the aircraft 7 miles away now, and I won't be going there for another two weeks as I'm off to the US on business tomorrow morning! I do remember noticing on the ground that the PAW QNH was 1032 - exactly that as given by both Sleap and Welshpool over the RT.

Next time I fly, if I see the same symptoms I'll take some screen shots. Remind me again how I save the Track Logs?

Technical Support / Re: Mode-CS (Beta)
« on: January 07, 2017, 10:09:40 pm »
I am continuing to get spurious returns, I believe, on the latest version.

I am using the '+Filter' option, and have '+-2000'' and 'Short Range' set. Descending from FL100 over mid-Wales today I was getting an intermittent warning of Mode C traffic either 100' or 200' below me most of the way down.

Unfortunately I didn't save the settings page nor track logs.

General Discussion / Re: Feedback: PAW pressure and Mode C/S
« on: December 18, 2016, 09:02:12 am »
I would prefer it if the Status screen didn't use the term 'QNH' for the GPS derived value, as clearly seen here is the difference at altitude between the real QNH and the GPS derived value. It just confuses people when they see a value that differs from what they think it should be.

In this case the difference between indicated altitude and the GPS altitude and a bit of temperature compensation explains the difference between the two, and the higher you go and the further the conditions are from ISA, the greater that difference will be.

Perhaps the label should be 'GPS calc QNH' to at least remind people that it is a synthetic value.

General Discussion / Re: Barometric Pressure Way-off ?
« on: December 12, 2016, 12:23:36 pm »

Didn't see your post, but if you were talking about the QNH box on the 'Configure' page, it disappears once PAW gets GPS lock and sets the QNH automatically (on the 'Home' screen).


That explains it. Thanks.

General Discussion / Re: Barometric Pressure Way-off ?
« on: December 12, 2016, 10:41:33 am »
If you are repying to my post, I deleted it! (not least because I went back into the PAW config screen a few secons later and the field had disappeared, or at least I couldn't find it again :-\).

General Discussion / Re: Sky Demon and Radar on one screen
« on: December 05, 2016, 07:22:02 pm »

AIUI, the iPad Air does not support full dual screen multitasking - it just plays at it.

I believe the Air 2 does, and the iPad Pro's definitely do. I have a Pro 12.9" and have dispensed with kneeboards and charts, and now run SkyDemon on the left hand side of the screen, and an note pad app called Goodnotes on the right hand side, in which I have created a simplistic plog template. Using an Apple Pencil, I can scribble on the plog with SD running perfectly on the left.

When I get home this weekend I'll be trying it out with a browser on the right hand side, displaying PAW Radar!

General Discussion / Re: FL*RM Integration - Beta Testers
« on: October 25, 2016, 04:39:29 pm »

Thanks for the responses. I'm certainly not trying to criticise in any way the hard work that is going on in the background here, but as a certified aircraft owner I'm probably representative of a large proportion of the target market who, being used to having highly packaged installed solutions in their aircraft, naturally shy away from stuff littered all over the coaming strung together with cables  - we don't have the luxury of being able to embed things out of sight and wire things in quite so easily or cheaply as the uncertified fleet.

You need to keep things simple for us luddites or you won't get the uptake.

General Discussion / Re: FL*RM Integration - Beta Testers
« on: October 25, 2016, 12:07:46 pm »
I'm getting rapidly turned off by the thought of attaching a FLARM device to my PAW if this is representative of what I will have to go through.

I'm a simple soul. I just want to buy a box, plug it in, follow some simple set up instructions and fly a bit more safely!

General Discussion / Re: First Flight Report
« on: October 16, 2016, 04:33:47 pm »

General Discussion / Re: First Flight Report
« on: October 16, 2016, 03:30:02 pm »
I was passing NW-SE to the west of Swindon in an AA5 yesterday - Mode S and PAW. First time heading SE about 13:00L and second time heading NW about 15:00L.


General Discussion / Re: "All-In" case
« on: October 13, 2016, 08:35:29 pm »
The idea that moving air, in itself, will change the indicated barometric pressure is probably flawed, otherwise your indicated altitude would change as you accelerate down the runway :) however, that said, it would probably dependn the relative siting of the fan and the baro chip.

What will definitely make a difference will be if the fan results in a net change in static pressure within the case, which would be avoided by making the inlet/exit (depending on the way the fan is blowing) large enough to not restrict the flow. Definitely worth testing.

General Discussion / Re: Tuned Low Profile Antenna : Back in stock.
« on: October 07, 2016, 05:58:18 pm »
Remember, mount them so that the horns are vertical.
You hear that all the time here in Welshpool.

General Discussion / Re: Display filtering
« on: October 06, 2016, 01:32:27 pm »
Whether or not it's a good idea, it seems odd to me that you are asking for a change to SkyDemon software on the PilotAware forum.

You wouldn't ask Samsung to change the shape of the Tupperware boxes you put in your fridge.

General Discussion / Re: PilotAware at Wellesbourne
« on: September 26, 2016, 07:34:40 pm »
I understand your concerns but personally have a specific reason for wanting them - testing the PAW installation and setup. If we have known base stations at locations and airfields and we are on the ground or flying overhead - to and from etc - I can see the detection and if I being obscured from the front, side etc due to placement.

I know it won't be perfect but at the moment I don't see any way of testing the setup and other than assuming it is working. With known locations you would be raising an eyebrow should they not appear in SkyDemon, PAW etc.
I can see how testing could be useful, but until we have a way of selectively ignoring base stations, I think inconveniencing the many for the sake of the few is the wrong way to go. I tested mine in a mutual test session with another PAW user at my field. We did 10 minutes on the ground, then went airborne. That's a lot different to having it bleating for 10 hours a day on the basis that someone might want to do some testing sometime.

I don't want to appear overly aggressive about this, but equally the idea that we start deploying PAWs to help us navigate is also just nonsense (you haven't said it, but one or two others have). It's an avoidance device, not a homing device. By definition we all have much better means of navigation right there on our traffic displays!

General Discussion / Re: PilotAware at Wellesbourne
« on: September 26, 2016, 01:25:20 pm »
Unless you are running a fly-in at a difficult-to-spot strip that isn't in the normal nav. software databases, I cannot think of one good reason for have a base station transmitting at an airfield. It's just clutter.

I don't want the other potentially useful symbology on my SkyDemon chart obscured by a completely unnecessary blob, particularly if I'm going to get warnings from it, audio or otherwise.

[/grumpy rant over  :)]

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