Hi, long time lurker but 1st post as I'm confused by the PAW stats from the rally.
We flew in DJAY on Saturday, it has PAW but no transponder, yet the stats registered us as having ADS-B and not PAW.
Simple typo or what's going on?
Great to see that many aircraft logged though.
Thanks for getting in contact, I wrote a quick and dirty program to get this data from the logging.
assumed all PilotAware traffic was using the default GroupID=
PAWGRPcould it be possible you changed your GroupID ?
this would explain the assumption you were ADS-B.
I do in fact retain data about the source of the collected data, ie
Mode-C, Mode-S, ADS-B, P3I
so could probably write a better post processor, but please let me know if you have changed your default
GroupID, that would explain the difference
BTW do you really mean '
no transponder' or simply not ADS-B ?