Author Topic: iOS14 / SkyDemon connection issues  (Read 16258 times)


SkyDemon Connectivity
« Reply #60 on: September 27, 2020, 06:02:05 pm »
I have a PilotAware Rosetta. It did have the 2019 software but I have successfully updated to the new September 2020 software version.
I use an iPad mini 4 with latest software (14.0). I can log onto the PAW via and everything is working OK. Radar screen works and traffic is being detected.

HOWEVER I cannot connect to the PAW via SkyDemon. I just get the message "connecting to device" and nothing happens. Until a couple of weeks ago it worked perfectly. It would display "Connecting to device", then announce how many satellites it had found and off we went. I have checked the set-up in SkyDemon and everything is as it is meant to be.
The problem occurred first in the 2019 version of the PAW but is exactly the same in the new 2020 version.

I didn't touch or change anything before the problem appeared but there may have been SkyDemon updates or Apple OS updates in between it working and it not working, I'm just not sure on that point.
Advice would be welcome  before I start pushing buttons at random!



Re: SkyDemon Connectivity
« Reply #61 on: September 27, 2020, 06:22:58 pm »


Re: Hanging error message “Connecting to Device” - revisited
« Reply #62 on: September 27, 2020, 07:54:44 pm »
I have been having the same issue with SkyDemon in  jabiru J430 (so no bits of metal to interfere with the signal). SkyDemon will still not connect even when a few centimetres from the Rosetta. But iPad will still connect direct to the PAW over

There are no other sources of interference as these tests have been outside the aircraft.

Switching off an on again has no effect on  the problem.


Re: Hanging error message “Connecting to Device” - revisited
« Reply #63 on: September 27, 2020, 08:22:42 pm »
Hi Peter K,

It’s nothing to do with the signal between PAW and the Pad. The signal is still there and you should still be able to connect to PAW via your browser on and see all the screens. But Apple (and AFAIK Android) have made changes to their software - supposedly to improve security - which, at least in Apple’s case deliberately stops the App (in our case SkyDemon) connecting to an ‘unrecognised’ WiFi access point via ‘passive’ protocols such as UDP and GDL90. Tim & the SD Team have spent ages this week implementing a workaround to enable connection pending Apple (& Android) sorting out their own mess.

In the meantime we discovered that an active connection protocol like TCP (used by FLARM - and the original connectivity option used by PilotAware) causes iOS to grant the relevant access permission to the app, after which the permission is ‘remembered’ and the app can (usually) then also connect using the other protocols. As reported above, it’s nothing to do with interference or whether or not you can receive or transmit FLARM.

Hope this helps clarify the position. Can’t guarantee it will work with all devices though.


Peter R


Re: SkyDemon Connectivity
« Reply #64 on: September 27, 2020, 08:32:25 pm »
Hi Peter,

I have just updated on this issue over in the other thread. Just back from flying using iPadOS 14.0 on my iPad Mini 5 with the latest SkyDemon - all working reliably.

Just noticed that Apple have now released iPadOS 14.0.1, which will hopefully contain the ‘fix’ to sort the connectivity issue. I am in the process of updating my iPad, but  address this problem, though from my understanding of the problem it really needs someone who hasn’t already tried the ‘FLARM Protocol’ work round to test and hopefully prove the efficacy of the ‘fix’ (assuming that is what the new version is intended to address (Apple aren’t good at telling users exactly what is going on).



« Last Edit: September 27, 2020, 08:50:19 pm by exfirepro »


Re: Hanging error message “Connecting to Device” - revisited
« Reply #65 on: September 27, 2020, 09:24:01 pm »
Hi All,

Just noticed that Apple have released iPadOS 14.0.1, which will hopefully contain the ‘fix’ to sort the connectivity issue. I have just updated my iPad Mini 5, which allows SD to connect to Rosetta straight away using SD version, but from my understanding of the problem it really needs someone who hasn’t already tried the ‘FLARM Protocol work round’ to test and hopefully prove the efficacy of the ‘fix’ (assuming that is what the new version is intended to address - Apple aren’t good at telling users exactly what they are up to).

Looking forward to some positive feedback.


Peter R


Re: Hanging error message “Connecting to Device” - revisited
« Reply #66 on: September 28, 2020, 09:20:58 am »
Unfortunately the Apple update to 14.0.1 has no effect on the problem.

As others have found if you connect via Flarm Air connect the PAW will work and show location.

If you then switch back to PilotAware in third party devices the iPad will connect as usual when you select PilotAware from Go Flying. I did not have time to try to see if all the traffic options were function as usual but the radar screen was certainly OK.

So it looks like the origin of the problem is some connectivity glitch between SkyDemon and PAW, whether exacerbated by Mr Apple or not I cannot tell. 

The only other idea I had was to reinstall SkyDemon but that is for later in the day.



Re: iOS14 / SkyDemon connection issues
« Reply #67 on: September 28, 2020, 11:53:02 am »
My SD on iPhone 8 just updated to and iOS to 14.0.1 and all connected with no problems. (With a few "conditions" which you have to accept on SD).
Not sure if it was the SD update or the iOS update which fixed it. Although previous post suggests it wasn't iOS 14.0.1

iPad mini 4  running iOS 13.7 and SD still connects no problem.

Have I the nerve to update iPad to iOS 14 ???


Re: iOS14 / SkyDemon connection issues
« Reply #68 on: September 28, 2020, 12:09:14 pm »
Hi jrb,

Please do try the update on your iPad, and also update SD to, then try connecting using the PilotAware UDP option - (preferably with the FLARM option deselected in SD) and let us know what happens.

From conversations with Tim Dawson last week, what you have described with your iPhone is exactly what they expect to happen with the SD Mod contained in, but I can’t test it as I have already used the ‘FLARM prompt’ workaround on my iPad.




Re: iOS14 / SkyDemon connection issues
« Reply #69 on: September 28, 2020, 05:10:55 pm »
Hi Peter,
             It might be a few days before I am at the airfield again. (Rosetta lives in the ‘plane as it is jointly owned). Nervous about updating iPad as it is my primary navigation aid (after chart and mk 1 eyeball of course).  The success with iPhone gives me some confidence......
iPad still running SD Can’t see a way of forcing it to update other than delete and reinstall App. Unless it needs iOS 14 to prompt an update?
Will feed back in a few days when I try it.


Re: iOS14 / SkyDemon connection issues
« Reply #70 on: September 28, 2020, 06:01:33 pm »
Just my two cents:

ipad mini 5 with iOS 14.0 and SD 3.14.3 connected to paw via udp pilotaware, however ground station and traffic was not visible.

Update to SD 3.14.4 solved the problem, even with iOS 14.0.
An update to 14.2 had no changes. So all working fine here and SD update did the trick for me.
I did not try Flarm, gdl or any other connection type.

Kind regards


Re: iOS14 / SkyDemon connection issues
« Reply #71 on: September 28, 2020, 10:29:11 pm »
Hi jrb,

Update to iPadOS 14 may prompt the new SD update. If not, the latest version in the App Store is 3.14.4, so deleting and reinstalling certainly does go to SD (or later).



Captain Fourbars

Re: iOS14 / SkyDemon connection issues
« Reply #72 on: September 30, 2020, 11:22:26 am »

I am relieved and delighted to report that the fix just happened autonomously. All I did was go to the App Store on the iPad and I ran the SD Update (to and it all just WORKED! No involving Flarm or other protocols or workarounds.

From that I imagine there's a good chance the problem lay in SD rather than PAW and so the brilliant marriage of the two services is restored. I am praying the fix does not revert and that all the rest of us on this Forum will enjoy the same successful outcome.

Many thanks to all those who contributed their experiences and suggestions


Re: iOS14 / SkyDemon connection issues
« Reply #73 on: September 30, 2020, 12:27:00 pm »
iPhone 8 running iOS 14.0.1 & Sky Demon

iPad mini 4 updated to iOS 14.0.1 & Sky Demon

Both connecting to Pilot Aware with no problems using UDP without previously connecting via Flarm TCP )

Thanks to all for suggestions and fixes.  (Especially, I suspect, team at SD).

« Last Edit: September 30, 2020, 04:19:31 pm by jrb »


Re: iOS14 / SkyDemon connection issues
« Reply #74 on: September 30, 2020, 05:06:08 pm »
Hi jrb,

Thanks for having the courage to grasp the nettle and do the updates, and for updating us all on the result.

I’m glad to hear we have a working solution - and thanks to the SD Team for their prompt action.

Best Regards
