Author Topic: Just fishing for ideas....ADSB out not being read by PAW  (Read 11393 times)


Re: Just fishing for ideas....ADSB out not being read by PAW
« Reply #15 on: August 14, 2019, 09:15:21 am »

Yes, I understand now what you meant. No need to apologise for your English. I speak a bit of Italian, but I probably couldn’t manage a technical exchange on an Italian Forum so you have my respect.

From a screenshot of Clive’s Configuration Screen (which I have been shown privately), he seems to have had his Mode CS filter set to +/- 500ft - which would have filtered out his own Mode S above that height when his PAW unit was on the ground, and below that height close to the airfield it might not have been getting interrogated by RADAR, so wouldn’t be transmitting Mode S, but that shouldn’t have prevented his Mode S-ES (ADSB) from transmitting unless his transponder has some sort of Ground or Speed Limit Switch.

Hopefully the setup I have asked him to try and screenshots I have asked for will clarify the situation.

Best Regards




Re: Just fishing for ideas....ADSB out not being read by PAW
« Reply #16 on: August 14, 2019, 09:34:48 am »

After responding to Mariko’s post above, I just had another look at the Config screenshot you sent to Lee and notice that you had ‘Mode CS Select’ set to ‘Mode C S’. That is the correct setting for the ground tests I have asked you to do, or for operation in an aircraft which doesn’t have a transponder, but when PAW is being used in an aircraft which does have a transponder you must set Mode CS Select to ‘Mode CS + Filter’ to prevent false alerts from your own Mode C (altitude) responses.

That wouldn’t have stopped your PAW seeing the two aircraft’s ADSB from the ground though and please use the ‘Mode CS’ setting without filter for the ground tests I have asked you to get screenshots from.




Re: Just fishing for ideas....ADSB out not being read by PAW
« Reply #17 on: August 14, 2019, 05:59:21 pm »
Clive and I have had a number of email exchanges on this subject.
It may well be an issue with the transponder which is a Funke running firmware revision 4.8 - I think the latest is 5.3
Funke made the following comment on this FW release previously

"it (ADS-B) does generally work but it could be in individual cases that it doesn't work 100 percent, So we suggest the Update."


Re: Just fishing for ideas....ADSB out not being read by PAW
« Reply #18 on: August 15, 2019, 07:45:01 am »
So, if adsb does noto work properly, the txp will ne read as a not postional modeS and tracked by mlat, i suppose.
And ,maybe, clive adsb out is not being read by PAW because there is not adsb out, or it is incomplete or wrong format.


Re: Just fishing for ideas....ADSB out not being read by PAW
« Reply #19 on: August 15, 2019, 11:33:34 am »
Hi Mariko,

That sounds like exactly what is happening. Very frustrating though (not least for Clive) - particularly if it works properly but only part of the time  :(




Re: Just fishing for ideas....ADSB out not being read by PAW
« Reply #20 on: August 16, 2019, 12:57:23 am »
Thanks for all the feedback and suggestions.
Just to clarify my aircraft always appears on FR24 with the source as ADSB out.

I scrubbed the SD card and reloaded the latest revision of PAW. The configuration was then set to the default.
Still no sign of my aircraft when it was adjacent to the PAW set up in my van.
Plenty of local traffic showing up some with ADSB.
BTW the TXP's are always responding to something where we are so that's not part of the issue when doing the test.

For now I've refitted the PAW to my plane and will see what comes up on the traffic list when I next fly just out of curiosity (without setting up it's own numbers). After I will set the right numbers and the CS to filter.

This morning it was picking up another aircraft in the hangar ok, that was another Funke, new one though with FW up in the 6's I think.

Funke have said the latest software won't be available now till the end of August. When it is I'll send the TXP for the update and they will checkout it's performance.

Thanks again for everyone's help. If I ever have an update I'll come back and post it.
Regards, Clive


Re: Just fishing for ideas....ADSB out not being read by PAW
« Reply #21 on: August 21, 2019, 12:56:45 pm »
Flew over the weekend and the PAW was seeing plenty of local traffic and other PAW.
Shortly after that the Wifi died and now doesn't work.
Nothing to do with anything previous so losing interest......
Thanks again for the help and suggestions. See you at the rally!
Regards, Clive


Re: Just fishing for ideas....ADSB out not being read by PAW
« Reply #22 on: August 22, 2019, 04:10:52 pm »
Hi Clive,

Shortly after that the Wifi died

Is the WiFi still not transmitting? Are you able to send us the PilotAware track files from that flight?




Re: Just fishing for ideas....ADSB out not being read by PAW
« Reply #23 on: August 23, 2019, 09:15:10 am »
I suspect I'm having similar problems to CJ re ADSB out. Just set it all up connected to my funke TRT800H transponder (which has the current 5.3 software) but using my friend's PAW we can eventually see my aircraft but the adsb column is all '-' so that's no good for a screen shot to submit for the BMAA approval. My transponder is getting a GPS position via PAW and I've checked the transponder settings. Even spoken to funke (helpful chap called Michael Frost). Can anyone offer advice? How do you set SIL and SDA values to zero?
All very frustrating!


Re: Just fishing for ideas....ADSB out not being read by PAW
« Reply #24 on: August 23, 2019, 09:37:12 am »
Hi Adrian
If I recall correctly, Funke have purchased a Pilotaware, so maybe you could ask Marcus to do the test himself on one of his units
Can you provide a screenshot of what you see on the traffic page
Home and Configure pages would also be helpful


Re: Just fishing for ideas....ADSB out not being read by PAW
« Reply #25 on: August 25, 2019, 09:10:11 am »
Further to my post on Friday re adsb issue, having spoken to Adrian Garner on suggestion of BMAA tech office, my funke transponder IS transmitting adsb. Did a test with Goodwood airfield yesterday and they confirmed all working. So, it seems it that the test with another PAW trying to confirm the adsb transmission is the problem. Which begs the question........ Which other ads transmissions is my PAW not seeing? Adrian Garner has developed a programme for use on a laptop which will prove the transmissions so will now run that to submit for certification.


Re: Just fishing for ideas....ADSB out not being read by PAW
« Reply #26 on: August 26, 2019, 06:27:56 pm »
This is strange and needs investigation, but there are not ‘different kinds’ of ADSB
So is something specific about the data transmission



A quick update, just read this string again to see where I had got to.

The Wiif was OK after reloading the software (though that might not have been the problem) and the unit was working fine, still appearing on FR24 as ADSB.

Every two months I E mail Funke to see if there is any progress on the software upgrade, last reply was sometime soon but that was in January so I just gave them a nudge to see if they have any progress.

Aside from that just fitting out the exterior antenna's ready for when we all take to the skies again!

Regards, Clive


Re:Funke TRT800A software upgrade
« Reply #28 on: April 29, 2020, 11:38:52 am »
Funke came back this morning, not happening any time soon.

If anyone else has one maybe you can pester them for the upgrade on

Regards, Clive


Re: Just fishing for ideas....ADSB out not being read by PAW
« Reply #29 on: April 29, 2020, 11:50:55 am »
Maybe those in the know would like to post a thread giving a list of transponders that are known to give the sort of service with PAW that we need.

The wall of wallets often works well in persuasion, and is better than asking nicely for post purchase support.

Please may we have details of the recalcitrant transponder. We are already aware than Fünke seems to be a brand to avoid.