Author Topic: Maximum range on Vector for PAW vs ADS-B  (Read 2511 times)


Re: Maximum range on Vector for PAW vs ADS-B
« Reply #15 on: October 28, 2022, 06:05:24 am »

Just picking up on one of your comments:

"Also be aware that the list of traffic shown at the bottom of the Traffic Screen (with ‘C xxxx codes’) is ‘under investigation’ as part of the ‘Mode-C’ identification process and usually proves to be one of the aircraft positively identified further up the chart rather than a ‘Pure Mode-C’ signal - after which the ‘Cxxxx’ entry is automatically filtered out."[/i][/i]

With reference to the new attachment here, we have sometimes seen a contact pop up seeming to indicate it is exactly in our position, (although it often quickly disappears), but it has the 'Cxxxx' designator you mention above. We are not sure what this means. Is this 'co-location' where the Mode C contacts you mention are automatically shown until they are filtered out?  These sort of contacts get the heart rate going and we're not sure whether we should be concerned or not!

Hi David,

In view of the importance of this question, I have split it from this thread and started it as a separate topic 'Mode C Reporting' to make the question - and my answer - easier for other users to find in the future. Hope you don't mind.

Best Regards
