Author Topic: Track file explainer / crib sheet  (Read 1132 times)


Track file explainer / crib sheet
« on: April 10, 2023, 08:47:39 pm »
Is there an existing guide to the {date/time}.trk file so that I can better analyse the raw data?
I check my tracks and aircraft spotted etc, but I would also like to see:
- how many FLARM, PAw, ADSB, ADSB-DF18(SE20), Mode S, Mode C the PAw has captured on a flight.
- whether the aircraft has been directly detected, passed by ground station or passed via iGrid
- what detected ship is emitting
-  'spiky' location data
I can work some of it out, but a reference sheet would be invaluable


Re: Track file explainer / crib sheet
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2023, 09:58:47 am »
Hi Neil,

The short answer is ‘No crib sheet currently available’.

I also struggle to remember which bits are which and what all the strings of digits mean. I will have some (limited) notes somewhere from the early development days but wouldn’t know where to look for them now I’m afraid.

Lee is the ‘source of all knowledge’ in this respect, but will be so busy working on development and improvements (not to mention his day job) that he simply wouldn’t have time to put a crib sheet together.

In his case of course, he can analyse the logs much faster using Linux programs - whereas I still struggle along with limited ‘Windows’ search options and a lot of manual searching.

Hopefully one day....  ???
