Author Topic: No Icons  (Read 5578 times)


No Icons
« on: April 23, 2017, 06:58:06 pm »
Another problem, when I took to the air the PAW worked find and any aircraft visible had icons showing the direction, but after a while any new aircraft had no icons only voice alerts and the aircraft call sign. ?


Re: No Icons
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2017, 07:15:42 pm »
Im sorry I do not understand

Are you saying SkyDemon is not showing traffic at all
But you are getting audio alerts ?

Are the audio alerts bearingless or bearing targets

What settings do you have for the vertical filter in SkyDemon?


Re: No Icons
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2017, 08:07:39 pm »
Im sorry I do not understand

Are you saying SkyDemon is not showing traffic at all
But you are getting audio alerts ?

Are the audio alerts bearingless or bearing targets

What settings do you have for the vertical filter in SkyDemon?

Sorry should have made myself more clear. While I was on the ground all the aircraft in the circuit were showing up on the screen of Skydemon with a proper aircraft icon. Once I was ten minutes into my flight I noticed that I was getting audio alerts but not an actual icon of an aircraft, I was getting the text, like the call sign and what height the other aircraft was at but no actual icon from that moment on. which meant I couldn't tell which way the other aircraft were going.

Ian Melville

Re: No Icons
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2017, 08:32:45 pm »
Um, not had time to analyse it yet, but I was having an similar issue on Saturday trip to Sleap. Visually spotted a mode S target about 2km and it was on SD, And audio alert heard, but only for a couple of seconds then it disaperaed off SD, despite the target passing down my port. Just like the transponder had been turned off. Didn't note if there was text.

Despite the great weather very little traffic seen, but was seeing stuff 50km away, so no issue with the ADSB rx.


Re: No Icons
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2017, 08:38:38 pm »

Are you referring to bearingless targets ?
These do not display an icon, just a ring around your aircraft and a relative altitude

Is this what you mean ?



Re: No Icons
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2017, 09:12:10 pm »

Are you referring to bearingless targets ?
These do not display an icon, just a ring around your aircraft and a relative altitude

Is this what you mean ?


Sorry I'm not sure what you mean by bearingless targets, that may well be what I'm seeing though.


Re: No Icons
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2017, 09:40:33 pm »
Have you enabled mode c/s detection in Pilotaware
And have you enabled display bearingless targets in SkyDemon

If so, you will get audio messages,and a ring around your aircraft on the display

Full details are in the operating instructions here



Re: No Icons
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2017, 06:39:57 pm »
Have you enabled mode c/s detection in Pilotaware
And have you enabled display bearingless targets in SkyDemon

If so, you will get audio messages,and a ring around your aircraft on the display

Full details are in the operating instructions here


Thanks for that Lee, yes I have enabled the mode C/S detection and also bearingless targets have been enabled, so I think from what you are saying bearingless targets is what I was seeing. although the thing that confused  me is I never actually saw one aircraft for the whole flight, only bearingless targets, which mades me wonder if there is another problem.

I'm also a little confused to what exactly is a bearingless target.

« Last Edit: April 24, 2017, 06:59:18 pm by turkeysneck »

Ian Melville

Re: No Icons
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2017, 08:24:45 pm »
A bearing less target is a mode A/c/S transponder, which have no position information. Therefore PAW can only estimate if the target is a threat based on the signal strength. Since transponder vary in power lever, it is all a bit hit-and-miss. You will need to fine tune your PAW settings so that you get red amber and green rings match the appropriate threat levels. If it is set to sensitive it is quite possible to get a danger warning and the target be 50km or more away. It's less than ideal, but better than nothing, let's hope more GA pilots adopt PAW and become plotable targets.

I'm sure this is all covered in the manual?


Re: No Icons
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2017, 08:38:00 pm »
A bearing less target is a mode A/c/S transponder, which have no position information. Therefore PAW can only estimate if the target is a threat based on the signal strength. Since transponder vary in power lever, it is all a bit hit-and-miss. You will need to fine tune your PAW settings so that you get red amber and green rings match the appropriate threat levels. If it is set to sensitive it is quite possible to get a danger warning and the target be 50km or more away. It's less than ideal, but better than nothing, let's hope more GA pilots adopt PAW and become plotable targets.

I'm sure this is all covered in the manual?

Thank you for that.


Re: No Icons
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2017, 11:13:58 pm »

Definitely sounds like what you are talking about are 'bearingless' Mode 'S' targets. If this keeps happening, can you post screengrabs of your Navigation System Display to show us what you are seeing, and if possible your 'PAW' Traffic Screen.




Re: No Icons
« Reply #11 on: April 25, 2017, 08:50:46 pm »

Definitely sounds like what you are talking about are 'bearingless' Mode 'S' targets. If this keeps happening, can you post screengrabs of your Navigation System Display to show us what you are seeing, and if possible your 'PAW' Traffic Screen.



OK thanks Peter.