Author Topic: Split-screen display  (Read 1189 times)


Split-screen display
« on: August 15, 2022, 07:34:39 pm »
The split-screen display works fine for me on an Android tablet and an iPad Mini 4. But in both cases a lot of the radar display is taken up by the address bar and tabs. Has anyone managed to get the browser to display full screen so you don't lose this space?


Re: Split-screen display
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2022, 08:57:24 pm »
Hi DerekJ

This used to be possible on my android tablets until a recent change to the Chrome browser.  I could slide the address bar out of sight but I find it no longer works on any web address that is only "http"  and not "https", even if the "http" part of the address is not displayed.  It appears this now fails some security test to allow the use of Full Screen.  I can't hide the address bar on the Atom Grid screens either now.
