Author Topic: COLOUR CHANGE  (Read 14450 times)


« on: June 08, 2016, 03:46:03 pm »

In the previous version of the software (engineering release) the mode C/S traffic the aircraft icon changed colour green through to red.
I notice on my new classic the aircraft Icon stays white.
in the traffic listing in the browser I note the signal strength box changes colour with reception strength.

Have I not set my new unit up correctly.


p.s. I will still be using my old engineering version in parallel with my new classic as the Mode C works well and a great catch all.


« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2016, 04:13:14 pm »

In the previous version of the software (engineering release) the mode C/S traffic the aircraft icon changed colour green through to red.
I notice on my new classic the aircraft Icon stays white.
in the traffic listing in the browser I note the signal strength box changes colour with reception strength.

Have I not set my new unit up correctly.


p.s. I will still be using my old engineering version in parallel with my new classic as the Mode C works well and a great catch all.

Hi Steve,
Presume you are using SkyDemon, I don't recall the details (exfirepro may recall), but the threat level does not seem to alter the color in the display, it is dependant on something else as well.
I think I need to check with Tim Dawson how to highlight the A/C differently
Could it have been related to not providing the rings around the aircraft - I would have to investigate TBH



« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2016, 04:35:10 pm »
Yes I am using Sky Demon.



« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2016, 05:27:56 pm »
Here' a screen shot of an aircraft I watched on final, while waiting to depart at Shoreham.
The grab was as DW crossed the numbers and shows him in white.
Not sure why the glide safe ring was showing as I was stationary, but that's a SD 'thing'

I did see a number of mode S contacts displayed on the screen while enroute, but the tiny overlaid aircraft is hardly attention grabbing to the point of being nearly useless, so I'm planning to get the audio connected ASAP.


« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2016, 10:48:48 pm »
Hi Guys,

Now I'm getting really confused! (Not difficult these days).

You are correct Steve! In the early engineering versions Lee replaced the standard SD warning rings with the little piggy-backed aircraft denoting a Mode S contact, which appeared first as green, then changed to 'amber' and 'red' if the contact continued to approach - in line with the alert trigger levels. I still have the screen grabs to show this and loved it!

Sometime between 14th and 16th January something changed and this stopped happening. IIRC it was at or about the time Lee introduced the 'on screen' display of alternating Reg/Flight ID. I remember having a conversation with Lee about this which went along the lines that SkyDemon can't process these plus relative altitude and the colour changes, so for some reason the colour change went by the board. I raised this on the SD forum and got the reply from Tim Dawson that this change was nothing to do with SkyDemon. I am myself still disappointed about this loss as I found the colour changing symbols a great help in bringing the contacts to my attention as the main thing I look at on SD while flying is the position of my own aircraft - so this is the best place to quickly pick up a visual alert.

We are of course compensated to a degree by the provision of the Audio Alerts, though I still miss the little coloured symbols as audio alerts can easily get lost in the clutter if radio traffic is busy.

I did try via both the SD and 'Flyer' forums to get Tim Dawson to work with Lee on this, but so far it appears no luck. Contrast this with EasyVFR, who positively and actively changed their software to provide colour changing 'traffic light' banner alerts specifically to show the PilotAware Mode S contacts (Tim D please note!).

The other reason I am now even more confused, is that Like Deker, I am also using SD, but I definitely don't get that ring round my aircraft when a Mode S alert is received. I was under the impression that your PAW 'piggybacked aircraft symbols' were specifically designed to stop the standard SD 'ring' appearing as it was misleading - suggesting a 'safe zone' around your aircraft - Lee?

Deker, as you say, without the colour changing aircraft (or EasyVFR's 'traffic light banners'), the audio alerts become essential for Bearingless Targets !

« Last Edit: June 09, 2016, 01:16:57 am by exfirepro »


« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2016, 11:00:03 pm »
Hi Peter

I think your recall is correct, i will go back and investigatethe reg flightid thing

Regarding the ring quoted by Deker, I think that is unrelated, that looks like the glide ring, could be wrong



« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2016, 11:03:18 pm »
Hi Lee,

Edit: Duh! if I had read Deker's post properly I would have seen that bit - what an idiot!!

Yes, looks like the glide ring to me too. IIRC there is a set of settings to define when you want to show the glide ring Deker. I have it set for over water only, very reassuring provided you have set your glide ratio etc accurately - especially over the Channel, or in my case when low flying over the Forth Estuary (near Edinburgh)! I just got it confused with the 'official' SD bearingless target rings - which BTW I have never seen except in their operating bumf !!


« Last Edit: June 09, 2016, 11:48:35 pm by exfirepro »


« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2016, 10:11:53 am »

It gave me a little giggle to see the glide safe ring while stationary at zero feet  ;D
I think SD brings up the glide safe within a certain distance of the water, which I would have been at Shoreham, but the Sky Demon calculation must have a glitch as I was't moving.
Obviously nothing to do with PAW, just an observation.

I'm now looking for a simple way to plug / tee into the audio using the standard 1/4" phono socket on the shareoplane.

ATB Deker.


« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2016, 11:08:08 am »
Hi Deker,

Easiest way might be to try making up a short 1/4" 'inline' jack-to-socket 'jump lead' and parallel in a cable from the PAW using the connection info myself and Jeremy Curtis posted here:,376.msg5117.html#msg5117,420.0.html

The only issue might be the levels, but I believe others have already tried this satisfactorily. Sorry I can't help with the pinouts for your (presumably GA) headphones, though this information should be readily available.




« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2016, 05:23:49 pm »
the tiny overlaid aircraft is hardly attention grabbing to the point of being nearly useless


I much preferred the rings - in fact, one of my PAWs has the engineering software with the rings and I much prefer it, apart from having to try and spot where the altitude is around the ring. Maybe there could be fixed sized green/yellow/orange/red rings which show up around your aeroplane - that way there's no confusion on range, but a better indication of a bearingless target.

It means you don't get confused about a non-bearingless target being immediately above or below you.

I don't know if it's possible to get the rings and the aircraft ID?


« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2016, 06:35:15 pm »
Maybe there could be fixed sized green/yellow/orange/red rings which show up around your aeroplane - that way there's no confusion on range, but a better indication of a bearingless target.

We would have to get SD to implement such a feature, at the moment the size of the ring alters with pinch and zoom (because it is range based), which is the problem.



« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2016, 06:37:38 pm »
That's fine, just make it a small ring!  :)


« Reply #12 on: June 09, 2016, 06:52:47 pm »
Hi Peter (and all)
you recollection was correct, I just tried removing the REG from the imprecise traffic I send to SkyDemon, and now it is highlighted red/amber/green (again)

The downside, EasyVFR now only displays a banner in red/amber/green with relative height, but does not display the REG.
(your damned if you do, your damned if you dont)

So, what could we do here ?

1. We could lobby SD, EasyVFR, RunwayHD, to accept the REG without ignoring the threat level

2. I could make PilotAware behaviorally different for each vendor - (something I am reluctant to do)

(2) above can be accomplished by assigning each NAV tool a different PIN, eg
6000 - SkyDemon
6001 - RunwayHD
6002 - EasyVFR

Then I can behave slightly differently because I know what NAV tool I am talking to, this is not ideal because it means
messages are being interpreted differently



« Reply #13 on: June 09, 2016, 07:37:18 pm »

2. I could make PilotAware behaviorally different for each vendor - (something I am reluctant to do)

(2) above can be accomplished by assigning each NAV tool a different PIN, eg
6000 - SkyDemon
6001 - RunwayHD
6002 - EasyVFR

Then I can behave slightly differently because I know what NAV tool I am talking to, this is not ideal because it means
messages are being interpreted differently

What would be the issue if someone used the wrong PIN?  People don't often read manuals, so might just use a PIN from another bit of documentation.

If you did go down this route, I would generate a quick start connection document for SkyDemon, Runway HD etc. Ideally no longer than a couple of sides of A4, people can then just pick the one that is for them.

Out of interest, what does the Reg number give you in this situation, are you really going to read it and make a radio call to them?
Or when an alert arrives get a general direction or just a range warning for bearing less etc. start looking outside for what ever it is?
Designer and maker of, smart universal USB chargers designed for aviation.  USB Type-A and USB-C power without the RF interference. Approved for EASA installs under CS-STAN too.


« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2016, 09:02:10 pm »
Don't you dare upset my lovely functioning EasyVFR for the sake of SD.     :(     Everyone will just have to ditch SkyDemon and join EVFR if Mr Dawson won't play nicely.   ;D  ;D  ;D
