Author Topic: It's all in the box!  (Read 2258 times)


It's all in the box!
« on: October 13, 2020, 04:03:20 pm »

I'm creating a similar project for monitoring boats at their moorings but I'm finding it hard to source a good case for the RPi Zero.  I love the case on my Rosetta and a similar but built with the RPi Zero in mind would be great for my project. 

Anyone know where I can get a similar case with a user removable lid?

I'd like the user/owner to have easy access to the mobile sim card.  The current prototypes look like this:

Thanks, Tim


Re: It's all in the box!
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2020, 10:56:42 pm »
Hi Tim,

I had a similar challenge with a Rosetta and a Flarm, which I also needed to access for charging.

Have a look at my project thread:,1920.0.html

It's a 3d printed case. If you prefere a from the shelf solution you might get some inspirations from this.

Kind regards


Re: It's all in the box!
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2020, 12:30:24 pm »


Re: It's all in the box!
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2020, 05:30:31 pm »
Your project looks good Patrick.  It's a good idea to 3d print the case.  I did try to print a case based on on my XYZPrinting Junior but the lid and the box did not match properly plus the finish was too rough.

And thanks DFN, yes, I've a large selection of spare cases now from the PiHut, RS Components and Farnell!  The kids are busy filling them with weather stations, badger cams (which has only taken one photo of a cat) and smart light controller. :-)

One day I'll find the smallest possible box that will fit all the components plus has a access door for the sim card.