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Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 227
As an aside, when I update the iOS PAW updater, it tells me that 230316 is the latest version.

Is 240417 still a beta version?
We will probably push out a new release for all platforms in the next week

Shouldn’t you be asking plane finder  :o
What emitter types does plane finder display ?

There is a fix available version 20240711
There was indeed an issue on Android when changing the ssid - works correctly on now

OK, I can reproduce this on my own device - let me investigate the issue

This makes no sense, unless this is related to termination characters on strings maybe ?

Do we know what version of Android this started failing on ?

Technical Support / Re: Track files upload
« on: July 11, 2024, 10:59:25 am »
The problem is due to an upgraded OS.
So needs some fixes to library API calls.
Its in progress

This is incredibly weird
We are doing nothing to stop this from working when changing the SSID.
Is there a way to clear some cached info on the Android device, I would suspect getting a different name for the SSID for the first time, this would work fine
Can someone try this ?

Clear cache (or whatever it is) on Android
change SSID from iphone/ipad
Connect to new name from Android device (as if for first time)

Technical Support / Re: Gps very slow to acquire a fix
« on: July 05, 2024, 06:46:12 pm »
Sounds like the battery backup has depleted
There are replacement gps on the website if this is the case

Technical Support / Re: Gps very slow to acquire a fix
« on: July 05, 2024, 08:49:27 am »
Sounds like the battery backup has depleted
There are replacement gps on the website

Technical Support / Re: iGrid Hotspots
« on: July 05, 2024, 08:48:00 am »
Can’t remember exactly, but no less than 10

Technical Support / Re: Track files upload
« on: July 03, 2024, 10:25:17 pm »
It’s a problem at our end, trying to get it fixed …

This is actually connected to the grid I think

The issue appears to be GPS - which I cannot understand why it is reported as GSM

Where is the unit located ?
It needs a good view of the sky

Hi Andy

are you using the USB cable that is provided with the product ?
this should be 20AWG core power.

Also can you post screenshots of your following pages
- Home
- Network
- Logging


Technical Support / Re: Ghosting
« on: June 09, 2024, 01:43:39 pm »
If you have adsb out, you should see two emitters on vector, is this the Case ?

Technical Support / Re: Weather latency
« on: June 03, 2024, 07:55:56 am »
Glad to hear the weather was useful
The refresh rate is every 10 minutes


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