Author Topic: RPI 2 and rainbow screen  (Read 12732 times)

Re: RPI 2 and rainbow screen
« Reply #15 on: January 08, 2017, 10:25:04 am »
I appear to have fallen into the same trap - or worse!

As Pilot Aware Hardware had no stock of the Classic, I ordered a bridge and the Pi2B from Amazon.

Amazon parcel arrived this morning (Sunday) containing a Pi3!

Is the software for the Pi3 going to be available soon or should I send it back and demand the Pi2B which I ordered?

We are evaluating the PAW system for fitting in our (6) aircraft. One of our members, Chris Mills, has kindly lent me a pair of Pi1 based systems to get started with.  Our prime objective is more to track our fellow pilots on fly-outs than find conflicting traffic though that will be much appreciated too.

I am experimenting with all the obvious aerials as the relatively low power of the system suggests that this is the most promising improvement area for more consistent results. Counter-intuitively, using one of Chris's units (like a Classic with standard aerial) in the cockpit has so far given more reliable results in my metal Bonanza than our wooden Robins.....

Hopefully more aerial trials today.
Dermot Richardson, Robin Flying Group


Re: RPI 2 and rainbow screen
« Reply #16 on: January 08, 2017, 09:53:52 pm »
I have installed the bridge and as far as I can tell, the software in working. I have not had a chance to test it outside of the Heathrow TMA, so have not yet seen any mode c or s aircraft.

I am still using a demo software key and would appreciate a on-demo key...

Best regards



Re: RPI 2 and rainbow screen
« Reply #17 on: January 08, 2017, 11:25:01 pm »

Remember you have to select the appropriate setting for Mode C/S in the 'Mode C/S Select' option in the 'Configure' screen - it is off by default. If you have any type of transponder, you need to select 'Mode C/S +Filter(Beta) if you want to see both mode C and Mode S.




Re: RPI 2 and rainbow screen
« Reply #18 on: January 09, 2017, 04:47:14 pm »
Many thanks - we have a mode S transponder - will set 'Mode C/S +Filter(Beta)


Re: RPI 2 and rainbow screen
« Reply #19 on: January 09, 2017, 05:38:47 pm »
I am still using a demo software key and would appreciate a non-demo key...

Best regards



Sorry, I missed the bit about the temporary software key in your earlier post. Your bridge includes a first year software licence, which you should be able to retrieve via the Licensing and Downloads Section from the Forum Home Page.




Re: RPI 2 and rainbow screen
« Reply #20 on: January 09, 2017, 06:21:55 pm »

I tried that, but it did not work. I suspect that the system blocked me as I had previously been issued with a software key before I got the Bridge.

Best regards

Chris Frost


Re: RPI 2 and rainbow screen
« Reply #21 on: January 09, 2017, 10:26:34 pm »

In that case your software key should still continue to work as long as you are still using the same Pi motherboard. At worst, you should just need to reinsert the previous licence key.

As Lee supplied you with the test software, I suggest you drop him an e-mail with your Pi MAC Address and the Number from the sticker on your new bridge if there is a problem and he will then be able to update your licence for you.



« Last Edit: January 09, 2017, 10:55:20 pm by exfirepro »


Re: RPI 2 and rainbow screen
« Reply #22 on: January 09, 2017, 10:48:12 pm »
I appear to have fallen into the same trap - or worse!

As Pilot Aware Hardware had no stock of the Classic, I ordered a bridge and the Pi2B from Amazon.

Amazon parcel arrived this morning (Sunday) containing a Pi3!

Is the software for the Pi3 going to be available soon or should I send it back and demand the Pi2B which I ordered?

We are evaluating the PAW system for fitting in our (6) aircraft. One of our members, Chris Mills, has kindly lent me a pair of Pi1 based systems to get started with.  Our prime objective is more to track our fellow pilots on fly-outs than find conflicting traffic though that will be much appreciated too.

I am experimenting with all the obvious aerials as the relatively low power of the system suggests that this is the most promising improvement area for more consistent results. Counter-intuitively, using one of Chris's units (like a Classic with standard aerial) in the cockpit has so far given more reliable results in my metal Bonanza than our wooden Robins.....

Hopefully more aerial trials today.
Dermot Richardson, Robin Flying Group

Hi Dermot,

Your post hasn't been overlooked, but Lee has been away and as the one who does all the software development, he is best placed to provide a definitive answer to your main question.

For my part all I can say is that since we became aware that 'Pi' had changed the Pi2B to a version 1.2 board on which PilotAware wouldn't run, Lee has spent a considerable amount of time restructuring the PAW software to run on the newer version 1.2 Pi2 B+ board. The Pi3, however, although it has several similarities to the 'new' 2B+ is still a significantly different beast and I am not aware of any plans to support PilotAware operation on Pi3 in the immediate future.

Hope this helps with your decision




Re: RPI 2 and rainbow screen
« Reply #23 on: January 09, 2017, 11:37:33 pm »
Hi Dermot

Sorry for the late reply
I suggest returning and obtaining a pi2b



Re: RPI 2 and rainbow screen
« Reply #24 on: January 20, 2017, 06:58:03 pm »
I too seem to have a v1.2 RPi2 with the installation stuck on the rainbow screen, if I use the pilotaware download.

Is there a simple way around the problem? I can get a basic noobs/raspian install going fine.


Re: RPI 2 and rainbow screen
« Reply #25 on: January 20, 2017, 08:13:48 pm »
Hi grvbc
I will send a link to a download for the v1.2.
We still need to formally release this version



Re: RPI 2 and rainbow screen
« Reply #26 on: January 21, 2017, 03:45:20 pm »
That would be brilliant ... Thanks Lee.  Well done.



Re: RPI 2 and rainbow screen
« Reply #27 on: February 02, 2017, 11:13:58 am »
Hi all,

I have started buying the components for a self build, received my Pi 2 this morning, from the link in the known good hardware, and it is also a v1.2

Has the software already been updated, or will I need the new unreleased software?  I am waiting for the bridge to come back into stock so there is no immediate hurry, but thought I would let you know that your recommended supplier is sending v1.2s now!



Re: RPI 2 and rainbow screen
« Reply #28 on: February 22, 2017, 11:42:48 am »
Ok, I received the last component for my self build this morning, havent connected the device to a monitor yet but I'm not seeing a wifi hotspot.

I was about to troubleshoot further when I remembered I have the v1.2 pi, and the s/w version downloaded was 20161201, so could I please have the v1.2 software sent to me (or a link to d/l it)?




Re: RPI 2 and rainbow screen
« Reply #29 on: February 22, 2017, 11:49:54 am »
Just seen the latest version is 23Dec so I am downloading that to try, but I believe this still wont work with v1.2