Author Topic: Version 20190418 and GS-OGN PAW Flag Missing  (Read 7403 times)


Version 20190418 and GS-OGN PAW Flag Missing
« on: April 22, 2019, 11:55:58 am »
My OGN-R is co-located with my PAW which I use as a ground-station (when not airborne) to check the OGN-R and PAW.
In PAW Radar display, my GS-OGN flag is not appearing (other notifications in that area are such as G-BNNZ +20nm did appear whilst checking). I normally use the GS-OGN Flag to check that the OGN-R is broadcasting.
OGN-R Traffic confirms that it is connected to the PAW and rebroadcasting to it; the PAW Rx count is incrementing quickly as expected and the PAW Radar shows MLAT traffic; the PAW Traffic screen also shows the rebroadcast MLAT transmissions being received.
Is there any reason why the GS-OGN flag is not currently being triggered in PAW (2019018 4.14.79-v7+), OGN-R 20190418?


Re: Version 20190418 and GS-OGN PAW Flag Missing
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2019, 10:56:33 pm »
Hi Chris,

I had a similar problem with PWEFortun (East Fortune), which was ‘off the air’ from midweek last week until I found and sorted the problem yesterday (Sunday).

On investigation, I found that the station configuration data - including Station Name, Lat, Long, Alt, Geoid, etc., had somehow become corrupted, preventing the station from syncing with the OGN and MLAT servers (and hence not transmitting or streaming data). This only became apparent when I decided to re-run the ./ configuration script and found that the data entries for the station were all indicating ‘UNDEF’ (undefined) instead of the previous entries.

I also found anomalies in the ‘radar’ and ‘login’ links from the Status Screen, so had to manually start ‘Shell-in-a-box’ via the url ‘stationIP:4200’, though ‘ognpaw.local:4200’ may work for you.

After reconfiguring the station back to its original settings it is now up and running as before.

I have reported both issues to Lee, who has confirmed a bug in the links and is investigating whether the config data corruption was a result of one of the recent software updates or simply coincidental. In the meantime, re-running and checking your own station configuration can’t do any harm. Please let us know what you find.

Hope this helps



« Last Edit: April 22, 2019, 11:39:00 pm by exfirepro »


Re: Version 20190418 and GS-OGN PAW Flag Missing
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2019, 10:14:41 am »

What is the name of your OGN-R station ?

Could you post some screenshots for us to take a look

1. Home Page of OGN-R
2. Configure/Traffic page of Rosetta

I think it may be Radley/PWRadley ?
If so, we are now remote monitoring the setups and I see the following

Code: [Select]
1,UV and 1,TH - this indicates throttling due to undervoltage condition has occured

Can I ask what your configuration is ?
How many SDR's connected and what type
Power supply type
« Last Edit: April 23, 2019, 10:21:00 am by Admin »


Re: Version 20190418 and GS-OGN PAW Flag Missing
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2019, 09:37:37 pm »

this seems to be the very same problem i have and we're discussing in another thread.

Best regards



Re: Version 20190418 and GS-OGN PAW Flag Missing
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2019, 10:13:50 pm »
Hi Lee and Peter,

Many thanks; you are right this is RADLEY/PWRADLEY.

I have 2 SDR's; Both NooElec; one standard (1090) and the other Smart (Flarm). The power supply which I have been using for months is the uprated Raspberry Pi one. Getting lots of hit on both SDR's so they seem to have been working well. I have now switched the power feed over to a 12v Anker hub with USB charging ports to see if that makes a difference.

On running the config script as Peter suggested I get a strange error message at the end which I haven't seen before. "can't read vrs.Configuration.Template.xml".

As an aside is there a way planned to be able to run both SDR's off a powered hub to reduce the power load into and through the Pi. At the moment the SDR's are connected into the Pi using very short USB extenders as they cannot both fit side-by-side in the mandated USB ports.

Hope this helps.
Best regards

########################## Summary ##########################                                                                                                                                                 
Station Name is                : Radley                                                                                                                                                                       
Station APRS Server is         :                                                                                                                                                     
Station Latitude is            : 51.684570                                                                                                                                                                   
Station Longitude is           : -1.245022                                                                                                                                                                   
Station Altitude AMSL  [M] is  : 67                                                                                                                                                                           
Station Altitude GEOID [M] is  : 47.650                                                                                                                                                                       
Station SDR PPM is             : 0                                                                                                                                                                           
Station SDR Gain is            : 40                                                                                                                                                                           
Station SDR Freq Centr is      : 923.600                                                                                                                                                                     
########################## Summary ##########################                                                                                                                                                 
sed: can't read vrs.Configuration.Template.xml: No such file or directory     


Re: Version 20190418 and GS-OGN PAW Flag Missing
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2019, 11:07:01 pm »
Hi Lee,

I rebuilt the OGN-R from a full image which down-dated it to the 20190413 build. On start-up the OGN Flag reappeared in the PAW Radar.

I ran the OGN-R update script which ran successfully but the PAW Radar Flag did not reappear after the services restarted.

It would appear that something may have happened as a result of the update.

Best regards


Re: Version 20190418 and GS-OGN PAW Flag Missing
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2019, 11:27:51 pm »
I have found an issue with the groundstation broadcast of its own position
This does not affect the rebroadcast of Flarm

I will release a fix asap


Re: Version 20190418 and GS-OGN PAW Flag Missing
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2019, 10:11:40 am »
Hi Lee,

I did wonder what was going on with the ‘G/STN’ display. When I ran the ‘fault checks’ on PWBalerno last Saturday Night / Sunday Morning, I noticed that my ‘G/STN’ only appeared briefly on SD then disappeared again, but at the time I was more concerned with the other issues, so put it to the back of my mind to concentrate on getting East Fortune back up and running.

Then when I ran my Rosetta at home yesterday to check the ‘Dynon’ connection options for @robint8001, I again noticed that my Ground Station wasn’t appearing on screen or in the traffic table, but wondered if it was a SkyDemon issue as I had just updated to Tim’s latest ‘Beta’. I then remembered that Alan had also commented that he couldn’t ‘see’ PWEFortun last week on his tablet (running EasyVFR) after I got PWEFortun back up and running, despite the fact that he was only a mile or so from the station in his caravan with his PAW on the caravan roof. Meant to pass that on to you yesterday but got roped into painting, sorry  :-\

Glad to hear that you have now found the ‘bug’ that is causing the problem and that a fix is in hand.

Best Regards



Re: Version 20190418 and GS-OGN PAW Flag Missing
« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2019, 07:14:28 pm »
Hi Lee,

Hi Lee,

The fix sorted it. Many thanks.

Occasionally (a couple of times per week) the OGN-R/PAW uplink disconnects and it stays disconnected (evidenced by no uplink station in the OGN-R MLAT table [which continues to be updated] plus no flag in PAW Radar). On restarting just the OGN-R, the uplink immediately resumes and PAW once again sees the MLAT traffic in Radar and displays the 'OGN-R 1' flag as expected.

I am not able to test whether the OGN-R when it has disconnected is effectively 'down' as a rebroadcast station, or whether it would accept an uplink request from a different PAW and is just unable to reconnect to PWRADLEY.

Best regards


Re: Version 20190418 and GS-OGN PAW Flag Missing
« Reply #9 on: May 07, 2019, 08:03:15 pm »
Hi Chris

Could you please clarify
the OGN-R/PAW uplink disconnects and it stays disconnected
disconnected from what ?
Does it say MLAT=Disconnected, or Internet=Disconnected ?

(evidenced by no uplink station in the OGN-R MLAT table [which continues to be updated] plus no flag in PAW Radar)
Hmm, not sure I understand this, the groundstation should never appear in the table on the OGN-R.

If you can take a screenshot next time, that would be helpful to diagnose an issue



Re: Version 20190418 and GS-OGN PAW Flag Missing
« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2019, 09:44:29 am »
Hi Chris,

An addendum - we are doing lots of remote monitoring now, and tis may well be relevant, I have received these reports from Radley

Code: [Select]
PWRadley   INFO 20190503 VERSION IP 51.68450 LAT -1.24500 LNG 220 FT EMAIL 0 1 UV 0 0 FC 0 1 TH 53.5 T
ignoring most of this stuff, the interesting bit is 0 1 UV
This indicates that an undervoltage issue was detected.
Can you describe your power setup, which SDR's you are using and how many ?



Re: Version 20190418 and GS-OGN PAW Flag Missing
« Reply #11 on: May 08, 2019, 10:06:22 pm »
Hi Lee,
Many thanks. This evening I've switched from a 2.4A Apple supply to a 2.5A genuine Pi Supply.
I have two SDR's running (1090 and 869.525); both Nooelec; one regular one and the other a Smart.
The OGN-R rebroadcasts to the PAW is shown in the attached picture. When the OGN-R and PAW disconnect (even though both are apparently operating) there is no uplink data present.
Is there any way for me to monitor the under-voltage condition?
Best regards

Later: I ran vcgencmd get_throttled which returned 0x0, so far so good.

Next Day (Fri 10-May-19 ~16:00-16:30)
PAW and OGN-R had become disconnected but neither the OGN-R box or PAW reporting any under-voltage (0x0) as far as I can tell.
I restarted the OGN-R service and immediately the was MLAT received by the PAW and Flag returned to Radar screen.
Standard OGN-R Service restart.
pi@ognpaw:~ $ sudo service rtlsdr-ogn stop                                                                                                                           
pi@ognpaw:~ $ sudo service rtlsdr-ogn start 
The screen shots attached in the following post show the situation before and after the restart.

« Last Edit: May 10, 2019, 04:54:14 pm by Winged_Jaguar »


Re: Version 20190418 and GS-OGN PAW Flag Missing
« Reply #12 on: May 10, 2019, 04:56:46 pm »
Attached screenshots to go with previous post.

Best regards


Re: Version 20190418 and GS-OGN PAW Flag Missing
« Reply #13 on: May 10, 2019, 05:02:43 pm »
Hi Chris,

The second set of screengrabs look much better.  :)

Presumably there was some sort of problem with your internet connection?

Glad it’s now working.

Best Regards

« Last Edit: May 10, 2019, 06:29:18 pm by exfirepro »


Re: Version 20190418 and GS-OGN PAW Flag Missing
« Reply #14 on: May 10, 2019, 05:29:34 pm »
Hi Chris,

OK something strange going on here.
Let me check with Phil Lee to see if he is seeing issues on his side.