Author Topic: Air Navigation Pro - Traffic broadcasting and Mode C targets  (Read 2582 times)


Air Navigation Pro - Traffic broadcasting and Mode C targets
« on: March 29, 2017, 10:43:42 pm »
Hey All,

I just purchased a pilotaware, which works fine except the following 2 issues:

1st question: When I am on pilotaware's web page (, as far as I can see, it receives 3-4 Mode C signals. I am unable to locate these targets in Air Navigation Pro, which is connected with pilotaware of course. I am able to see only the mode S targets.

2nd question: Usually when I connect a traffic device (such as Garmin and other hardwares as well) on the Air Navigation Pro, it broadcasts the targets (which have been recognised from Garmin), through my iPad's air nav pro, to other air nav pro users. That means when someone fly close to my area (53m) is able to receive mode c/s targets from my garmin (which have been broadcasted through air nan pro). Using pilotaware my ipad does not broadcast any target (mode s, because mode c i am unable to see) to other air nav pro user in the area, any idea/suggestion?

Apologies if you have already answer these questions, I was unable to locate the thread.

Thanks in advance,


Re: Air Navigation Pro - Traffic broadcasting and Mode C targets
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2017, 12:08:25 am »
Hey All,

I just purchased a pilotaware, which works fine except the following 2 issues:

1st question: When I am on pilotaware's web page (, as far as I can see, it receives 3-4 Mode C signals. I am unable to locate these targets in Air Navigation Pro, which is connected with pilotaware of course. I am able to see only the mode S targets.

PilotAware uses the Traffic Page as a sort of 'Collection Box' to collate and process received signals. In the case of Mode C, it collects a series of these signals which are held and compared for approx 10-15 seconds as part of the filtering and evaluation process and to ensure the signal is not coming from the user's own transponder (a long story, but basically because Mode 'C' does not transmit an individual aircraft identifier). In any case, Mode C and Mode 'S' signals are ONLY passed to the Audio Alert and Nav Systems if they exceed a pre-configured strength determined from the Mode C/S Detect Range you have selected in your Configuration Screen Settings. So you will only see a Mode 'C' alert if this is the strongest local Mode C/S risk and is NOT your own aircraft.

2nd question: Usually when I connect a traffic device (such as Garmin and other hardwares as well) on the Air Navigation Pro, it broadcasts the targets (which have been recognised from Garmin), through my iPad's air nav pro, to other air nav pro users. That means when someone fly close to my area (53m) is able to receive mode c/s targets from my garmin (which have been broadcasted through air nan pro). Using pilotaware my ipad does not broadcast any target (mode s, because mode c i am unable to see) to other air nav pro user in the area, any idea/suggestion?

Apologies if you have already answer these questions, I was unable to locate the thread.

Thanks in advance,

Sorry Alexandros, This is a new one on me. To my knowledge, there is nothing I know of in either the iPad or AirNav Pro which can do this, so I don't have a clue how this 'works' with your Garmin setup. I would certainly not want to be flying within 53 metres of another aircraft in order to receive 2nd hand traffic alerts from it. PilotAware is certainly not designed to re-broadcast received signals to other aircraft. It is designed for local use within your own individual aircraft only, so sorry I can't help you with this one.

