Author Topic: S/demon & PAW  (Read 3717 times)


S/demon & PAW
« on: July 13, 2017, 09:35:33 am »
Hi - I keep getting a message on my screen when flying & connected to Flarm that it cannot connect to s/demon and is running offline. Nothing else seems to have changed but it's annoying because the
 message displays about every 5 min. And needs constant cancelling.This message only appears when using PAW.
Any suggestions?


Re: S/demon & PAW
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2017, 09:44:29 am »
Have you got live data when planning and flying selected.
If so do you have 3G access.
Its possible that it's looking for a 3 G network can't find one and going offline


Re: S/demon & PAW
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2017, 11:25:52 am »
If you have updated to latest software version of PilotAware there is an issue....refer to this thread,949.0.html

If you don't want to update just yet to the patched fix you can goto to your wifi settings on the ipad and click on the (i) next to the PilotAware connection and copy the details from the DHCP address over to the static tab but omit the DNS details......
If you are using the latest Skydemon ( via the PilotAware connection instead of Flarm this won't work and you will have to use the patch from Lee


Re: S/demon & PAW
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2017, 11:32:35 am »
If you have updated to latest software version of PilotAware there is an issue....refer to this thread,949.0.html

If you don't want to update just yet to the patched fix you can goto to your wifi settings on the ipad and click on the (i) next to the PilotAware connection and copy the details from the DHCP address over to the static tab but omit the DNS details......
If you are using the latest Skydemon ( via the PilotAware connection instead of Flarm this won't work and you will have to use the patch from Lee

Yes just to follow up on this.
If you have updated to latest software version of PilotAware there is an issue....refer to this thread
It is not the latest issue, this has been a problem since we had to switch to using RPi2b (ver 1.2), which was around Dec/2016
using a newer kernel

I had not realised the Skydemon addition of "Connect PilotAware" was on general release, I have been using a beta



Re: S/demon & PAW
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2017, 11:53:37 am »

According to Tim, the new version of SD was released on Tuesday.




Re: S/demon & PAW
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2017, 12:03:39 pm »
The radar screen on Skydemon on mode c,s alerting has also been fixed. In the previous version on bearingless targets when the detection rings went red or yellow the radar screen would go blank and collapse.


Re: S/demon & PAW
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2017, 12:57:05 pm »
Is it possible to combine these various threads so we who don't have a clue what a kernel is (beside being a bit of corn) can have it in simple language. At the moment there seems to be confusion over which update we're meant to have, whatever piece of corn is supposed to be on our machines and double-secret patches going all over the place which seem to work, to do whatever they're meant to do, which very few of us know or understand.

I THINK, we want PAW to talk correctly to the various nav software (especially, it would seem, Sky Demon) and to be able to use our Internet connection at the same time to get weather, NOTAMs etc on the likes of Sky Demon. I think there are fixes, updates and kernels to allow all that to happen but I've certainly lost the entire thread of the conversation (what with there being multiple threads) and wouldn't know what I'm meant to do.

My PAW is still in it's box  :( but I'm trying to keep abreast of things for when I eventually get to use it (with Sky Demon).

Thank you  ;)


Re: S/demon & PAW
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2017, 02:31:18 pm »
I think the short answer here is as follows

In the release of PilotAware 201612xx to 20170619, SkyDemon will attempt to connect to the internet if the selection is made in Connectivity Options to :-
Live Data .....

In which case the current recommendation is to alternatively select
Offline Mode

There is a correct solution to the above (not yet released) which I will provide on request, but with the proviso that this is not yet fully tested, and hence would recommend having a back up plan (2nd MicroSD card), should you need to revert to the earlier release.

Bear in mind, Live Data is only available if you have a 3G/4G iPad OR pair your iPad to another device over Bluetooth, without these options, selecting offline makes no difference whatsoever

« Last Edit: July 13, 2017, 02:36:04 pm by Admin »