Author Topic: 16 digit licence key field for 12 digit number  (Read 4241 times)


16 digit licence key field for 12 digit number
« on: July 09, 2016, 09:03:16 am »
In upgrading to the latest version today, I had to re-enter the licence key. Somewhat more difficult that I'd expected:

1) I finally found it in an email from subject "Your software key". I could have found it more easily if the subject was "Pilotaware Licence Key"
2) The email contains a 12 digit hex number that I've used successfully before
3) The entry field is 16 digits, 4 x 4digit boxes.

Tried to enter the 12 digits in various ways, first four digits zero, last four zero etc, but with no luck. Saving the page doesn't show the updated licence expiry date.

Any suggestions?


Re: 16 digit licence key field for 12 digit number
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2016, 09:17:00 am »
Hi David,

I presume you performed a full install rather than an update ?
an update would not have required to re-enter your key.

Aha, now I realise the issue, you were using an old version I recall March ?
excerpt from this page,156.0.html
**** Beta Upgrade - Please Note ****
if your previous MAC address did not begin B827........,
then it is most likely that you generated a key using your WiFi Dongle, rather thatn the RPI Eth0
Please install the latest software from the link above,
After installation, Email with the previous MAC address you used
for Beta registration (or your email address used for registration)
and the new MAC requested by the software install, then we can update the Database.
This will allow you to retrieve a key based upon the corrected MAC Address

Or, if you purchased a bridge, you should have a serial to redeem against a new license (for a Pi2 for example)

incidentally, now you have upgraded to this version, future upgrades are much easier as you will benefit from the auto
update feature
