Author Topic: iOS Firmware Updater problem  (Read 3279 times)


iOS Firmware Updater problem
« on: September 25, 2020, 12:17:37 pm »
Hi all,

I have downloaded the iOS Firmware Updater to my iPad, downloaded the latest firmware upgrade to it, and then connected the iPad to PAW's wifi, all successfully.

The PAW Firmware Updater (v1.7.5) Status display shows that it is connected to PAW, showing all the expected usual info, and the Traffic page shows aircraft  coming and going from view.

However, 'Step 2 - Upload to PAW' on the Update page repeatedly tells me I don't have a connection to PAW, and red text in the top left corner of the screen repeats the message, even though the Status and Traffic pages are properly updating in real time.

The Updater Config page shows empty fields for Host ID, Licence No, Expires (the licence actually expires in Aug 2021). Status field shows "Offline, please connect to networks"

A browser on the iPad can access the PAW webpages via

Please advise. Ta.


Re: iOS Firmware Updater problem
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2020, 01:43:42 pm »
Hi Robin,

What software version are you currently running on your PilotAware? Are you aware that the Firmware Updater can only update from version 20190621 or later?

Probably best not to check other PAW screens or the app status screen during the update process as this might have interfered with the process.

If it has ‘locked up’, the best advice is to delete the App then reinstall it and start again.

If you are still running older software - such as 20180520, you need to download the new firmware from the site and do a full manual update on a new or fully reformatted card.




Re: iOS Firmware Updater problem
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2020, 01:56:30 pm »
Hi Robin

There is a slight glitch in 20190621, that a failed update cannot be re-attempted, without rebooting the PAW
this is fixed in the 2020 release.

Also, leave about 18inches b/w ios device and paw when updating, and finally after hitting the update, be patient and don't try to hit again, I have noticed this sometimes causes issues



Re: iOS Firmware Updater problem
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2020, 02:44:08 pm »
Hi Peter,

I am updating from 20190621

The Updater hasn't locked up - all other screens are updating in real time.

I didn't try to move between screens during the process. On the Update screen, I clicked on Step1, which turned green after it had downloaded the new firmware (a message box informed me that it had downloaded v 20200906). I then exited the Updater app (without quitting it) in order to change my wifi connection from the internet to PAW. When PAW wifi was reconnected I went back to the Update screen on the Updater and clicked on Step 2. The result is attached as a screenshot.

All the other Updater screens are still updating normally in real time. I mention this so that you are aware that the rest of the app is connecting and communicating normally with PAW.

I have also tried deleting the app, re-downloading and starting again, with the same result.

I also have an iPhone, so I have tried it on that, but with exactly the same result. I did not try to use the Updater app on both devices at the same time. I did not connect to PAW wifi with both devices at the same time.




Re: iOS Firmware Updater problem
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2020, 09:05:54 pm »
Today I had  the same problem Robin reported initially - exactly the same on all points.
I have iOS 14.0.1 on my mini iPad. Anybody able to help?


Re: iOS Firmware Updater problem
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2020, 10:22:23 pm »
Hi Phil / All,

I’ve not tried any updates since I updated my iPad Mini 5 to iPadOS 14.0.1 yesterday evening, but did update about 10 or more different units yesterday using the same pad with iPadOS 14.0. Most of them updated without any problems whatever, except that on quite a few occasions the pad would jump to the airfield WiFi when the PAW shut down during the restart and I had to manually reconnect the pad to the PAW WiFi after it came back on line in order to allow the process to complete.

Out of the 10 or so units updated, 2 or perhaps 3 reported that the ‘upload has failed please retry’. Waiting a few seconds then pressing the upload command again restarted the upload, which then completed as normal. On the last occasion, however, I found that I had to shut down and restart both the App and the Rosetta and start the process afresh before the update would ‘take’.

Lee has reported this possibility above, which should not occur with future updates as problem causing this issue has been addressed in this current one.




Re: iOS Firmware Updater problem
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2020, 10:37:32 am »
Hi Peter, All,

The 'upload has failed please retry' error is not the same error as either SGS66 or I have reported.

In my/our case, the Updater doesn't even get to start uploading the file(s) from the iPad to PAW, because the Updater>update page claims that there is no connection to PAW and has repainted the Step2 icon red. It makes this claim even though at the same time, both the Traffic and Status pages of the Updater are communicating with PAW in real time.

Clearly something is allowing some parts of the Update app to communicate with PAW, whilst at the same time blocking other parts.

I have tried deleting the app, re-installing it and reattempting Step1 - Download new firmware - (on an iPad running iOS 13.7)

I have tried all of the above on iPhone running iOS 14




Re: iOS Firmware Updater problem
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2020, 06:24:51 pm »
Hi All,
Just another data point for this thread. I managed to update my Rosetta today without any problems. Here is my configuration:

iPad mini iOS 14.0.1
PAW firmware updater v1.7.5

PAW is now at 20200906 and all seems OK both while looking at the portal and using it with Skydemon. The METARs were especially useful today with much of the East stuck under IMC.



Re: iOS Firmware Updater problem
« Reply #8 on: October 02, 2020, 11:12:39 am »
Hi Robin
Have you solved your problem yet?
I haven’t but I have at least got the Config page to show my Host-Id and licence key


Re: iOS Firmware Updater problem
« Reply #9 on: October 02, 2020, 11:24:11 am »

Have you updated SkyDemon to yet? It contains the ‘trigger’ to prompt the access request from iOS / iPadOS 14.




Re: iOS Firmware Updater problem
« Reply #10 on: October 02, 2020, 11:46:34 am »
Thanks All,

Problem now fixed once I'd updated SkyDemon.

Also showing licence details correctly.




Re: iOS Firmware Updater problem
« Reply #11 on: October 02, 2020, 12:02:37 pm »
Hi exfirepro
Yes I have updated SD which must be why I at least got Host-I’d showing but I think my problem
is that I had downloaded the latest paw software into my iPad at home using the Updater and then expected that I could go to step 2 when I was in my aircraft. I will try again next week and report back
Thanks to Robin also.
Rgds  Phil


Re: iOS Firmware Updater problem
« Reply #12 on: October 02, 2020, 07:28:49 pm »
Hi Phil,

You should be able to download the firmware at home and then upload it to your PAW at the airfield - that is kind of the point of the app. It may be however that if your phone/tablet connects to a different WiFi Hotspot at some time in between that might reset the app. Only speculating and not definitive - hopefully Neil, the app developer, will advise in due course (he is/has been on holiday).




Re: iOS Firmware Updater problem
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2020, 05:02:50 pm »
Hi All,

Here is the update from my previous report.

After flying today I downloaded (using mobile data) the new software into my mini ipad 4 ios14.0.1. SD running 3.14.4.  Firmware app v1.7

Firmware app step 1 ok

Then step 2 ok ( and took only seconds - amazing)

step 3 failed - remedy power down PAW and  power up, and then  'METAR' tab showing on home page. VG all done.

Sadly there is no ground station at EGKA so no metar data until my next flight.

My earlier problem is resolved. Happy

My suggestion for others is.....
don't download the new software one day and then do step 2 another,
do everything together.

Thanks to PAW, Neil Hathaway et al
