I just decided to take a chance on the ARF-board and soldered the wires to the other side - and it works
So if you look at the side with the antenna connector, Pin 1 is left of the connector.
Hi Onkelmuetze,
I have had problems trying to source the correct Xbee Adapter, so have purchased the same powerpod as you. If I read the above post correctly, and looking at the jpeg you provided in the previous post, after swapping the wires around, could you please confirm the correct pinouts are as follows:
VIN --------------------- 2 (PWR)
10 ------------------- GND -------------------- 6 (GND)
1 -------------------- VOUT
3 ---------------------------------------------- 8 (TXD)
2 ---------------------------------------------- 10 (RXD)
From your photo (copy attached) it appears that pin GND on the pod takes inut from the IDC, and provides output to pin 10 on the ARF, via two wires soldered together, but I just can't quite make this out from the photo.
Forgive my ignorance on this, but I am following the 'painting by numbers' method for hardware assembly, and am wary of making expensive mistakes.