Author Topic: Update Nightmare  (Read 1708 times)

Massimo Poggi

Update Nightmare
« on: September 26, 2020, 11:52:12 am »
I've performed the update via IOS app but the Rosetta never connect again.
I tried the full manual update but after unzipping in the root there are 24 files instead of 25 !!!  :-\

I tried several times but the connection with Rosetta doesn’t appear anymore :'(

Please help me


Re: Update Nightmare
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2020, 02:19:41 pm »
Hi Massimo,

Without more information I can’t say why the iOS App update didn’t work.

You don’t say what previous software version you were trying to update from.

With reference to your subsequent attempts to do a full manual update, please note that there are only 24 items in the 20200906 zip file - 3 x folders: ‘defaults’, ‘os’ and ‘overlays’ + 21 separate files.

Did you use a new or fully reformatted card each time you tried the manual update? and did you leave it long enough after copying the files across, reinserting the card in your PAW and applying power, to unpack and reconfigure the card, install and reboot the software before trying to connect to the PAW WiFi. This can take at least 15-20 minutes, sometimes longer, so you need to be patient. Or alternatively you can connect the unit to an HDMI monitor, so you can watch progress after installing the new card and powering up the unit. Once the ‘login prompt’ appears on screen, the software is ready  and you can disconnect the HDMI and reconnect via WiFi to the PAW WiFi Hotspot.

I suggest you try again, preferably with a fresh card and give it time to complete the process.


« Last Edit: September 26, 2020, 02:32:52 pm by exfirepro »


Re: Update Nightmare
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2020, 07:13:42 pm »
I've performed the update via IOS app but the Rosetta never connect again.
I tried the full manual update but after unzipping in the root there are 24 files instead of 25 !!!  :-\

I tried several times but the connection with Rosetta doesn’t appear anymore :'(

Please help me
Massimo, are you italian? If you want I can help you by phone. Remember, the full install process requires 15 to 20 minutes to e completed.
If you are unable to install the update and need further help, send me your phone number using the private message function.
(click on my name, and select "send PM")