Author Topic: USB RS232 cable tail - number of wires to connect to TT31 Txpndr?  (Read 2563 times)


Trig TT31 fitted some time ago working fine. When installed asked my avionics engineer to fit an RS232 cable into the rear Secondary Interface - Pinout #3 GPS Position In slot. I did this in anticipation of getting PAW in the future. That future is now and I've bought a FTDI USB A-RS232 serial converter to attach to the previously installed cable neatly coiled ready behind the panel.

Problem; the new cable has 6 wires but the existing tail hasn't. I've obtained the data sheet and sent it to my engineer who has replied with this.

Hi ok got this fine.  Not sure what you are plugging the USB into so assume it only uses RS 232 data out with a common ground.   Will it use a known common protocol for both units? And there is no CTS RTS out, so I'm assuming it dosen't need it? 

I'd like to say yes in answer but can anyone reassure me or put me straight please?



Re: USB RS232 cable tail - number of wires to connect to TT31 Txpndr?
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2019, 11:50:40 pm »
Hi Cloudhound,

Once you configure the relevant USB Port (to which you intend to connect the USB/RS232 Serial Converter) to the ‘Transponder Trig’ setting (selectable from a drop-down menu), PilotAware automatically sends NMEA-0183 protocol GPS messages to this USB port. These are then converted to RS232 format by the USB to RS232 converter lead and can be fed to the relevant pins of the transponder.

Provided you have obtained the recommended FTDI USB-RS232-WE-1800-BT-0.0 cable, you only need to connect the Orange wire to the wire from Pin 3 (RS232 In 2) on the Trig Secondary Connector and the Black Ground wire to the wire from Ground Pin A on the Trig Secondary Connector.

You also need to make the relevant settings in the Trig to accept NMEA messages, set the correct Baud Rate (in BOTH devices) - normally 4800 or 9600 Baud, and the appropriate setting for an uncertified GPS source (normally Level ‘D’ - Uncertified). Trig are generally happy (not to mention quick) to provide a free firmware update if necessary. If there is any doubt as to the version in your unit, or the settings to be made, give them a call. Their support technicians are aware of the PilotAware principles.

Hope this helps.

Best Regards



Re: USB RS232 cable tail - number of wires to connect to TT31 Txpndr?
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2019, 10:04:40 am »
Brilliant! Unusually for me I did manage to buy the correct right one!

Many thanks.



Re: USB RS232 cable tail - number of wires to connect to TT31 Txpndr?
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2019, 06:01:57 pm »
You’re welcome 😊

