Author Topic: What does Pilot Aware with Flarm transmit to the OGN?  (Read 2064 times)

Gary Nelson

What does Pilot Aware with Flarm transmit to the OGN?
« on: October 04, 2018, 09:59:28 am »

If you got to the OGN open glider network then under the heading LIVE on the left hand side menu, click on link KTRAX TRACKING and then the link ALL FLARM/OGN, there is a 28 day flight log of Flarm and OGN Tracker receives.  I can see on 30th September my microlight (with Hex 406C23) appeared in the logs twice as per snapshots below. Once as  “ogn:406C23” and once as "icao:406C23". I assume the "icao:406C23" is my ADSB out but what does the other "ogn:406C23" signify as I don't have an OGN Tracker fitted. I do have Pilot Aware and a Flarm Classic Mouse, and so, if anything, shouldn't the "ogn:406C23" really have shown up as "flarm:406C23"  ?