Sounds Fantastic.
My EFIS is Advanced Flight systems - Advanced Deck 5600. It is supposed to have an interface box for ADSB-In (since it's a US product this would be for weather, traffic, Pilot info), but as far as I can tell, it's connected to the Display Units through a normal RS-232 serial interface. Probably 9600. I can check it later.
For Europe, I would only receive traffic information, and if your system provides also Mode C/S + and even FLARM (if a Flarm mouse is connected) then it's only added value.
Quick questions:
Can I install antennas on the outside of the aircraft ? Should the receiver be on upper or lower fuselage ? What is best ?
For non-ADSB aircraft - I suppose you can only provide basic information such as there is received a signal? It would not be direction/altitude etc right ?
Copenhagen, Denmark