Author Topic: How to disable ADSB out on PAW ?.  (Read 2186 times)


How to disable ADSB out on PAW ?.
« on: May 22, 2017, 09:42:14 am »
Hi All,

I’ve just installed a PAW classic in my RV-6 and could do with a little advice please.

The aircraft already has a Garmin 196 and Trig TT21 ADSB out setup that I’ve been through the full NATS / LAA approval process for. Ideally I’d like to leave this in place “as is” and add the PAW for ADSB in / traffic awareness on my Ipad / SD setup.

My problem is that the SD is picking up the Trig ADSB out and giving me constant alerts.

I’ve already configured PAW to ignore my own aircraft as per the instructions – but can anyone suggest a workaround for the above ?




Re: How to disable ADSB out on PAW ?.
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2017, 12:16:15 pm »
Hi Richard,

Should you please post a screenshot of the configure page, and traffic page.
This should be enough to diagnose

Just to confrim, what is the warning that SD is giving, again a screenshot could help



Re: How to disable ADSB out on PAW ?.
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2017, 08:59:09 am »
Hi Richard,

I have run ADSB Out in my flexwing from a Trig TT21 driven (in my case) by a 'Byonics' GPS source since my 'pre PAW' days, with no conflict since installing PAW back in 2015, so it definitely sounds like a problem in settings either in your PAW or your TRIG.

It is important that we know what type of alerts you are experiencing - i.e. the 'Known Position' ADSB/P3i type or the 'Bearingless' Mode C or Mode S type (which is what I would suspect here). The screenshots Lee has requested will allow us to check which.

Particular points you might like to re-check are:-
  • That both units definitely have the same (correct) ICAO Hex Address
  • That if you have Mode C/S alerts selected, you are running the Mode CS + Filter (Beta) option, as this is needed to filter out the 'Altitude' transmission from the Mode 'S' part of your transponder

Hope this helps




Re: How to disable ADSB out on PAW ?.
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2017, 10:10:08 am »
Thanks for the replies chaps. I'll get some photos & investigate further when I'm next able to get near my aeroplane (Work is a long way from home ... but that's a long story)

