Author Topic: UPDATE INSTALLED  (Read 1450 times)


« on: January 03, 2022, 03:38:55 pm »
I’ve updated my Rosetta using the Pilotaware app and since the update my Strip and OGN station are at my house and I used to be able to pick up my aircraft on my own ground station and and check its working when in the garden but since having installed the update the ground station no longer picks up my Aircraft, i’ve checked the hex code and it is correct and when is connected to SkyDemon and the groundstation is showing on the map and other aircraft going overhead, also with two iPads connected to the Rosetter next to each other when logging into the settings one iPad will not go to the homepage but connects to the radar and other pages okay, the other iPad will go to the homepage and all of the pages except the radar page where it says network error, any ideas what may be the problem thanks.


« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2022, 03:48:32 pm »
It would be worth clearing the browser caches on both iPads. Then try again.

In the config sections, can you see a field for Aircraft Transmit Speed? If so, can you set it to 0 knots? My memory is hazy here, as I don't have access to my Rosetta.


« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2022, 04:11:12 pm »
Many thanks both your solutions have solved both problems on both iPads and the aircraft is now showing again on the ground station.


« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2022, 06:41:57 pm »
Hi Snoopy,

Some important points raised here.

1. Connecting to now directs your browser straight to the PilotAware RADAR Screen, rather than the Home Screen. This is a significant change from what has always happened in the past as the default and I’m not sure yet whether I like it. It certainly changes the way I have always trained users to check their PAW after startup (and before flying) and will have to be clearly documented!

2. As Steve has pointed out, there is now a transmit threshold setting (designed to reduce intrusion alerts from aircraft static on the ground). This should be set so as to only start transmitting at or near takeoff speed - though you can set it to 0Kts for Ground testing.

We should really ensure that these changes are fully documented and brought to the attention of users before they update their systems.

I will check the documentation.

Best Regards