Author Topic: Incorrect Date on PAW  (Read 6154 times)

Marcus Clarke

Incorrect Date on PAW
« on: February 10, 2018, 08:25:42 pm »
Can anyone help with a problem with the date on "Home" page being incorrect?
I have updated my license key successfully after a period of non-use, but the Pilotaware version is still (20161124) despite plugging it into my Broadband ethernet port of several hours.
Also the date is showing as Wed Aug 2 2017.

I have been through the instructions and forums and cannot find this problem.
Any help would be much appreciated



Re: Incorrect Date on PAW
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2018, 09:33:18 pm »

That date is the software version date. As it is after 20160820, your PilotAware will be enabled for update via USB stick, though it should also have downloaded the most recent update via Ethernet, provided you followed the instructions carefully. It may have failed due to a conflict between the PilotAware WiFi and your Router's allocated IP Address.

Can you download a copy of the latest update file (20180129) from ?

You then need to copy it onto the root (top level) of a USB memory stick. DO NOT alter or rename the file it MUST be called pilotaware.pgp (the .pgp bit may not be visible - if so DO NOT ADD IT) and DO NOT put the file inside any folder on your USB stick.

Power up your PAW and connect to the PAW Wifi Hotspot using your tablet or phone THEN put the USB stick into any of the USB ports.

Connect your tablet or phone via your browser to and go to the PilotAware 'Update' Screen.

Click on the 'Check for Updates' button and wait a few minutes. The system should run a short check then advise that the update is available, and the 'Install' Button will go 'Live'.

Click 'Install' which will start the process - it takes 5 - 10 minutes and reboots the system. You then need to check that you are still connected to the Pilotaware WiFi Hotspot and Reconnect to - Do NOT simply click the previous browser URL address or it will take you back to - and try to restart the install process again!

Once re-connected, go to the PilotAware 'Home' Screen, which should now show the latest Software Version 20180129 and your new Licence Expiry Date. If not you may have to reenter the new licence code you got when you renewed in your Configure Screen - Don't forget to 'Save' the entry at the bottom of the Configure Screen, then re-check the Home Screen. All should now be OK.

Let me know how you get on.


« Last Edit: February 10, 2018, 11:11:09 pm by exfirepro »

Marcus Clarke

Re: Incorrect Date on PAW
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2018, 10:19:40 pm »
Thanks Peter,
I have tried to load the page but all I get is:
This site can’t be reached
I have tried it on 3 different devices but cannot access it from any of them.

The Pilotaware had been plugged in for several hours now but there is no update available under "updates".

Any ideas on what I can do to get the updates loaded to the Pilotaware?



Re: Incorrect Date on PAW
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2018, 10:38:03 pm »

That's because the correct address is there is NO 'www' - my fault - The Forum software must have auto-corrected the web address and I didn't notice - sorry!  :-[

Please try again.

The alternative is to retry the 'Ethernet Update Method' via your router. Note: This needs intervention by you. Only the download part is automatic - YOU have to initiate the install after the PAW does the download (see below).

First remove all dongles and connect your PAW to your router with an Ethernet cable, THEN power up PilotAware.

Don't attempt to touch or connect to it, just leave it connected for at least 20 minutes (30 would be better) to allow it to check for updates and download the latest - this part IS automatic. This is the bit that may not work if your WiFi dongle is still in place as that can cause an IP address conflict with your router.

After 20/30 minutes power PAW down again and remove the Ethernet cable.

Reconnect all dongles (or just the WiFi at this stage), then power PAW back up and reconnect to it with your tablet.

Now go to and check the 'Updates' screen again - the new update should now be visible, with a 'live' Install button.

Press install, wait for at least 10 minutes until the PAW WiFi Hotspot re-appears on your tablet then reconnect as per the instructions for USB update I gave you above. Check and if necessary refresh the Home Screen. It should now have updated.

Re-install any remaining dongles and you should be running again as normal.


« Last Edit: February 13, 2018, 05:19:58 pm by exfirepro »

Marcus Clarke

Re: Incorrect Date on PAW
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2018, 02:46:15 pm »
Thanks Peter for the suggested actions.
However, I still get the same "No software Updates Available" after following exactly the procedure defined.

I have managed to get the date to be correct now by leaving the PAW outside for a while so I assume the GPS updated the time when it go a fix on the satellites.

When I press "Check for Updates" I get a short wait before a message pops up then disappears and goes back to the  "No software Updates Available"
The message is:
"Checking for updates
/root/servers/ Error, Cannot access update details"

Any further suggestions would be greatly appreciated......


Ian Melville

Re: Incorrect Date on PAW
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2018, 10:30:09 pm »
Do you still have the Wi-Fi Dongle plugged in? It should be removed for updates over the LAN. Devices(tabs and phones) should not be connected to the PAW hotspot but your home LAN oir WiFi. Then connect to the PAW homepage through the IP allocated.


Re: Incorrect Date on PAW
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2018, 12:00:46 am »

I have used both the direct Ethernet and USB Stick update methods probably around a hundred times now on various PilotAware units with multiple software versions and combinations with very few failures - and then for known reasons, so am having extreme difficulty understanding what is going wrong here.

To be clear, do you understand that in order for your PilotAware to update, it has to search for and find a specific update file from one of two places: -

Either on the Internet - by connecting your PilotAware directly to (for example) your home router by an Ethernet Cable and leaving it to look for the update (from the PilotAware lode website) automatically in its own time.

Or from a closed source (i.e. USB Stick) which has been previously loaded with the update file by manually downloading the file from the PilotAware.lode website on the internet onto a laptop or PC and then carefully transferring it  - without changing the filename in any way - to the root (top level) of the USB stick. If the filename is changed in any way, or the file is put inside any folder, PilotAware will not be able to find it and the update search WILL fail.

The install part of the process is then started manually, but ONLY once this first part of the exercise has been completed by whichever method you have chosen.

With the 'automatic search over the internet' method, as long as you have properly connected the PilotAware to the router by the correct type of Ethernet Cable removed the PAW WiFi dongle and then powered up the Pilotaware and left it powered up for at least half an hour, there should be no way that the PilotAware can't find the file - unless your router is in some way blocking access to the PilotAware lode website. In my own case this type of update will work with or without the PAW WiFi connected  - but that is the exception NOT the norm, which is why we always recommend removing the dongles while carrying out this type of update search to prevent a conflict between the PAW WiFi and the Ethernet connection to your router blocking access to PilotAware lode.

As I have said before, the most reliable, quickest and frankly easiest method is to download the update file manually from then transfer this file to a standard USB Memory Stick, which needs to be FAT32 format - (most come already formatted FAT32) and if possible, preferably have no other data on it. Once this has been done it's simply a case of presenting the stick into the PilotAware and telling the Pilotaware to 'Check (the stick) for Updates'. So let's try this method one more time - in stages, so we can check what is happening.

1. Can you access the PilotAware Lode website on  from your laptop or home PC ? If not there is an issue with your PC or router.

2. If you can access the PilotAware Lode website, click on 'Update File'  at the bottom of the screen - this will automatically download a copy of the update file to your computer - usually to your 'Downloads' Folder.

3. You need to locate this file, which will be named 'PilotAware.pgp' - or if your computer is set to 'Hide File Extensions for Known File Types', you will simply see the name 'PilotAware' In either case, DO NOT CHANGE THIS NAME - simply copy the file preferably onto a clean (empty) FAT32 Formatted Memory Stick.

Let me know when you have managed this OK, then we can move on to check the next stage. This should narrow down where things are going wrong.



Edit: typing 'errors' corrected for the sake of consistency  ;)
« Last Edit: February 12, 2018, 04:56:57 pm by exfirepro »


Re: Incorrect Date on PAW
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2018, 08:50:32 am »

Just another thought in the cold light of a new morning. Can you please power up your PAW, leave it until you get a good GPS fix on the Home Screen, then take a screen grab of the Home Screen and post it on here so I can see exactly what it is now showing.



p.s. there is one other possibility, which is that for some reason the software in your PAW may have become corrupted. If we can’t get it to work by USB or Ethernet update, the only other option is to remove and reformat the microSD card using ‘SD Formatter’ as per the instructions in the latest user instructions downloadable from here....

....see page 39 on.

This should only need to be done once. Let me know what you think. If all else fails you can send me your card and I’ll do it for you.

« Last Edit: February 12, 2018, 09:52:32 am by exfirepro »


Re: Incorrect Date on PAW
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2018, 12:39:08 pm »
I seem to be having the same difficulties.
I've followed the update instructions via USB stick but when I press Check for Updates I get a very brief 2 line message (too quick to read) which seems to contain the word error and then nothing more.
I notice that the downloaded file is called PilotAware.pgp (not pilotaware.pgp as above) and I've tried renaming and using both.
I have reformatted the USB stick to FAT32 (251 Mbytes so big enough) and started all over again. 
I have updated my PAW software by this method in the past but t without any problems.
Just one question: how does PAW know that I'm a bona fide user? I've not been asked for any login details...?.


Re: Incorrect Date on PAW
« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2018, 12:50:16 pm »
Hi straightline,

You are correct it shows as PilotAware.pgp, but I'm pretty sure it isn't case sensitive*. The main thing is to make sure you don't still have an earlier version on your stick as when you copy the new one on, your PC/laptop will automatically rename it e.g. PilotAware(1).pgp or similar and make sure it's not 'hidden' inside a folder. * UPDATE: at 13:05 I have just deliberately renamed the .pgp using all lower case, reset one of my PAW Classics to an older software version and then successfully updated it again using the 'all lower case' filename, so the filename is definitely NOT case-sensitive - or at least not to a lower or upper case P and A.  :D

I have also had experience of users not seeing the '.pgp' file extension because their PC/laptop software is set to 'Hide file extensions for known file types', so they have added it to the filename - making it PilotAware.pgp[.pgp] - bit in brackets not visible - which again means PilotAware can't find the 'right' file which it's trying to look for.

If you have checked all these options, I'm beginning to wonder if there is something else going on here   :-\


« Last Edit: February 12, 2018, 01:08:11 pm by exfirepro »


Re: Incorrect Date on PAW
« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2018, 02:21:50 pm »
Hi Marcus,

Coming back to your original issue.
You sent me two screenshots with the IP addresses for the LAN and WLAN

I think there is possibly an IP subnet Conflict, please try the following

1. Go to the network page and select 'Dynamic IP', at the moment I am sure it is set to 'Static IP' - and Save
2. Reboot PilotAware

Check the line on the homepage for "ETH0-IP/GW", what does this now say ?

Finally if your home router uses the subnet, then you MUST remove the WiFi dongle before rebooting, otherwise there is a subnet conflict between the LAN and the WLAN



Re: Incorrect Date on PAW
« Reply #11 on: February 12, 2018, 02:26:59 pm »
Hi Peter,

... * UPDATE: at 13:05 I have just deliberately renamed the .pgp using all lower case, reset one of my PAW Classics to an older software version and then successfully updated it again using the 'all lower case' filename, so the filename is definitely NOT case-sensitive - or at least not to a lower or upper case P and A.  :D.

I am surprised by this, because in the code I am specifically looking for PilotAware.pgp, and VFAT file systems are only case-insensitive for filenames shorter than 8 characters  :o

So, for design purposes, I would stick with the mixed case spelling of
As downloaded from the website.



Re: Incorrect Date on PAW
« Reply #12 on: February 12, 2018, 02:40:20 pm »
Success! For me anyway.
I decided to try a different USB stick which I reformatted and then copied the downloaded file to. This I put in my GPS USB port on the PAW unit (as before). When I now pressed Check for Updates, instead of the previous ultra brief 2 line message it flashed an 8? line message before displaying Install.
I clicked Install and now on my Home page I see the latest version 20180129.
The only thing that was different was the USB drive! 


Re: Incorrect Date on PAW
« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2018, 02:43:18 pm »
And for what it's worth, the file on my (second USB drive) is PilotAware.pgp. So that name format works!


Re: Incorrect Date on PAW
« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2018, 04:49:05 pm »
Hi Peter,

... * UPDATE: at 13:05 I have just deliberately renamed the .pgp using all lower case, reset one of my PAW Classics to an older software version and then successfully updated it again using the 'all lower case' filename, so the filename is definitely NOT case-sensitive - or at least not to a lower or upper case P and A.  :D.

I am surprised by this, because in the code I am specifically looking for PilotAware.pgp, and VFAT file systems are only case-insensitive for filenames shorter than 8 characters  :o

So, for design purposes, I would stick with the mixed case spelling of
As downloaded from the website.



Point Taken, but for the purpose of accuracy, completeness and my sanity  :-\, I have just forceably * renamed two different '.pgp' files to lower case and loaded them onto two completely different memory sticks. (* I discovered my Laptop otherwise automatically corrects the 'P' and 'A' in 'pilotaware' to Title Case (PilotAware).

After resetting the Classic (Yet Again) to 20170721, and using the lower case named .pgp files, in both cases 'Check for Updates' found the lower case named file and made it available for (successful) installation as 'PilotAware xxxxx', firstly from 20170721 to the latest 'Engineering' version then on a second run using the other USB stick, from the latest 'Engineering' version to the Public Release 20180129.

The Check for Updates script said (appropriate lines combined to save typing it all out twice - note PilotAware in 'Title Case' - My Bold)

Checking for Updates
/tmp /root/servers
PilotAware.2018xxxx.xz (Engineering version) / PilotAware.20180129.xz (Public Release version)
(16:52:38)  FILESYS    : Mount  RW
(16:52:38)  FILESYS    : Mount  RO
Files Already unpacked
(16:52:38)  FILESYS    :  Mount  RW
(16:52:39)  FILESYS    :  Mount  RO
PilotAware  Version  2018xxxx / (PilotAware  Version  20180129) Available for Installation

After successfully running both installs, I then re-checked the memory sticks and both .pgp files are still named in lowercase.

Sorry if this defies the VFAT file system rules, but it's certainly what happens, though For the avoidance of doubt I CERTAINLY DON'T EVER ADVISE ANYONE ELSE TO CHANGE THE FILENAME OF THE .pgp FILES IN ANY WAY. I will however try to be more careful with my typing in future - especially where case sensitivity can be critical.  :-[

Sanity Re-confirmed :D ;D  ;)



« Last Edit: February 12, 2018, 05:01:14 pm by exfirepro »