Author Topic: PAW Date & Time - some advice please  (Read 3253 times)


PAW Date & Time - some advice please
« on: September 19, 2016, 03:17:28 pm »
I was looking at the PAW config to check the detection ranges etc the other day and I noticed that the time was slow by about 20-25 mins.  At the time there was no GPS signal as the aircraft was in the hanger.

Could someone who knows advise
1) Does the date time get re-set once were is a GPS signal (for logging etc)?
2) If the date time is not reset by GPS where is it set on the config pages as I couldn't find it?
3) If the PAW should keep time does the loss of synch with real time indicate a problem with our unit?

PAW is working well with new mode S transponder and ADS-B out being driven by GNS430 i.e filtering of own transmissions working. Interesting to see our test flight tracks on FlighRadar24.

Looking forward to enlightenment.


Re: PAW Date & Time - some advice please
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2016, 04:02:15 pm »
I was looking at the PAW config to check the detection ranges etc the other day and I noticed that the time was slow by about 20-25 mins.  At the time there was no GPS signal as the aircraft was in the hanger.

Could someone who knows advise
1) Does the date time get re-set once were is a GPS signal (for logging etc)?
2) If the date time is not reset by GPS where is it set on the config pages as I couldn't find it?
3) If the PAW should keep time does the loss of synch with real time indicate a problem with our unit?

PAW is working well with new mode S transponder and ADS-B out being driven by GNS430 i.e filtering of own transmissions working. Interesting to see our test flight tracks on FlighRadar24.

Looking forward to enlightenment.

Hi Graham,
PilotAware does not have a real time clock (RTC), it uses the date/time from the GPS, so your observations are spot on.
At initial bootup the date and time will be that which it last shut down, once it has a GPS signal it will update its date/time.



Re: PAW Date & Time - some advice please
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2016, 04:54:42 pm »
Thanks Lee,

Obviously it would seem that I did not check the DATE but by coincidence the times must have about matched. Will stop panicking now.

Also we noticed the misalignment of heights with the Mode C & S warnings. We also have a PCAS which was in line with the altimeter and observations but out with the displayed data on the screen (as one would expect given the foregoing info). Looking forward to the fix.


Re: PAW Date & Time - some advice please
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2016, 05:47:08 pm »
Hi Graham
Also we noticed the misalignment of heights with the Mode C & S warnings. We also have a PCAS which was in line with the altimeter and observations but out with the displayed data on the screen (as one would expect given the foregoing info). Looking forward to the fix.

Not sure I understand this, could you elaborate on this point.
Or are you referring to the SkyDemon fix, which I understand is already released.

Sorry If I am sounding a bit stupid here, can you tell me exactly what you are comparing, and how the data differed.

just re-read your post, you mention a screen, presumably you are referring to the GNS430 ?
how are you getting traffic data from PilotAware into the GNS430 ?
