Author Topic: Installing 20190621 - SDFormat and Software upgrade  (Read 83568 times)


Re: Installing 20190621 - SDFormat and Software upgrade
« Reply #75 on: July 28, 2019, 02:06:55 pm »
I've been trying with limited success to upgrade my PAW to the latest software version.


Install SD card back in Mac and check its contents,  and then I notice that the os and overlays folders are both empty,  but in the ZIP file they have files in them.   Strange,

Manually copy the contents of the os folder back over to the SD card,  check the SD card has the files in it, it does.  Unmount the SD card,  remount it,  check the os folder and its empty.

Tried several times, deleting and recreating the folders, and each time same thing happens,  the os and overlays folders are OK on the SD card,  but all the subfolders disappear when I remove the SD card from the card reader (dismounting it properly to ensure all data written to the card).

Found another 16Gb micro SD card,  copied the files and directories to it,  this time when I unmount and remount the card the os folder retains the Raspbian sub-folder and the overlays folder retains all its subfiles,  but the Raspbian sub-folder of os empties itself each time.  Since this has the root.tar.gz in it, again sounds fatal.

So either these are both corrupt SD cards (unlikely?),  or SD card and sub folders just don't play well on a Mac.   I suspect these folders being empty is pretty much going to kill it booting up.
Following up on all my issues with installing the new PAW software on a new 16Gb Micro SD card.   Turns out that both the 16Gb SD cards I had were faulty !

After formatting them on a windows PC instead of a Mac I experienced the same issue that files would disappear from the subfolders after copying.   After repeated runs of Windows drive check I managed to eventually clear all the drive corruptions and had a 'stable' drive that files didn't disappear from,  so maybe I'll use it for music songs but certainly not going to run something as important as PAW on it.

Brian Montilla kindly lent me a spare new card and I was able to install the new software OK,  which gave me the safety net to then reformat and overwrite my original PAW 8Gb drive.  It took a while for the initial boot up but I could see the green and red lights flashing so I kept on waiting.   All booted and configured OK.

Looking forward to some good weather to try it out.  There was no other GA around when I went flying on Friday,  just jets into Luton. 
It certainly boots up much faster than the previous software version.  Thanks Lee.

So moral of the story is not to buy ultra cheap micro SD cards off eBay. 



Re: Installing 20190621 - SDFormat and Software upgrade
« Reply #76 on: July 29, 2019, 12:49:32 pm »
I usually find buying brands (not necessarily brands you've heard of though!) from China via either AliExpress, Banggood or Gearbest provide the best cost vs. security cards.



Re: Installing 20190621 - SDFormat and Software upgrade
« Reply #77 on: August 21, 2019, 06:51:08 pm »
I’m struggling to get the 20190621 update to load onto our Rosetta. This is using brand new recommended SD cards and the recommended formatter program. Download seems ok....likewise upload to SD card seems ok but the software doesn’t ‘unpack’ onto the Rosetta (even after 30 minutes). Reinserting the old OE SD card restores the Rosetta to a functioning unit (after about 10 mins) . Looking at the properties of the new card is shows as FAT32 and (compared with the OE card) all the files look as though they’re present. Any ideas?


After copy files to SD - Cant see Rosetta on WIFI- Help
« Reply #78 on: November 01, 2019, 10:09:39 pm »
Please help me...
Windows 10.
1.   Download SD Card Formatter 5.0.1 Setup
2.   Put the SD card into PC and format :
3.   Download Pilotaware, unzip on pc, and copy all files into SD card :
4.   Insert SD card into Rosetta and power up
5.   Steady Red light on, and green is flashing.
6.   I can se rosetta on WIFI, but I forget to copy my settings/licence etc. But I copy all on SD card before format. What files can I copy over
« Last Edit: November 01, 2019, 10:20:07 pm by LN-YPT »


Re: Installing 20190621 - SDFormat and Software upgrade
« Reply #79 on: November 02, 2019, 10:17:42 am »

The first issue I see is that you used ‘Quick Format’. You will have got away with this if it was a new card, but if reformatting a previously used card you must use ‘Full Overwrite’ with ‘CHS format size adjustment’ selected ‘On’.

Sorry, can’t help with copying over config files from your old backup, but you can easily recover your licence key from the PilotAware.lode website - Retrieve Existing Key. You will need the MAC address (ID) of your unit to do so. In view of the changes in 20190621, you would be advised to re-setup the rest of your configuration after reading the new Operating Instructions - available on .

Future updates by the way will save and reinstall existing configuration files automatically if done via Ethernet update.

Hope this helps




Re: Installing 20190621 - SDFormat and Software upgrade
« Reply #80 on: November 02, 2019, 04:54:00 pm »
There's a thread about copying the configuration here:,1629.msg18834.html


Re: Installing 20190621 - SDFormat and Software upgrade
« Reply #81 on: November 09, 2019, 09:18:59 pm »
I have looked through and can not find the answer to my problem.
Before the update my Trig Transponder had ADSB out now I get the error message on the Transponder "No ABSB position" or something like that.
I have configered all the USB ports to Trig but still not working.
I wish I had recorded all the configerations page before I updated as it all worked before.
Can anyone give me the port settings to get my ADSB out back please?


Re: Installing 20190621 - SDFormat and Software upgrade
« Reply #82 on: November 09, 2019, 09:48:37 pm »
I have looked through and can not find the answer to my problem.
Before the update my Trig Transponder had ADSB out now I get the error message on the Transponder "No ABSB position" or something like that.
I have configered all the USB ports to Trig but still not working.
I wish I had recorded all the configerations page before I updated as it all worked before.
Can anyone give me the port settings to get my ADSB out back please?

You should only reconfigure the USB port that your USB to RS232 converter lead is plugged into. They are numbered ...

Ethernet     Port 1   Port 3
Port.          Port 2    Port 4

The appropriate USB/RS232 port should be configured to ‘Transponder Trig’ and the Baud Rate to 9600

All the others should be set to ‘Auto’ and 4800




Re: Installing 20190621 - SDFormat and Software upgrade
« Reply #83 on: November 09, 2019, 09:51:58 pm »
Thanks I will try that tomorrow.


Re: Installing 20190621 - SDFormat and Software upgrade
« Reply #84 on: November 30, 2019, 07:19:11 pm »
Hi All, just got around to installing the update...the install and config went fine but the wifi will not remain connected for more than 5 minuets, just looses it and will not re-connect without re-booting the pi. I am using a classic and galaxy tab 3, not had any issues with the old set up, have put the original card back in and all is fine. Any ideas please.



Aircreation Tanarg G-CHFT


Re: Installing 20190621 - SDFormat and Software upgrade
« Reply #85 on: November 30, 2019, 07:52:30 pm »
Go to the configure page, change udp select from
Auto, to

Please post back if this fixes the issue



Re: Installing 20190621 - SDFormat and Software upgrade
« Reply #86 on: December 01, 2019, 09:43:27 am »
Thanks Lee, ill give that a go.


Aircreation Tanarg G-CHFT


Re: Installing 20190621 - SDFormat and Software upgrade
« Reply #87 on: December 01, 2019, 06:44:40 pm »
Hi again Lee

tried this today it the wifi stayed active for 1hour 15mins, thought it was sorted, the PAW wifi disappears completely from the network list only way to get it back is to power cycle the pi.



Aircreation Tanarg G-CHFT


Re: Installing 20190621 - SDFormat and Software upgrade
« Reply #88 on: December 01, 2019, 10:06:37 pm »
Is this Rosetta or classic?
Low power can cause the wifi to brown out


Re: Installing 20190621 - SDFormat and Software upgrade
« Reply #89 on: December 02, 2019, 08:04:08 am »
Classic, not had a power issue with the previous software issue or indeed since the inception of these devices, I was one of the original beta testers..

Aircreation Tanarg G-CHFT