Author Topic: IOS 10 - Legacy WiFi issues  (Read 4038 times)


IOS 10 - Legacy WiFi issues
« on: October 10, 2016, 10:21:31 am »
It appears that in the latest version of IOS, it does not work well with lagacy networks in mode B.
The default settings for PilotAware are mode B Wifi.

If you have upgraded to iOS 10, I suggest changing this to mode G WiFi

I ran an app on an iOS 10 device reading the stream of data from PilotAware, and there was some horrible stuttering in the communications, I think Apple have totally messed up their legacy support for mode B.

So I recommend changing to mode G for the WiFi connection, I think we will probably make this the default setting in the future releases.

also worth googling for
    iOS10 WiFi issues
Lots of recommendations for resetting and rejoining networks
« Last Edit: October 10, 2016, 11:09:57 am by Admin »


Re: IOS 10 - Legacy WiFi issues
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2016, 12:09:09 pm »
For anyone else that might not know, this is done on the Pilot Aware wifi screen which I was blissfully unaware of, not in ios settings.


Re: IOS 10 - Legacy WiFi issues
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2016, 12:53:54 pm »
Hi All,

I thought I would give a further update on this.

It appears there is still some kind of issue in ios10.0.2, this is what I have observed.

I have 2 iOS devices, A is running 9.3.5, B is upgraded to 10.0.2
I connect both devices to the PilotAware HotSpot, and open an application called 'telnet lite'
This application can be used to read the messages streamed from PilotAware containing the traffic
information, and the GPS co-ordinate information.

The iOS 9.3.5 has a nice steady stream of messages output every 1 second interval (as they are sent from PilotAware.

The iOS 10.0.2 device has a very jittery output where the data seems to get blocked for upto 3 seconds, then output in bulk. it appears there is a buffering issue in this new OS. delaying data for 3 seconds at a time is more an inconvenience than a tragedy, the real issue is if the Navigation tool is starved of data for a period which is long enough for it to consider that the device has dropped out.

I am interested in any feedback users have, if they have already upgraded and are seeing any issues ?

Stu B

Re: IOS 10 - Legacy WiFi issues
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2016, 10:39:44 am »
I flew on 11 Oct with teh PAW GPS feeding an Asus Android tablet and an iPhone 6+ (which had very recently been updated to IOS 10), both running EasyVFR. The PAW GPS dongle is attached via a USB extension cable and is attached inside the top of my bubble canopy, so should have an very good view of the sky. By chance, before seeing this thread, I had looked at the EasyVFR breadcrumbs from both devices. The Asus breadcrumb was very good with points "like clockwork" almost every second through the flight (only about 2 or 3 missed points in total during 30 mins flying). I was surprised to see that the iPhone breadcrumb was MUCH poorer - although there were periods where there were points every second,  there were also extended periods where there was only a point every third second. When I first saw that, it was very puzzling as the iPhone generally is much faster than the Android, and I had not noticed such "low GPS rate" tenancies in previous (non-PAW) breadcrumbs on the iPhone. Now, reading this thread, it seems that I may well have been suffering this IOS Wifi constipation!

I'll try Mode G for my next flight!