Author Topic: Upgrading Classic  (Read 6839 times)

Chris Parsons

Upgrading Classic
« on: October 15, 2018, 03:36:43 pm »
Am I correct in assuming if I want to upgrade to the Rosetta I cannot just replace the Pi
in my Classic with a Pi3B (not the + version!)  and replace the GPS dongle?

Is the radio shield different? Clearly both antennas are on the 'top' - is this just internal wiring
being rerouted inside the case and the radio shield is the same?

(I already have the 'Stratux' case)




Re: Upgrading Classic
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2018, 03:47:19 pm »
Am I correct in assuming if I want to upgrade to the Rosetta I cannot just replace the Pi
in my Classic with a Pi3B (not the + version!)  and replace the GPS dongle?

Is the radio shield different? Clearly both antennas are on the 'top' - is this just internal wiring
being rerouted inside the case and the radio shield is the same?

(I already have the 'Stratux' case)



Hi Chris
You can replace the Pi2B->Pi3B if you wish, send us an email with the MAC address change.

The Shield is different in so much as the antenna position has changed slightly and it has a directDC feed via a Polyfuse from the Bridge, it also uses a lower power SDR, to allow the addition of a second for UAT tuning.


Chris Parsons

Re: Upgrading Classic
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2018, 09:50:08 am »
Oh - ok, I was trying to end up with a Rosetta without having to buy another PAW (cheapskate!) or pay 100 quid
for the upgrade

If  I go for the 100 quid upgrade (I have a 2016 PAW) do I get a Pi3B as well as the new radio board and case and
GPYes dongle?

On a different issue, I am helping another pilot get set up with his new PilotAware and although he
has the 5 green indicators on the home screen and can see traffic, when I use my tablet (Galaxy Tab S2)
to connect to his hotspot I get messages from SkyDemon about no GPS data being received?

He has a new tablet coming and we will see if this has the same problem but perhaps this is a
SkyDemon issue?

My PAW and the same tablet are fine - both PAW's are using the 20180520 firmware?

Incidentally, our OGNPAW link is still going strong which is encouraging :)



Re: Upgrading Classic
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2018, 10:38:35 am »
Hi Chris,

The standard Rosetta upgrade comprises the case, new ‘Bridge’ board, low power SDR dongle (not gpYES), 1090 antenna and patch cable - and in exchange you have to return your existing working ‘Bridge’, which will be passed on foc to someone wanting to set up (or upgrade to) a new OGN-R station. Most people just send back the full Classic RPi/Bridge/Case and opt for a RPi3 at the same time. Drop a line to Ash Vinning ‘’ and he will sort you out. Ash also runs a PilotAware Helpdesk Mon. - Fri. 11-4pm on 02476 980308.

I’m particularly interested in the issue with your colleague’s setup as I have another user with a similar problem - namely losing data on SkyDemon on a Galaxy Tab 2S. In his case the message says ‘No data has been received from your GPS device* for some time...’  rather than ‘no GPS data’.

*This means the GPS Data Source (in this case PilotAware), so it is actually saying that ‘There is a connectivity issue between SkyDemon and PilotAware’.

Can you confirm if this is the same message  as you are getting please. Also, you say it is a ‘New PilotAware’ do you mean a Rosetta or is it a Classic?


« Last Edit: October 16, 2018, 06:00:23 pm by exfirepro »

Chris Parsons

Re: Upgrading Classic
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2018, 11:25:17 am »
Having already replaced my PAW case I am reluctant to give it all up and pay another 200 quid+ for something
that is not substantially different...I am off to the US in the new year and can get the Stratux case and GPYes
for 15 bucks each - makes we wonder whether I should be offering to bring  a box full of them back!

Same case in the UK is forty quid, grrr...

The connectivity 'issue' is not with the Tab S2 as such, I have two Tab S2's, one 10 inch and one 8 inch (for the aircraft)
any they both connect to _my_ PAW fine - the issue was connecting to my friend's new PAW, and yes, the message was the one
you described about 'No data has been received from your GPS device* for some time...'

I did wonder if the new(er) PAW has a different Pi/kernel version than mine (which I bought in 2016), I can get it off him and have a
look if it helps? His new tablet is a Huawei but when we tried to get this to connect to his PAW he had lost his SkyDemon password etc so we had
to leave it (I ran out of lunchtime!)

I did wonder if the MAC/IP address of the PAW is saved in SkyDemon but thought that ANY SkyDemon tablet could connect to ANY PilotAware
as long as it was connected to the correct hotspot?

The 'new' PilotAware is actually a Classic he bought off the UKGA classifieds recently.

Happy to help with any experimenting?



Chris Parsons

Re: Upgrading Classic
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2018, 12:02:13 pm »
Just had a call from my friend and he gets the same message from his iPad - he is going to screen capture the PAW screens
and send them to me, and I'll pass them on?

I have sent you a PM with my phone numbers if it helps




Re: Upgrading Classic
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2018, 12:32:55 pm »
Thanks Chris,

OK on the Stratux bits. The principle benefits of 'Upgrading' are a speed increase via the Pi3 and getting rid of the external WiFi Dongle, which also frees up a USB port for other uses. Still worth having a chat to Ash and see if he can help.

There are generally 2 potential causes for loss of connectivity, either the WiFi chip has gone down - unlikely in your case as your friend is able to connect - or an issue with the pad - with Android devices apparently potentially caused by Battery Saving or Sleep Modes interfering with the Device's WiFi - which is why I am asking - though this also seems unlikely as you say yours works fine with your own setup.

Very puzzling. Worth checking that your friend is on the latest (currently 20180520) software and if his kernel is earlier than Version it would certainly be worth doing a full software install to update the Kernel, though this does require the ability to do a Full Overwrite Card Reformat.

The other guy I have been dealing with seems to have had an SD connectivity issue for some time. I first came across the problem when he was on FlyUK 2017 but he didn't want me to do a full PAW Software update in case it made things worse before he got back home. As he didn't get back in touch, I assumed he had done the update as advised and thought all was well, until he got back in touch at this year's LAA Rally. I have since been trying to help out remotely, but he keeps going quiet for prolonged periods and not getting back to me with info I have asked him to check - which is most frustrating! His is a 2016 Classic with AFAIK now 20180520 software, but I'm still waiting for confirmation of this and his Kernel and other details.

Keep us posted

Best Regards


Chris Parsons

Re: Upgrading Classic
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2018, 02:25:29 pm »
If he is down my way (Home is in Exeter, work in Torquay and aircraft is based at Dunkeswell) I am happy to help?

I work in ICT and know a bit about Linux...I helped set up the OGNPAW Relay at Dunkeswell



Re: Upgrading Classic
« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2018, 05:18:15 pm »
Hi Chris

there have been lots of changes and improvements in the last 3 years, so the devil is in the details

Version of PilotAware
Version of Kernel

Both available from the home page.
This is if it is a S/W fault - of course it could be a H/W fault.

« Last Edit: October 17, 2018, 05:20:52 pm by Admin »

Chris Parsons

Re: Upgrading Classic
« Reply #9 on: October 18, 2018, 02:49:39 pm »
I have just got the images from my friend's PAW and he is _not_ running the current version of firmware,
he has 20170223 so before I carry on I will upgrade him to the current version and see if he still has issues...

His PowerBank has been delivered too

Ian Melville

Re: Upgrading Classic
« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2018, 06:39:54 pm »
Chris, can I suggest that you do a full wipe and rebuild rather than just an update?


Re: Upgrading Classic
« Reply #11 on: October 18, 2018, 07:43:30 pm »
Hi Chris,

Yes, as per Ian’s post, to update to the latest software you need to do a Full Overwrite Reformat of the microSD card with Size Adjustment ‘On’ before loading the latest Full Software Version from  Have a look at the ‘Manual Update’ Instructions on the User Manual available on first if you have any doubts about this. That will also upgrade the RPi to the most recent Kernel and hopefully that will sort the issue. If not at least we will know it isn’t a software issue.

Can you post the Screenshots so we can see them please?

Best Regards

« Last Edit: October 18, 2018, 10:25:19 pm by exfirepro »


Re: Upgrading Classic
« Reply #12 on: October 18, 2018, 09:46:23 pm »
This is off topic, but something relevant - is there any chance in a new version of the PAW software that there can be a configuration backup and save option? Hopefully saving all settings including WIFI, profile configurations for different planes, track files etc? That way, I don't think doing a full wipe and restore would be so daunting! I spent ages fine tuning mine and then when I did a full wipe and restore to get the latest kernel and forgot I'd lose everything I'd fine tuned! :-)

Chris Parsons

Re: Upgrading Classic
« Reply #13 on: November 13, 2018, 10:26:21 am »
Apologies for the slow reply - yes, followed your suggestions and everything is working fine now :)

Also completed my Classic -> Rosetta upgrade, I fitted a 1090 high gain antenna I got as a pair for 14 quid,
the other being the 'weather' frequency range - although I am a bit far from the trial transmissions - I got a couple
of the low power Stratux SDR's and fitted one to connect the 1090 aerial, so I have a spare for the 'weather' aerial if
I ever fit it and also hopefully the battery might last a bit longer.

I discovered that if I fit a couple of cap screws to the top holes where the fan is supposed to fit on the back
of the case they provide a very convenient rest for the bottom of the battery pack (it used to keep sliding out of the
velcro strap!)

I have tested my friends PAW and mine side by side (in the car, on the dashboard) and they look to be working
fine...both can see the other plot :)

Also just spotted the link to the Stratux GPYes in another post (thanks) and now one of these have been ordered,
3 quid odd postage from the US has got to be a record!

So all I need now is some decent weather...



Re: Upgrading Classic
« Reply #14 on: November 13, 2018, 10:46:02 am »
Hi Chris,

Thanks for the update. Sounds like you have managed to sort everything out OK. Keep us posted once you get some ‘in-flight’ testing in.

Best Regards
