Author Topic: Lenovo Tab3 7 connection problem  (Read 20651 times)


Lenovo Tab3 7 connection problem
« on: November 23, 2017, 05:11:49 pm »
New to PAW and having trouble with connection to Lenovo Tab3 7 and Sky Demon.

PAW works perfectly with my iPad and a friend’s Nexus tablet but on the Lenovo I get the message “Waiting for Device” every few seconds.

PAW is mounted just under the dash of my SkyRanger and I have used all the connections as recommended by PAW. i.e. Anker USB plug, original power lead and external GPS dongle from PAW shop.

I have also connected PAW to my Trig transponder using the correct lead and I have my position shown on the transponder.

Can anyone suggest a solution?

Searching through the forum I have found suggestions re altering the WiFi power output, the Wifi Mode, (B/G), and also selecting a Static address.

Before changing any of these could anyone point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2017, 05:31:15 pm by Admin »


Re: Lenovo Tab3 7 connection problem
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2017, 08:39:27 pm »
Hi Can I just confirm the following
when you say it works perfectly with ipad and nexus, can I confirm this is in the same installation ?
ie, can you run the ipad side by side with the nexus, and see the ipad running fine, nexus having an issue

Also can you confirm that the nexus is able to get a good WiFi connection to PilotAware - try simply running the RADAR screen from the web interface.

Finally how are you connecting, are you using
- FLARM, or
- PilotAware



Re: Lenovo Tab3 7 connection problem
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2017, 10:22:07 pm »

The problem is with a Lenovo tablet - not the Nexus. Just did a search and found several others including Vic had similar problems with Lenovo Tabs when the 20170719 software was first introduced.


Can you confirm what PilotAware software version you are running and what Kernel your Raspberry Pi is running please (you can find this on the ‘PLATFORM’ line on the PilotAware Home Screen - by logging in to




Re: Lenovo Tab3 7 connection problem
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2017, 03:19:31 pm »
Thanks for the quick response.

iPad and Lenovo (Android V 6.0) are running off the same system and both getting good WiFi connection to PAW.

I’m on the latest software for PAW and connecting through SD using ‘PilotAware’ and ‘Live Data when Planning’.

I flew this morning and had the Lenovo and iPad connected. The iPad ran perfectly but the Lenovo kept showing ‘Waiting for Device’ every few seconds. I could not get a screen shot of this message in that it only appears on the screen for a second or two.

After I had landed I got another message on the Lenovo only. I’ve attached a screen shot of this and named it as ‘disposed’.

The rest of the screen shots were taken before take off and hopefully will provide all the information necessary.

Thanks for your help.

Three more attachments follow this post.


Re: Lenovo Tab3 7 connection problem
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2017, 03:26:41 pm »
More screen shots.


Re: Lenovo Tab3 7 connection problem
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2017, 05:20:12 pm »
Hi Colenso,

Thanks for the info and screenshots. Your PilotAware settings all look fine from the screenshots and you are certainly ‘seeing’ traffic Ok - at least on the iPad. You said earlier that PilotAware was also running fine with your friend’s Nexus tablet. Did that include showing traffic? If so, it looks very much like the issue may be peculiar to your Lenovo. Did you manage to see any traffic at all on it, or did the ‘waiting for device’ warnings prevent this?

I see that as per your OP, you have your PAW configured for ADSB-Out, but that shouldn’t be relevant.

I’m not sure of the exact meaning of the Android warning, though it does seem to indicate an issue with UDP connectivity - Lee will hopefully be able to help with that when he comes on. Have you tried running SD on the Lenovo via FLARM (TCP) Connectivity? You can run both devices at the same time each using different connectivity. Worth a try if you haven’t.

Hopefully Lee will come on soon and confirm.


« Last Edit: November 24, 2017, 05:27:21 pm by exfirepro »


Re: Lenovo Tab3 7 connection problem
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2017, 11:08:49 pm »
Hi again Colenso,

Just re-reading the earleir posts and noticed one slight issue with your configuration, though it won't affect connectivity. As you are running a transponder, you MUST run Mode C/S Select in Mode C S + Filter (Beta) as the filter is needed to take out what are effectively Mode C responses to Altitude interrogations from your own Transponder.




Re: Lenovo Tab3 7 connection problem
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2017, 10:19:20 am »
Thanks for your help. I will change the settings re the Transponder and check if using Flarm gets rid of the Waiting for device message.

Traffic is shown on all devices and I was seeing traffic on both the iPad and Lenovo whilst flying yesterday. When the Waiting for device message appears I lose both 'my aircraft' and traffic on the Lenovo but they quickly reappear when connection is restored. The iPad works flawlessly which does seem to suggest that the problem is with the Lenovo.

Thanks once again.


Re: Lenovo Tab3 7 connection problem
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2017, 01:11:52 pm »
I could only work in the hangar this morning but after changing to Flarm as a connection on SD, PAW on the Lenovo ran without once showing the 'Waiting for Device' message. I had it switched on for about 30 minutes. Hopefully this has now solved the problem. but will give it a full test when I next fly.

I also changed the configuration to Mode C S + Filter (Beta) as you advised.

Thank you very much for your help.


Re: Lenovo Tab3 7 connection problem
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2017, 01:54:44 pm »
You are very welcome.

Looks like the Lenovo doesn’t like the ‘UDP’ connectivity, but is happy using the FLARM ‘TCP’ option. That’s what we all used until relatively recently, so should be fine. Let us know how it goes in the air. This will hopefully also be helpful to other Lenovo Tab Users reading this thread.

Best Regards



Re: Lenovo Tab3 7 connection problem
« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2017, 02:03:47 pm »
Glad to hear this is solved, but I cannot believe that this tablet does not support UDP
UDP is used by all streaming services for audio and video, so these would not work.

I suspect the issue could be with SkyDemon
A good test would be to use an application which runs a
'UDP Server'
and configure it to listen on port 2000

If it receives data from PilotAware, then we know connectivity is established.



Re: SOLVED: Lenovo Tab3 7 connection problem
« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2017, 02:55:09 pm »
On the assumption that PAW is just doing a UDP broadcast, then if there is a software firewall on the tablet unless SD registers to open the UDP port it will be blocked.  With UDP broadcast you just open a port and await traffic to arrive, with TCP you connect to the remote end and any FW will see that and permit data to flow to/from the remote end.

Just a thought, all my Android tablet devices currently stacked in a safe place, and I can't remember where that is at the moment to check...
Designer and maker of, smart universal USB chargers designed for aviation.  USB Type-A and USB-C power without the RF interference. Approved for EASA installs under CS-STAN too.


Re: SOLVED: Lenovo Tab3 7 connection problem
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2017, 07:34:50 pm »
On the assumption that PAW is just doing a UDP broadcast, then if there is a software firewall on the tablet unless SD registers to open the UDP port it will be blocked.  With UDP broadcast you just open a port and await traffic to arrive, with TCP you connect to the remote end and any FW will see that and permit data to flow to/from the remote end.

Just a thought, all my Android tablet devices currently stacked in a safe place, and I can't remember where that is at the moment to check...

Its close, but we are using unicast rather than broadcast.
So we monitor the connected devices and explicitly send UDP Packets to those connected.
So SD is effectively running a listening service, but as you say, if the port is blocked - that would be an issue



Re: SOLVED: Lenovo Tab3 7 connection problem
« Reply #13 on: November 30, 2017, 08:42:46 pm »
On the assumption that PAW is just doing a UDP broadcast, then if there is a software firewall on the tablet unless SD registers to open the UDP port it will be blocked.  With UDP broadcast you just open a port and await traffic to arrive, with TCP you connect to the remote end and any FW will see that and permit data to flow to/from the remote end.

Just a thought, all my Android tablet devices currently stacked in a safe place, and I can't remember where that is at the moment to check...

Its close, but we are using unicast rather than broadcast.
So we monitor the connected devices and explicitly send UDP Packets to those connected.
So SD is effectively running a listening service, but as you say, if the port is blocked - that would be an issue


By connected do you mean a device that has an IP address or does it need to prompt for the unicast stream to begin?  If the latter, then it *should* just work as the app opens it's listener port, but with Android who knows.  It's possible a branded distribution from the likes of Lenovo may have additional software/apps/features enabled that need TLC.

Still not found where I have put my android devices, by office/lab is tiny so they must be VERY safe...
Designer and maker of, smart universal USB chargers designed for aviation.  USB Type-A and USB-C power without the RF interference. Approved for EASA installs under CS-STAN too.


Re: SOLVED: Lenovo Tab3 7 connection problem
« Reply #14 on: December 02, 2017, 04:55:47 pm »
I still haven't had the chance to fly with the settings I've made but will report when I do.

I don't understand much of the recent posts but hopefully that makes no difference as long as it works!

Thanks once again for all the help.