Author Topic: Traffic Not Seen on SD - Rosetta  (Read 8438 times)

Jerry Palmer

Traffic Not Seen on SD - Rosetta
« on: April 02, 2019, 04:25:45 pm »
Any advice appreciated.

Rosetta, powered by Anker Core II.  Latest PAW software.  All required SD switches enabled with Max. Alt., Bearingless targets, PAW selected when ‘Go Flying’ selected.

PAW config page, all green.
Traffic up to 50kft, and showing on RADAR page of
No traffic showing on SD.

Kind regards
PS - apologies no screen shots. Unable to compress to 512kb.


Re: Traffic Not Seen on SD - Rosetta
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2019, 10:32:37 pm »
Hi Jerry,

I'm getting 'deja-vu' vibes here. Didn't you have a similar problem with your Classic before you upgraded to Rosetta ?

If you want us to help resolve this situation, we need more information - including screen grabs of Home and Configure Screens as a minimum to help us get to the root of the problem.

If you are running a Windows PC, you can easily resize a screengrab by using the standard Windows 'Paint' program, which can be found in Start/Windows/Accessories. Simply 'Open' the picture from the 'Paint' program, then select 'Resize - 40%' and save the resulting image as a 'JPEG Picture'. This should make the image(s) small enough to attach to your post. If not, try a smaller resize, e.g. 30%.

Can you give us more information about the device you are using to run SkyDemon - e.g. is it an iPad or Android and what make/model, etc. and what version of SkyDemon you are running please. Also can you please verify that your SkyDemon subscription is current.

As I say, we need the full picture if we are going to help you sort it out.

Best Regards


Jerry Palmer

Re: Traffic Not Seen on SD - Rosetta
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2019, 07:27:35 am »
Hi Peter

Yes, similar problems.
I’m running the latest V of SD on an iPad Pro 9.7”, 128Gb.  SD Subscription current.
I using the iPad for screen grabs, so will see if I can find an app. which will resize.
Thank you for replying.

Best regards ...


Re: Traffic Not Seen on SD - Rosetta
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2019, 08:04:51 am »

I take it you are connecting your pad to your PilotAware Hotspot each time before selecting ‘Go Flying - Use PilotAware’ and are then seeing your own aircraft appear on SD - but  no other traffic. Is this correct?


p.s. an alternative to shrinking the screengrabs, is to put them in a folder in Dropbox (free app available from the App Store on your iPad) then post a link to the folder on here.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2019, 08:11:29 am by exfirepro »

Jerry Palmer

Re: Traffic Not Seen on SD - Rosetta
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2019, 08:16:11 am »
Not really, Peter.  I did see my own aircraft momentarily while flying on Sunday, but otherwise nothing.  It wasn’t a fair test, as there wasn’t much about.  I’m presently testing at home with the unit outside with a clear view, under the London TMA, and connecting iPad via PAW ‘Hotspot’.

Jerry Palmer

Re: Traffic Not Seen on SD - Rosetta
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2019, 08:23:32 am »
Here’s another screen shot, Peter.


Re: Traffic Not Seen on SD - Rosetta
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2019, 09:19:55 am »
Hi Jerry,

Good work on the Screengrabs!

OK, your Home Screen looks fine. My only comments on your ‘Configuration’ (in view of lack of traffic seen) would be to open out Mode C/S to ‘Long Range’ and ‘Positional Contacts’ to ‘Display All’ to give us the best chance of seeing Traffic until we get to the bottom of whatever is going on. (You can reset them tighter later.)

Next request, is to set up and run your unit and take and post screngrabs of the ‘Traffic’ Screen and SD display - with it connected to PAW.



Jerry Palmer

Re: Traffic Not Seen on SD - Rosetta
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2019, 10:21:02 am »
Screen shots, as requested, Peter ...


Re: Traffic Not Seen on SD - Rosetta
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2019, 10:32:03 am »
Thanks Jerry,

Plenty of traffic showing on the Traffic Screen, so Rosetta is certainly receiving traffic OK. the next thing we need to check is to make sure your iPad is connecting properly to Rosetta.

The PilotAware Home Screen is showing 1 device connected via WiFi, but I need to check that this is your iPad - Can you confirm this, - a shot of your iPad 'Settings/WiFi' screen showing it connected to your PilotAware would confirm this for me, just to be sure and would help to identify/ eliminate a connectivity issue.

« Last Edit: April 03, 2019, 10:35:27 am by exfirepro »

Jerry Palmer

Re: Traffic Not Seen on SD - Rosetta
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2019, 10:40:22 am »
Yes, connected to my iPad...


Re: Traffic Not Seen on SD - Rosetta
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2019, 11:38:16 am »
Hi Jerry

Could you please post the configure page of your PilotAware
Also the settings in SkyDemon for traffic display



Re: Traffic Not Seen on SD - Rosetta
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2019, 12:06:39 pm »
Hi Lee,

Jerry has already posted the Configure page (see above) - looks OK apart from the range changes I suggested for testing.



Sorry for the delay. Childminding today, so have to expect interruptions!

OK, on iPad connecting to your Rosetta, so we now need to look at SkyDemon.

First open SkyDemon on your pad and check you are logged in - you should see the SkyDemon ‘Welcome Screen’. Clicking on ‘I Agree’ will open Skdemon.

Now go to Setup (the gear wheel at the top of the screen). Select ‘Internet Usage’ then ‘Live Data when Planning’ then go back to ‘Setup’.

Next select ‘Navigation Options’. There is lots of stuff in here, but for the moment there are two essentials we need to check. You can do them both then ‘Close’ the window.

Just a word of warning, I am a SkyDemon Beta Tester, so I may be using a newer version than you. If something I’m saying doesn’t make sense, come back to me.

First thing in Navigation Options is to look for SkyDemon’s vertical traffic filter and set it to something like 40,000ft.

Next look a bit further down and you will see an option to ‘Display Bearingless Targets’ - tick the checkbox.

Now Close the ‘Navigation Options’ window and go to the ‘Third Party Devices Window’ (yours might be called ‘Connectivity’) and select ‘PilotAware’ then Close.

Check you are connected to PilotAware then click on Go Flying and let me know what happens.

« Last Edit: April 03, 2019, 02:53:56 pm by exfirepro »

Ian Melville

Re: Traffic Not Seen on SD - Rosetta
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2019, 12:31:46 pm »
Notice that all the positioned traffic is filtered out by the 10km filter, so you won’t see them regardless of altitude. Filtered out traffic is shown with grey background.

Change that setting to all and see what changes.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2019, 12:34:34 pm by Ian Melville »


Re: Traffic Not Seen on SD - Rosetta
« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2019, 01:21:05 pm »

OK Ian, apologies for my earlier post - I was trying to deal with about 5 issues at once. You are of course correct  :-\ :-[,

Jerry - I thought I had dealt with the 'Range' issue by advising you to alter your Positional Contacts configuration to 'Display All', but now realise I didn't fully explain the reasons and implications of your settings or in effect WHY I asked you to make those changes.

As Ian has said, setting 'Display Positional Contacts' anywhere less than 'Display All' automatically restricts the passing of Positional Aircraft Data to the Nav System if the aircraft are outside your selected range - in your case 'Less Than 10Km' - hence all the ADSB Traffic (shown as Mode CSA on your traffic screen) which is all outside your pre-selected 'Less than 10Km' range limit is automatically excluded from the Nav System Display (and greyed out on your traffic screen to indicate that it has been filtered out by your selection). Unfortunately I completely overlooked the significance of the data being greyed out in your Traffic screenshot.  If I had taken the time to explained the reasons better, I might have realised my mistake - it's obviously one of those days - thank you Ian for pointing out my error!!

Jerry - You also need to be aware that PilotAware will only pass Data on 'Bearingless' (Mode CS (i.e. Mode S) or Mode C) Traffic to the Nav system if the Signal Strength (SIG) exceeds preset alert triggers associated with your selected 'Range' setting (previously 'Short Range'). From memory, this would require a minimum 'SIG' of something like 150 or greater for a 'First Level - Traffic Notice' warning, with greater SIG levels generating higher level 'Traffic Alert' and 'Traffic Danger' warnings if the other aircraft gets closer to you.

Hence none of the traffic you are 'seeing' in the Traffic Screen is appearing on SD due to a combination of selecting 'Bearingless' traffic at 'Short Range' and 'Known Position Traffic' only when at 'Less than 10Km'.

It is still worth checking your SkyDemon settings though. Set them all wide until you are sure you are seeing traffic then reduce the warning ranges/relative altitudes gently - a bit at a time - until you are comfortable that the information the system(s) are giving you meets your own personal needs.

This should solve your problem - please let us know.

Best Regards and Apologies for any confusion

« Last Edit: April 03, 2019, 02:50:16 pm by exfirepro »

Jerry Palmer

Re: Traffic Not Seen on SD - Rosetta
« Reply #14 on: April 03, 2019, 02:48:35 pm »
Lee, Peter ...

All SD settings were as you described, and I’ve gone back into the settings routine of SD to check.
I am out for the rest of the day, but will try PAW again before I leave.  As you have said, I’m sure it’s not PAW.  Running latest SD version.