Author Topic: USB-GPS Working in PilotAware  (Read 92286 times)


Re: USB-GPS Working in PilotAware
« Reply #15 on: September 15, 2015, 05:45:55 pm »
Is the support for the GPS in the current release? or is there a Beta with it in?
I hope to have my GPS end of this week :)

I could get a beta uploaded for you to try
Let me know if you want to give that a go.

I'm happy to buy in a GPS and trial the beta - I'd prefer a GPS that is both GPS and GLONASS though if possible - hence my interest in this one:

Can you confirm if this is likely to work or will require additional coding? Assume it is presented as a USB serial interface?


Re: USB-GPS Working in PilotAware
« Reply #16 on: September 15, 2015, 06:55:08 pm »
Does this negate the need for the system to be connected to skydemon (or equivalent) for positioning.

I'm considering building a test rig and not having to connect to SD would make life a lot easier for me.




Re: USB-GPS Working in PilotAware
« Reply #17 on: September 15, 2015, 10:20:50 pm »
Is the support for the GPS in the current release? or is there a Beta with it in?
I hope to have my GPS end of this week :)

I could get a beta uploaded for you to try
Let me know if you want to give that a go.

I'm happy to buy in a GPS and trial the beta - I'd prefer a GPS that is both GPS and GLONASS though if possible - hence my interest in this one:

Can you confirm if this is likely to work or will require additional coding? Assume it is presented as a USB serial interface?



Re: USB-GPS Working in PilotAware
« Reply #18 on: September 15, 2015, 10:54:24 pm »
Does this negate the need for the system to be connected to skydemon (or equivalent) for positioning.

Yes, I ran my PilotAware on my hour long commute using the usb gps
Seemed to work well


Re: USB-GPS Working in PilotAware
« Reply #19 on: September 15, 2015, 10:56:57 pm »
I'm happy to buy in a GPS and trial the beta - I'd prefer a GPS that is both GPS and GLONASS though if possible - hence my interest in this one:
Can you confirm if this is likely to work or will require additional coding? Assume it is presented as a USB serial interface?

If it is presented as a serial device it should work, devil is always in the detail


Re: USB-GPS Working in PilotAware
« Reply #20 on: September 16, 2015, 12:31:15 am »
Connecting RY835AI GPS to Raspberry Pi via GPIO

Maybe this will help as this GPS/AHRS is hard wired

Still would like to RX 978 MHZ using your product :)

then this thread

"After my USB connector broke on the RY835AI, I successfully got the RY835AI GPS to send NMEA to the Raspberry Pi by using the Raspberry Pi's serial port. Here's how you can set it up:

SSH into raspberry pi and type "sudo raspi-config".

Go to "Advanced Options", Serial, Select "NO".

Reboot Raspberry Pi.

Connect RXD pin on RY835AI to pin 8 on Raspberry Pi (, Connect TXD pin on RY835AI to pin 10 on Raspberry Pi.

Stratux still doesn't work with this change. First you need to tell it use a different serial port for the GPS data. So in ry835ai.go you have to go the the initGPSSerial method and change the serial port to /dev/ttyAMA0.
The code needs to be changed though, for some reason (at least on my raspberry pi i'm only getting about 8 bytes of data from the serial Read command). Will keep trying and see if i can get this working."


The reading data from the raw serial port seems to work differently than the USB serial - some difference in buffering I assume. You can replace the gpsSerialReader function in ry835ai.go with the version in the same function here:
That uses the scanner stream reader and seems to work well reading from the raw port.


Re: USB-GPS Working in PilotAware
« Reply #21 on: September 16, 2015, 07:58:48 am »
I successfully got the RY835AI GPS to send NMEA to the Raspberry Pi by using the Raspberry Pi's serial port. Here's how you can set it up:.

Thanks, but if my understanding is correct the issue here is the serial port pins 8 & 10 on GPIO are already in use with the wireless ARF board and the RPI only has one serial port, hence the need to use a USB GPS.


Re: USB-GPS Working in PilotAware
« Reply #22 on: September 16, 2015, 03:18:02 pm »
This is correct, the GPIO UART is already in use, so cannot connect a GPS

Kevin W

Re: USB-GPS Working in PilotAware
« Reply #23 on: September 17, 2015, 01:13:48 pm »
Is the support for the GPS in the current release? or is there a Beta with it in?
I hope to have my GPS end of this week :)

I could get a beta uploaded for you to try
Let me know if you want to give that a go.

+1 for that beta please :)


Re: USB-GPS Working in PilotAware
« Reply #24 on: September 21, 2015, 11:30:46 am »
My UBlox-7 USB stick arrived this morning - after taking longer than I'd have expected to download its ephemeris data, it's up and working.

Would be useful if possible on the status page to show things like No of current birds being received (GPS & GLONASS) and whether it's a 2D/3D fix and perhaps DoP? Not sure if that's possible off this module though but I assume it's just some kind of interrogation of the GPS?

Kevin W

Re: USB-GPS Working in PilotAware
« Reply #25 on: September 21, 2015, 01:00:19 pm »
I agree, would be usefull.  Mine is also working ok, although when it looses gps fix it sends a lat and long of zero, sending my sky demon screen off to the north pole.  Need to wok out how to send no valid position rather than a position sky demon assumes to be vaalid of 0:0 :)



Re: USB-GPS Working in PilotAware
« Reply #26 on: September 21, 2015, 01:41:05 pm »
Regarding the 0/0 Lat/Long
At the moment I am not really error checking the quality of the Fix
Another ToDo ....

I used mine at the weekend (ublox-7) and it worked perfectly.
I had an incoming A/C showing 300ft below to my left, and I could not get a visual for the life of me,
I was thinking oh not a S/W bug, and then something zoomed past on my port side at about 500 Metres, and disappeared to my rear.
It must have been a GA sending ADS-B


Re: USB-GPS Working in PilotAware
« Reply #27 on: September 21, 2015, 03:39:56 pm »
Regarding the 0/0 Lat/Long
At the moment I am not really error checking the quality of the Fix
Another ToDo ....

I used mine at the weekend (ublox-7) and it worked perfectly.
I had an incoming A/C showing 300ft below to my left, and I could not get a visual for the life of me,
I was thinking oh not a S/W bug, and then something zoomed past on my port side at about 500 Metres, and disappeared to my rear.
It must have been a GA sending ADS-B

Being not far from Oxford, I see their training Piper Senecas are transmitting ADS-B. It's a shame Hinton Para's PAC doesn't - it would be worth having PilotAware just for seeing where that was!


Re: USB-GPS Working in PilotAware
« Reply #28 on: September 21, 2015, 07:17:44 pm »
OK, I'm less than happy with the U-Blox7 GPS module I have - it has 'crashed' (i.e., stopped getting a fix) 4 times now this afternoon, green light stopped flashing and putting me at 0:0 lat/long (North Pole!) - it will re-acquire and start working on a reboot of the PilotAware box so it's def. not the fact that it's lost sky view, but can take an age on a power-off restart.

Considering it's supposed to be both GPS and GLONASS, it's a bit of a PoS really and not as reliable as the in-built GPS in the iPad or my Bad Elf Pro+


Re: USB-GPS Working in PilotAware
« Reply #29 on: September 21, 2015, 07:54:30 pm »
OK, I'm less than happy with the U-Blox7 GPS module I have - it has 'crashed' (i.e., stopped getting a fix) 4 times now this afternoon, green light stopped flashing and putting me at 0:0 lat/long (North Pole!) - it will re-acquire and start working on a reboot of the PilotAware box so it's def. not the fact that it's lost sky view, but can take an age on a power-off restart.

Considering it's supposed to be both GPS and GLONASS, it's a bit of a PoS really and not as reliable as the in-built GPS in the iPad or my Bad Elf Pro+

Oh goodo - that's what I ordered to be compatible with you guys! LOL