1. My set-up will be: iPad mini with both cellular and GPS outputting the GPS data to PilotAware, and connecting back to SkyDemon via the FLARM option;
That's how most of us do it -- but there is now an option to use a USB GPS directly into the PilotAware unit (testing myself at the moment)
2. I like the idea of using the SOP instead of the other board - looks a nice solution - What mods need to be done to the SOP board prior to using it instead of the Dogole board?
The POD headers that are in a line need to be removed. Unsolder if you feel confident enough and have a decent de-solder pump, otherwise wiggle from side to side a few times and the pins will break off flush(ish) with the PCB. You can then either just leave them and cover with tape or de-solder each pin (what I do).
3. When using the SOP - how does the 3.3 v get supplied to the ARF board?
There is an on-board regulator. It feeds a set of pads that have a screen printed legend of GND and 3.3V - there is also a 5V pad next to it so be careful which ones you use.
4. Is there a step by step guide with pictures (similar to the construction/build pdf file) that shows each step in order to build the unit?
Nope. But it's fairly self-explanatory. You just need 4 wires. There are photo's that both Ian Fallon and I have posted. I have attached one below showing my initial SoP board with ARF.
5. The Wirelessthings ARF receiver seems to be be out of stock - anywhere else I can source one - I've checked eBay and Amazon - no go!
I bought one from Rapid Electronics but they are also out of stock. WirelessThings say they will be getting more 'soon'. Sign up on their website to get an email when they are in.
6. Is it ok to ask more questions as the build progresses !!!!!!
Yes. We will help if we can.
7. Any other practical advice greatly appreciated!
Look at what others have done and decide what's best for you. Everyones approach is different but as long as you build to the plan it should work OK. The most important thing is to buy the modules that Lee has stated work. Don't think 'that looks the same, i'll get one of them instead' as it may not work (as per some of the WiFi threads).
Good luck and have fun.