Hi Peter/Alan,
I arrived at Sherburn at 1pm Saturday. I did ask around if anyone else had PAW but it's difficult to identify others unless some kind of formal announcement is made. I emailed Neil Wilson of the LAA earlier the previous week to suggest that he ask all participants with PAW to set the Group ID of their units to "LAA70TOUR", but this was likely not done.
Really sorry that I was unable to identify you both as I'd have loved a chat, and to be able to put faces to the names appearing on this forum who have been so helpful to this project. One guy I befriended, Dave Holl in a Jodel DR1050, owned up to having a PAW on board but he left the tour to return home today. Both of us were unable to get past Newcastle yesterday due to atrocious weather (we took different routes) though a small number did somehow make it to Perth. I got a red adsb contact 91 ft lower and on a reciprocal heading in these conditions but couldn't make a visual sighting.
Today was total contrast with great weather. Those stuck at Sherburn were able to get to Carlisle to meet up with those returning from Perth and all proceed to Manchester Barton. A few crews left Sherburn at an ungodly hour this morning and not only got to Perth but did the Inverness and Great Glen also before flying to Barton. Well done to all!
It got really busy leaving Carlisle and many Mode C and S contacts were evident whilst I was at the hold and over the Lake District etc. My PAW performed faultlessly and I wouldn't like to be without it. I was using the EasyVFR voice alerts as I'd somehow left my audio mixer at home, and I could get higher audio level out of the iPad. The iPad turned itself off twice due to overheating today as it was very hot weather. Took it out of its "Survivor" protective case whilst at Carlisle and the problem did not repeat.
Sitting in my hotel close to Barton as I write this post. Unfortunately my "Tour" ends tomorrow as I pass back through Shobdon, due to family commitments. Don't think I will be able to get to the rally this year, but hope there will be lots of interest in PAW as it will make a hell of a difference the more pilots that adopt it!