Author Topic: Is the bridge still available for self buld?  (Read 3388 times)


Is the bridge still available for self buld?
« on: September 03, 2018, 09:12:49 pm »
Sorry if this has been covered but I couldn't see anything. Do you still sell a bridge alone for self-builders? Does the original hardware store still function? It seems live and features the old bridge but it doesn't seem possible to buy one. In any event presumably one would want to buy the new one, although the difference isn't terribly clear to me?

TIA, Alan


Re: Is the bridge still available for self buld?
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2018, 03:47:22 am »
Hi buzz,

There are several differences, the main one being a layout alteration to suit the Rosetta case as the Classic Bridge doesn’t allow space for the extra SMA to attach the 1090MHz antenna to the case. The opportunity was taken at the same time to improve the layout, positioning and brightness of the LED indicators and add extra connectivity options in case they may be needed later. The new Bridges aren’t advertised for sale as individual items, because supplies are all going into production of units for sale to meet demand, but you could try dropping an e-mail to




Re: Is the bridge still available for self buld?
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2018, 01:58:48 pm »

Thanks, will do. But I have since spoken to a chum who posed the same question at Sywell and was told emphatically that home-build is dead, it's Rosetta or nothing now. Is that true? A great shame in my view.

If so, maybe an announcement would be in order or at least clean up the hardware shop?



Re: Is the bridge still available for self buld?
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2018, 03:55:59 pm »
Hi Alan,

The problem with self build has been one of support
We found we were spending much more time supporting users who were trying to source their own components, than those who had purchased a full build
It was a case of wrong WiFi adapters, GPS, USB cables etc ...
This would identify itself as 'it doesn't work' - then a lot of time is spent trying to diagnose the underlying issue.

The other issue was that we tend to have to buy all parts in volume in order to keep the costs down, then we end up with odd bits, so for instance we buy 200 RPi, 200 GPS, manufacture 200 Bridge, if we then sell 1 bridge standalone, then we have all the other bits left over and we cannot make a complete unit - it just makes logistics so difficult to manage

Can I ask what attracts you to build your own rather than buy a complete unit ?



Re: Is the bridge still available for self buld?
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2018, 04:27:41 pm »
Hi Lee, sure:

I dabble with all this sort of stuff (GPS, radio, tracking, RasPi) in another field and have all the bits.
I want to make it in a different more robust format for permanent mounting, I'm not interested in carry-on.
I like making things and this was an attractive aspect to the original project.

I do appreciate that times have changed and sympathise with your support issues though. If it was me I would take the view you can buy it but don't expect support, or else expect to pay for it.
