Connecting RY835AI GPS to Raspberry Pi via GPIO
Maybe this will help as this GPS/AHRS is hard wired
Still would like to RX 978 MHZ using your product this thread"After my USB connector broke on the RY835AI, I successfully got the RY835AI GPS to send NMEA to the Raspberry Pi by using the Raspberry Pi's serial port. Here's how you can set it up:
SSH into raspberry pi and type "sudo raspi-config".
Go to "Advanced Options", Serial, Select "NO".
Reboot Raspberry Pi.
Connect RXD pin on RY835AI to pin 8 on Raspberry Pi (, Connect TXD pin on RY835AI to pin 10 on Raspberry Pi.
Stratux still doesn't work with this change. First you need to tell it use a different serial port for the GPS data. So in ry835ai.go you have to go the the initGPSSerial method and change the serial port to /dev/ttyAMA0.
The code needs to be changed though, for some reason (at least on my raspberry pi i'm only getting about 8 bytes of data from the serial Read command). Will keep trying and see if i can get this working."
The reading data from the raw serial port seems to work differently than the USB serial - some difference in buffering I assume. You can replace the gpsSerialReader function in ry835ai.go with the version in the same function here: uses the scanner stream reader and seems to work well reading from the raw port.