Author Topic: Don't Work  (Read 12252 times)

Ian Melville

Re: Don't Work
« Reply #30 on: April 18, 2017, 07:24:20 am »
which I assume is how Ian tracked it down to Shobdon
Nope, Lon and Lat from the screenshots plus a comment that Turkysneck made regarding hangar. I wasn't so nosy as to look up the reg on G-INFO :P Actually G-INFO doesn't tell you where the aircraft is, which is what I wanted to use to help him/her find a PAW Buddy.


Re: Don't Work
« Reply #31 on: April 18, 2017, 08:34:24 pm »
For some reason Turk has Gone a bit shy. His Reg Info has disappeared from his earlier post - which I assume is how Ian tracked it down to Shobdon - I also did, but was trying to be discreet!! When I looked on G-INFO it showed photos of a Black Quik R Explorer - very nice plane Turk by the way! - with a Black and Red Wing if I recall. Turk, please don't be embarrassed we are only trying to help, if you know Chris or can identify him, please speak to him - we are all on the same team and can only gain by helping each other. Its NOT about embarrassing anyone  8) ;) :)



I haven't gone all shy at all, but it's working fine now so thankfully I don't need any more help, for now anyway.


Re: Don't Work
« Reply #32 on: April 19, 2017, 07:21:12 am »

I have just re-read my earlier post which was sent late at night - no excuse of course. I realise now that it could come across as derogatory, which was certainly NOT the spirit in which it was posted. My thought process was simply that knowing that Chris is an experienced long-term PilotAware user, helping him to 'find' you would put you both in touch enabling him to offer the benefit of his local knowledge if needed and giving you a local contact with a PilotAware if you want/need to do any further testing. There was no insult or disrespect intended whatsoever, I assure you. If you ever get to meet me, hopefully you will realise that's not my style at all - mild leg-pulling maybe, but I was brought up to respect others and their opinions.

My only 'defence' is that having engaged in such an intense exchange of information whilst trying to sort out your setup, I felt I was beginning to know you and thought I was acting in your best interests. Please accept my apologies if you feel this was not the case. I will try to be more careful in future. Again Sorry.  :-[

Best Regards



Re: Don't Work
« Reply #33 on: April 19, 2017, 08:09:22 pm »

I have just re-read my earlier post which was sent late at night - no excuse of course. I realise now that it could come across as derogatory, which was certainly NOT the spirit in which it was posted. My thought process was simply that knowing that Chris is an experienced long-term PilotAware user, helping him to 'find' you would put you both in touch enabling him to offer the benefit of his local knowledge if needed and giving you a local contact with a PilotAware if you want/need to do any further testing. There was no insult or disrespect intended whatsoever, I assure you. If you ever get to meet me, hopefully you will realise that's not my style at all - mild leg-pulling maybe, but I was brought up to respect others and their opinions.

My only 'defence' is that having engaged in such an intense exchange of information whilst trying to sort out your setup, I felt I was beginning to know you and thought I was acting in your best interests. Please accept my apologies if you feel this was not the case. I will try to be more careful in future. Again Sorry.  :-[

Best Regards


Peter, no need to apologise you have done nothing wrong. I'm grateful to everyone for the help.