Author Topic: PAW audio interface to (radio) intercom  (Read 7146 times)


PAW audio interface to (radio) intercom
« on: May 19, 2016, 12:57:03 pm »
I've bought a 3.5mm cable with TRRS plugs as suggested by expirepro.

Thinking of knocking together a simple passive audio mixer with volume pots to combine 3 audio outputs from; iPad (EasyVFR), Zaon MRX (mode A and C targets) and PAW, to feed into the aux audio input of a Becker AR6201 radio to get all three into headphones. Although audio levels can be adjusted on these devices (but not sure about the MRX), may be just a lot easier to have the vol pots accessible to have some control whilst in the air.

Alternatively does anyone know of something small, light and cheap that could do the same job?


Re: PAW audio interface to (radio) intercom
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2016, 01:21:24 pm »
  I have this one, but you do need to add a volume output pot to your radio audio, It works a treat very small.
Europa XS


Re: PAW audio interface to (radio) intercom
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2016, 06:11:52 pm »
Hi Richard,

Thanks for the info but, I was thinking more along the lines of something portable that I could simply plug into a phono socket that will connect to the radio aux input. It's a Group operated aircraft and not every member uses GPS or has a similar set-up to myself.

I'll put something together (3 channel, resistor networks) in a small enclosure employing standard phono sockets that can be plugged in when I put in the PAW etc prior to flight. Then experiment with audio levels from the various devices. The Becker radio has an integral aux input level adjustment within the menu set-up.




Re: PAW audio interface to (radio) intercom
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2016, 10:50:13 am »
« Last Edit: May 21, 2016, 10:58:51 am by Aerial »


Re: PAW audio interface to (radio) intercom
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2016, 11:40:31 am »
I've made a suggestion in the 'enhancements' thread that might help.


Re: PAW audio interface to (radio) intercom
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2016, 11:52:34 am »
Hi Aerial,

I'd looked on eBay but don't think I saw this one. It's 12v so should easily power from the aircraft. Appears to take 1/4" jack plugs which pushes up the size/weight a bit compared to phono plugs. Thing that puts me off is that it's in China with attendant delivery delays and possibility of import duty.

I'm awaiting delivery from RS of an abs box, 3  x 10k linear potentiometers,  a pack of 1k resistors and knobs. Already have phono sockets. Probably spent the cost of the eBay item already on these few bits! Hoping that I will not need to amplify the output as the headphone outputs of the iPad etc should high sufficient  to drive the radio aux input even with the loss of the mixer network.

The circuit I'm basing it on is really simple and on Instructables web-site posted by someone called nighthawk454.


Re: PAW audio interface to (radio) intercom
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2016, 12:06:47 pm »
Hi Steve,

Problem is that I can't really hear the airspace alerts via EasyVFR from my iPad, so it's about time I connected the audio(s) into my headsets in some way! It's because of the headset's passive noise attenuation, which I use even though the Eurostar is a really quiet aircraft compared to some.




Re: PAW audio interface to (radio) intercom
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2016, 12:26:55 pm »
A few years ago we made up an inline headphone jack/socket cable with a mini jack cable for our TB20. That sent terrain warnings from a Garmin Aera to the pilot's headset.   cable plugged into panel and Aera. Headset phone jack plugged into the cable socket

I think they are still using it today and of course quite legal in CofA aircraft.  That would work with a tablet (or PAW).

ediited to add:

Or you can just buy one nowadays.. at a price.

Ours was a lot neater :)

« Last Edit: May 21, 2016, 01:25:56 pm by SteveN »


Re: PAW audio interface to (radio) intercom
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2016, 02:03:58 pm »
Hi Moffrestorer,

I also noted the 1/4" jack sockets and that it was in a metal (steel probably!) case. I had an idea in mind to remove the 'guts' and put them in an ABS box. I'd like to hard-wire mine into the aircraft so would add a Cannon 'D' for all the inputs and outputs. I hate the idea of loose cables and jacks just floating about! I looked at the Instructables one you mentioned and will try that as I already have those parts.

Steve N,

That's a simple idea but a bit restricted on the number of devices one can plug in. Your enhancement request is a neat idea too!


Re: PAW audio interface to (radio) intercom
« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2016, 03:51:15 pm »
I think I'll try connecting via the aux input into the radio intercom first as P1 and passenger should both hear any alerts, also these will be automatically muted whenever you transmit. Might miss an alert under these circumstances, but unless bearingless, I presume a target/intruder should trigger several alerts as they get any closer and it's all backed up visually on nav display.