Author Topic: SOLVED! - Locating the unit and antenna  (Read 7830 times)

Dave jones

SOLVED! - Locating the unit and antenna
« on: June 02, 2016, 10:15:33 pm »
Can anyone advice on the best position to locate the PilotAware and antenna in a Pa28 for the optimum performance
« Last Edit: June 03, 2016, 02:29:52 pm by Admin »


Re: Locating the unit and antenna
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2016, 10:29:10 pm »
Hi Dave,

There have been several references to the use of PAW in PA28s. Suggest try a search using 'PA28' from the Home Page. Quicker than me trying to point you to them all.




Re: Locating the unit and antenna
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2016, 11:04:29 pm »
I would suggest on top of the dashboard/coaming.


Re: Locating the unit and antenna
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2016, 08:08:03 am »
Hi Dave

There is a document here worth reading

Could you comment on any additions / omissions ?



Re: Locating the unit and antenna
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2016, 01:20:26 pm »
Not saying this is the best position but it seems to work for me.

Have attached the PAW box to the wall between the door and the panel in such a vertical position that the PAW aerial is above the level of the wall and has a clear view of the sky through the side of the right hand windscreen. Did with with a large adhesive velcro patch on the wall and then two strips along the edge of the PAW box. I decided to maximise cooling by ensuring that the Pi side of the box was facing out (this is the side without the screws), this positioning also facilitates the airflow as the vents on the box are effectively at the top and bottom of the installation.

The ADS-B aerial we have attached with hi-tech bluetack or adhesive pad etc to the very top right of the central windscreen pillar so the antennae is sticking across the very top of the windscreen. It can be installed so that it does not touch the sun visors in both up and down positions. Although this is not the "normal" orientation of the aerial it seems work well as once again it has a clear view of the sky. The cables for both the aerial and the GPS unit were run up from the PAW unit along the very edge of the windscreen, but ensuring that the GPS unit has a clear view of the sky.

I have used some 20mm suckers (20mm Round Button Suction Cups (20 Pack) Sold by: Foamboard Warehouse via amazon about £2.50) and 2mm white label ties hold the various cables and GPS unit on to the screen. The clear suckers and white label ties make the attachments almost invisible when flying. Loop one 2mm cable tie round the sucker neck and another through this loop (at 90 degrees) and then around the cables. The suckers can then be pressed onto the screen so the cables are out of sight along the edge of the screen.

Power is supplied to the PAW from a Charge2 unit connected to the 12v supply that in most PA28 I believe is on the right hand side of the panel. This configuration also means that you can power an iPad etc attached to the P2 yoke without cables dragging everywhere. I have another Charge2 on the other side of the panel for the P1 and a backup GPS unit that can connect to the iPad running Sky Demon should there be any problems with PAW.

In this configuration the PAW unit is quite happy connecting to both iPads via the hot spot.

The only thing I haven't sorted out yet this how best to take the audio feed into the intercom so that it (like the rest of the fit) is demonstrably "NOT INSTALLED" and as such avoids clashing with EASA regs.

Don't have any pics but happy to take some and send them to you if you want them.

Graham B


Re: Locating the unit and antenna
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2016, 02:10:17 pm »
Hi Graham,

Sounds very well thought out and thorough.



Dave, further info on audio connections here:,376.msg5117.html#msg5117,420.0.html


Re: Locating the unit and antenna
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2016, 02:29:29 pm »
Don't have any pics but happy to take some and send them to you if you want them.

Hi Graham,

Yes please



Re: SOLVED! - Locating the unit and antenna
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2016, 11:29:52 am »
I forgot to say that I also removed the magnet from the bottom of the ADSB aerial or it will do nasty things to the magnetic compass.

Do check before you fly that noting in your fit affects the compass it is an easy mistake to make!


Re: SOLVED! - Locating the unit and antenna
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2016, 08:59:13 am »
I forgot to say that I also removed the magnet from the bottom of the ADSB aerial or it will do nasty things to the magnetic compass.

Do check before you fly that noting in your fit affects the compass it is an easy mistake to make!


This point has been made several times on the forum and you are right to remind us yet again.

If fitting any new electronic equipment - (any of which might generate a magnetic field when powered up), or anything known to containing magnets - anywhere near your compass, it is essential to check your compass direction before and after fitting and with the new equipment powered up to make sure that it has not affected your compass bearing.

I found this out the hard way several years ago, when I powered up my shiny new (at the time) GPS in the air only to see my compass veer by over 20 degrees from its previous direction. OK it was a GPS, so kind of made the compass redundant (at least until it failed), but the principle still stands. The answer in my case was to move the compass up onto my front strut well away from all my electrics, but this is of course not always possible.




Re: SOLVED! - Locating the unit and antenna
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2016, 06:55:45 pm »
I have just noticed that there is a thread on the subject of antennae location and it contains a statement that aerials must be mounted vertically. The fit I described in this thread has the ADSB antenna mounted horizontally at the top of the windscreen for geographic reasons (i.e. there is no realistic space elsewhere) and I am able to report that it picks up ADSB traffic from miles away without any trouble from this location.

HOWEVER - please note that the P3I antenna is mounted vertically (as per spec) as it is both transmit and receive.

On a recent trip to Shoreham via the Farnborough West zone Sky Demon and P3I very effectively located and plotted a bunch of contacts including one light aircraft that became visible just where Sky Demon indicated we should be looking. 100% vindication for the concept, design and build.


Re: SOLVED! - Locating the unit and antenna
« Reply #10 on: June 07, 2016, 08:16:06 pm »
Great Feedback Graham

Yes we have found that the ADSB antenna picks up traffic even it fit is not optimal. However it is still vertically polarised

Pass on your good news Trip advisor 5 stars eh!
