Andrewsfield (EGSL) is up and Running. Bit of a fiddly job due to poor estimation on RF cable lengths (not Keiths fault!) and having to run a new ethernet cable up to the tower and install a small switch but Overall it went well.

Antennas. A bit cramped but the best we could do

ADSB Reception is impressive

Quite hopeful for this site as the elevation is the highest place around for at least ten miles. Watching a club 152 depart however. on the 360Radar, we lost it less than a mile out. I think the PAW sits on the coaming and the antenna is allowed to flop down. Results on the OGN site are already starting to look a bit more promising.
One observation though, on 360Radar, the PAWs label on the ground didn't show any callsign, just their height. This was both from the departing 152 whose Reg didn't show until he was about half a mile out, and my Rosetta that I had in the tower with me.