Author Topic: Congratulations from EASA  (Read 13357 times)


Congratulations from EASA
« on: June 22, 2018, 09:00:42 pm »
Last week I spent a very interesting couple of days at the EASA conspicuity forum, in Cologne. There were lots of interesting folks there from Europe including CAA, NATS AOPA in the UK and their European equivalents including the German Gliding association and other interesting parties from France etc. Also manufacturers including FLARM, TRIG, AiR Avionics Garmin and PilotAware of course were represented.

The message from EASA in the end of session summary was one of interoperability between existing systems and the support of systems that have been shown to work and that are the natural choice of the communities. No one size fits all. In this respect FLARM and PilotAware were specifically mentioned.

The EASA Chair and Head of Conspicuity took the time to specifically meet with me at the end of the Forum to learn more about what we are doing with OGN-R and congratulate us on "A wonderful initiative led by the GA Power and Gliding communities in the UK".

Thats you by the way. So give your selves a pat on the back.

They are watching what we are doing and have been encouraged by the growth, the co-operation and the interoperability that we have achieved by our natural enthusiasm for EC and safety in general.

We will be meeting again at the latter part of the year and the OGN-R will be on the agenda so lets make sure we can get to 100 sites installed and prove the continuing ingenuity and support for this amazing project.

Well done everybody. We really are making history and you will be able too say. I was there, in try pioneering fashion.

Ian Melville

Re: Congratulations from EASA
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2018, 09:38:22 pm »
Fantatastic report Keith.

Not sure what the OGN-R count is now, but the stations seem to be getting quite dense in the middle bit, but there are obvious blind spots around the edges. Is there a plan to cover them, or are these low traffic area not viable to cover?


Re: Congratulations from EASA
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2018, 11:51:37 pm »
Good news …

Echo the statement above .. I noticed far more OGN stations on my last trips down 'south' (Luton, and into Heathrow's airspace), along with the repeated gliders for the competition North of London earlier this week ..

There's more sites being setup, and more traffic reported all the time, which is great news... any help spotting traffic from further away is good in my book..

Pilotaware user ...


Re: Congratulations from EASA
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2018, 08:49:26 am »
Yes we need a concerted effort. Paul Ruskin has done nothing short of a brilliant job with the gliding community we now need to expand further with the powered sites.

Any ideas on how we can do this always welcome.
