Author Topic: Is there any real advantage to a RPi 3 (Pi3B)?  (Read 3211 times)


Is there any real advantage to a RPi 3 (Pi3B)?
« on: August 20, 2018, 11:28:05 pm »
Sorry if this has been asked before...

I have just upgraded from a Classic to a Rosetta kit version. Is it worth also swapping out the Classic RPi 2 for a RPi 3B?

I actually have a couple of spares having bought some 3B+ for something else.


Re: Is there any real advantage to a RPi 3 (Pi3B)?
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2018, 02:57:31 am »
The built in Wifi frees up one of the USB slots, which may mean you can add a second SDR dongle for weather if that takes your fancy while retaining the ability to have an RS232 connection.

Also the built in Wifi seems perhaps a bit more reliable than the separate Wifi dongle.


Re: Is there any real advantage to a RPi 3 (Pi3B)?
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2018, 06:43:02 am »
Sorry if this has been asked before...

I have just upgraded from a Classic to a Rosetta kit version. Is it worth also swapping out the Classic RPi 2 for a RPi 3B?

I actually have a couple of spares having bought some 3B+ for something else.

high five,

The RPi 3B is good. As Paul has advised, it means less external bits (onboard WiFi), frees up a USB port and processes data a bit faster. It also has onboard Bluetooth which could potentially be used for audio out though this hasn’t been developed yet.

You will need to get your Licence swapped from your existing unit to your new Pi as the Licence Key is tied to the MAC address of the Pi - you just need to contact and send a note of your name, e-mail, old and new MAC addresses and they will send you a new licence key. Be aware, however that at present only the RPi3B is supported, NOT the 3B+, which uses slightly different architecture

Best Regards



Re: Is there any real advantage to a RPi 3 (Pi3B)?
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2018, 06:50:33 am »
It also has onboard Bluetooth which could potentially be used for audio out though this hasn’t been developed yet.

But what a fantastic development that would be  ;D ;D ;D


Re: Is there any real advantage to a RPi 3 (Pi3B)?
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2018, 07:24:38 am »
Paul, Peter,

Many thanks for the fast replies. Yes, the weather option does take my fancy :)

My PAW licence has just expired, so I will try and renew for the new Pi3B MAC via the email route you suggest.

Thanks again.........Mike


Re: Is there any real advantage to a RPi 3 (Pi3B)?
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2018, 01:39:21 pm »

There isn't a process in the system to pay for a 'new' license except when buying a unit or Bridge, so the quickest route would probably be to use the automated renewal process for your existing Pi2 license and then ask Lee to swap the license over to your Pi3.

Best Regards



Re: Is there any real advantage to a RPi 3 (Pi3B)?
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2018, 09:37:36 pm »
Peter, thanks - all sorted with Lee now.

Rosetta built, upgraded to RPi 3B and working very nicely!

Thanks to everyone for the support here on the forum and through email.
