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General Discussion / Re: Very newby here
« on: September 15, 2015, 09:51:01 pm »
Range for Pilotaware is anything up to 25 miles, but Lee said he might tune that down a bit to avoid clutter.

slight correction here, the tests we have done, the range has been upto 25km


General Discussion / Re: Android
« on: September 15, 2015, 09:49:20 pm »

So this problem I think is due to the way the software sets up the TCP socket collection. This is done once when the app starts and isn't checked again. I'll see if I can rectify. For now can I suggest leaving the Pi on while the system is running.  😉

Hi Chris
I think I see what is happening here, you need to setup a timeout on the connection, one of the annoying things with TCP that you do not worry about with UDP, UDP is connectionless, probably different in Java, but in C, I do the following for the TCP siockets

    struct timeval timeout;
    timeout.tv_sec = SOCK_TIMEOUT;
    timeout.tv_usec = 0;
    setsockopt(sockP->accfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, (char *)&timeout, sizeof(timeout));
    setsockopt(sockP->accfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (char *)&timeout, sizeof(timeout));


General Discussion / Re: ARF Shield - Digole 5v-3.3v regulator board
« on: September 15, 2015, 09:44:05 pm »
hi Lee
Need to check with you about the regulator?
I've ordered the following: xbee/pro/ciseco XRF breakout board to 0.1" DIP adaptor 3 LED indicator.
Is this correct ?
Best regards

Hi Neil
the important info is that it is the 3.3v version not the 5v version
here is a link to the correct part with a 3.3v regulator
a lot of people of the forum have used the Wirelessthings regulator instead, that will also work

General Discussion / Re: USB-GPS Working in PilotAware
« on: September 15, 2015, 04:44:37 pm »
Is the support for the GPS in the current release? or is there a Beta with it in?
I hope to have my GPS end of this week :)

I could get a beta uploaded for you to try
Let me know if you want to give that a go.

General Discussion / Re: Licence Expiry and future Prices
« on: September 15, 2015, 12:03:29 pm »
(email Contents)

Hi Fellow Forumites,

The following question was posted on the forum regarding 'Licence Expiry and future Prices',59.0.html

This is an absolutely fair and valid question, and thought I should answer to all members.
I have been explaining my options at the LAA rally, and in various emails/postings, so here are my thoughts
in a bit more detail.

I am looking at a future subscription model, to continue funding the project, and hopefully recover some of the
large investment made to date.
I am not looking to make huge gains on this, this was never the intention of the project.
My current thoughts for pricing once the Beta Period has hopefully proved to be successful are as follows
£14.99 First year
£11.99 Subsequent years & for existing Beta Users

I hope you agree that this is a reasonable amount based upon the low barrier to entry for the hardware costs.
I calculated if you were to buy a F***M system, this would provide nearly 200 years of license subscription,
So when put like that I think it sounds quite reasonable  ::)

There is lots of parallel work going on at the moment which has not yet been disclosed to the forum including
a drone project, a tracking system, and extensive work on providing a plug and play kit to overcome the construction
issues which many prospective users are clearly daunted by.
I am sure that those of you who have built your own PilotAware know this only too well, as I would wager you
have had many requests to build more PilotAware units from your friends and fellow aviators.

I sincerely hope everybody agrees this to be reasonable, I have spent over two years on this project and would
hope that nobody feels agrieved by my intentions.

My main concern is to make the project successful by achieving widespread adoption, and hopefully give us all a
better margin of safety when flying. I do not want to dissuade any potential users over unreasonable costs, this
would clearly negate the primary goal of the project.


General Discussion / Re: USB-GPS Working in PilotAware
« on: September 15, 2015, 11:59:21 am »
personally I'm happy with the USB GPS (I have order one ready to test!), I will use sort leads between the DVB-T and the GPS to remove strain and probably apply some silicon to ensure they don't work there way out over time!

The other option is something like an I2C -> URART chip -> GPS but adds more complexity and expense as I doubt it will be off the shelf!

I have just ordered one of these to try as well ....

General Discussion / Re: ARF Shield - Digole 5v-3.3v regulator board
« on: September 15, 2015, 11:55:01 am »
I am building my third unit, and using the PowerPod (as I did on my second unit). However, when booting up, after 4 attempt at 9600 Baud, and then 10 attempts at 57600 Baud, I am getting the message ARF-RS232: Configuration Failed. I assume this is due to either a 'dry' soldered joint, or a faulty ARF Unit (although all the ARF Boot messages appear the same as on the unit that works). Before I attempt to re-solder all the joints, is there any other diagnostic I can try to narrow down the potential fault ?

In case this was a dry joint, I re-soldered all the joints, tested it and it worked ! I then glued up the parts, and assembled the case, and re-booted. Guess what .... "Configuration Failed".............Grrrrrrr   >:(

Bob, can I ask that before reassembling, try and run a number of boots to ensure this is not exposing a software timing issue.

I have made a slight change recently regarding the baud rate between the ARF & RPi.
Previously it was always 9600 baud, where as now it boots up at 9600 baud, then it is reconfigured to 57600 baud.
This was to overcome a potential issue of data arriving over the RF faster than it could be processed.

I don't believe I have introduced an issue here, but I would like to know for sure.
Unless you can say that it reliably failed on all reboots before your re-solder ?


General Discussion / Re: Licence Expiry and future Prices
« on: September 15, 2015, 11:34:26 am »
I am wondering, how all this will develop in the future, what we have here is a well running project, with lots of effort from different sides.

Now we have the first software version with a licence expiry set, and as lee wrote on the webpage, pilotaware will probably not remain free of licence charge forever. People around keep asking me if I can build up hardware for them. So I am interested in lee's thoughts and plans about future pricing, before I build all that stuff and every second party is gonna scrap his device because of high costs when the tests licence expires.

Please don't get me wrong on this, Lee, i really appreciate your work, but I would like to know where we are gonne end pricewise.

This is an absolutely fair and valid question.
I think I will make a full announcement via a newsletter to the forum members

General Discussion / Re: Switching On and OFF Is there an ideal sequence
« on: September 15, 2015, 10:17:24 am »
I have the same two "fails" (....mount_unionfs... and on startup, but the device runs fine anyway.

These boot messages are irrelevant - but also annoying.
I have managed to cleanup the boot messsages in my internal build, except for one boot
message I cannot seem to resolve.

These have no effect on the operation of PilotAware, I have tried to put some debug messages into
the boot log, to indicate when the various interfaces are up and running.
I intend to add these to the webserver interface to indicate success/failure of the interfaces.

Of course if the WiFi fails, then there will be no webserver to indicate the failure!

General Discussion / Re: ICAO Code in CollisionAware
« on: September 15, 2015, 10:08:58 am »
Just starting to construct PilotAware, and installed CollisionAware on iPad.
How is the ICAO code entered?
Binary, Octal, Hex?  Cant find any info on this.  Since I'm already ADSB out from Transponder guess this might be important!

Hi Dave,
The CollisionAware app is a little out of date with some of these fields.
I have taken the decision to move all the configuration settings into the PilotAware webserver
It means I can fix things much more quickly without relying upon Apple to release via iTunes
the unused fields from CollisionAware will be removed ASAP

So in the Web interface under Ident, please enter the 6 digit hex code, I think if you hover over the field it indicates the data format.

If you do not enter a value, or you enter tha value '000000', a value is automatically created for you which should be unique, based upon the system Hardware.
When transmitting over the P3I inerface, there is a bit indicating if the code is ICAO or AutoGenerated P3I

General Discussion / Re: Pi Model B (not B+)
« on: September 15, 2015, 10:01:40 am »
Hi Ian,

Can you please explain your previous findings where the hostapd seemed to be failing to start ?

You mentioned elsewhere that this was an issue with the DVB-T - which surprises me, because the
hostapd is related to the WiFi dongle.

Can I ask you try multiple boots to see if it re-occurs, this may be a non-deterministic issue you are seeing

General Discussion / Re: ADS-B receiver only
« on: September 15, 2015, 09:59:17 am »
Today PilotAware will run in an ADS-B only mode if it is unable to configure the ARF.
I plan to deprecate this in the future, but allow a 10 minute timeout for testing purposes
as you have indicated, to get some confidence that the system is up and running, in the
absence of the ARF.

General Discussion / Re: USB-GPS Working in PilotAware
« on: September 15, 2015, 09:57:14 am »
I assume the reason for it being USB is the lack of serial ports on the RPI!?

This is absolutely the problem.
I cannot find a GPS that uses SPI or I2C that has support for the RPi today.

One thought at the moment is to have an ARF with a SPI interface, thus freeing the UART.
There is already an SRF with a SPI interface, and the ARF is basically SRF + Amplifier

General Discussion / Re: Switching On and OFF Is there an ideal sequence
« on: September 14, 2015, 06:58:25 pm »
I have never seen this hang on sshd, no idea what could cause that.
Just to confirm, this is Pi B+ ?

Does the hoot hang every time at the same point ?

Just zoomed in on display a little, i notice what looks like a hostapd error ?
This would possibly point to a WiFi dongle issue ?


General Discussion / Re: Switching On and OFF Is there an ideal sequence
« on: September 14, 2015, 03:01:44 pm »
just out of interest, have you connected an RJ45 to the Ethernet port, or did you have one connected during installation ?

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