Author Topic: Serial GPS instead of USB GPS dongle  (Read 2375 times)


Serial GPS instead of USB GPS dongle
« on: January 15, 2017, 08:37:10 pm »
Hi everyone

I'm building a more permanent fixed-installation Pilotaware and I'd like to use an exisiting GPS serial source in the aircraft, rather than fit the GPS dongle or GPS 'mouse', and find a suitable GPS antenna position.  My thinking is that the classic GPS dongle outputs NMEA 0183 sentences at 9600 baud via ttyUSBn, therefore I should be able to replace the GPS dongle with a serial-to-USB adapter fed by the existing aircraft GPS source (which is 9600 NMEA).

So, my question is, any reason why PAW wont recognise it as valid NMEA?  I.e.   Are drivers for the common usb/serial chips already installed, or will i need to install?  Does the PAW software look for device IDs to decide what's what on the USB bus?  Think it'll work?



Re: Serial GPS instead of USB GPS dongle
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2017, 08:54:44 pm »
Hi Tim
You should be able to configure the port as

That should just work
