Author Topic: ADSB out from Funke TRT800H ( when should my plane "show" on another device)  (Read 17267 times)


I am using a chepo chinese usb to rs232 converter. Can anyone tell me the correct pins to be using in the 9pin plug?


Hi Brian

This is actually correct, the errors are ser-trx, which is the bridge you do not have.

There is a reference on the web for the dsub9, i also run 2 connected using a crossover, then connect to pc, to see messages streaming



Hi Lee, I have been using a converter. I just wanted to make sure i was using the correct pins to feed the transponder.

Thanks Brian


Hi Brian,

Did you eventually get the ADS-B Out functioning correctly? I have a feeling you did post something on another thread to that effect, but I can't find it. How was the problem solved?

The reason I ask; I have a friend that has a Funke TRT800H transponder (SW version 5.3) that he would like to connect to a PAW once they go on sale, but the aircraft is an Autogyro on a CAA Permit, so there will be different certification hoops to jump through.



Hi Moffrestorer,
The answer is I think it is now working OK, this is after trying several different usb to rs232 cables and semingly getting nowhere, despite being able to see a P when the transponder is in test mode.
After changing mt coax cable to the transponder  antenna it now appears to be working.
Lee was able to see me on PAW(adsb) when I flew into Hinton last Sunday to do some air testing of PAW. And my track also showed up both ways on Flight radar24, however only my flight to Hinton showed on So yes working probably!

Regards Brian


Hi Brian,

I'm glad you now seem to have everything working.

Is there anyway you could post a link to the USB-RS232 cable you now use? Also, which D plug pin numbers are used to connect the GPS +  and - signal to the transponder wire tails (which presumably connect to pin 12 and pin 1/9 respectively, of the TRT800)?



Hi Brian,

I'm glad you now seem to have everything working.

Is there anyway you could post a link to the USB-RS232 cable you now use? Also, which D plug pin numbers are used to connect the GPS +  and - signal to the transponder wire tails (which presumably connect to pin 12 and pin 1/9 respectively, of the TRT800)?


I have at last got round to tidying up my installation and taking a few photos.
The USB to RS232 I used is this one. Its not the cheapest but as all the "gubbins" is in the usb plug and it comes with a long cable it seemed easiest to use.

The wires which appear to work correctly are:- Black from the converter to ground on the Funke external memory module and Orange to black on the Funke connector.


Hi Brian,

Thanks very much for the link and info. Very helpful to me and I'm sure, to others.
I prefer the layout of this cable but had dismissed it because there was no obvious compatibility with PL2303 chipset that Lee recommends. If it works for you it must be OK with the Pi B+.




Hi Brian (and Chris)

out of interest what is the chipset reported for the cable you are using ?
you will see this reported by looking at

listed as
USB xxxx:yyyy | Description



Will find out and report back.



Hi Brian (and Chris)

out of interest what is the chipset reported for the cable you are using ?
you will see this reported by looking at

listed as
USB xxxx:yyyy | Description


Hi Lee,
This is what is shown.
USB 0404:6001     FTDI USB-RS232 Cable



Re: ADSB out from Funke TRT800H ( when should my plane "show" on another device)
« Reply #26 on: September 06, 2016, 01:56:37 pm »
Hi All,

New here after purchasing shiney new PAW at the LAA Rally.  I have followed this conversation with interest as I would like to connect it to my TRT800 to utilise the ADSB-Out function.

I see Brian has posted some very useful information about his installation and a link to the cable he's used but there seems to be a question regarding the chipset not being as recommended.  Perhaps Lee or someone could comment and set me straight as to which cable I need to buy or if it would be OK to use the one Brian has.

Many thanks and regards,



Re: ADSB out from Funke TRT800H ( when should my plane "show" on another device)
« Reply #27 on: September 06, 2016, 02:23:36 pm »
Hi All,

New here after purchasing shiney new PAW at the LAA Rally.  I have followed this conversation with interest as I would like to connect it to my TRT800 to utilise the ADSB-Out function.

I see Brian has posted some very useful information about his installation and a link to the cable he's used but there seems to be a question regarding the chipset not being as recommended.  Perhaps Lee or someone could comment and set me straight as to which cable I need to buy or if it would be OK to use the one Brian has.

Many thanks and regards,


I recall that Funke *may* try to sell you a cable for £100 or so in order to connect your RS232 wire  :o
One of the other forum members can give you some advice on this, I will send him a PM, and ask to contact you directly
I dont think he wants his method publicised, for fear of getting into trouble


Re: ADSB out from Funke TRT800H ( when should my plane "show" on another device)
« Reply #28 on: September 06, 2016, 04:11:08 pm »
I recently enabled ADS-B on my Trig TT31 through PAW.
Trig recommended the Farnell USB-RS232-WE cable, costing about £12. The connections are, TXD (orange wire) to transponder serial input, Ground (black wire) to transponder ground.

This worked fin for me.




Thanks for your help and advice and for the private messages which also helped enormously.
In case anyone else finds it useful this is what I did in the end.

I went with the open ended FTDI Chip Interface Converter Cable which was £15 from RS as my TRT800 Transponder cable came with tails ready for connection.

From reading this thread and from other advice plus information from the cable Data Sheet (which can be downloaded) and from the Transponder manual the connections I had to solder were:-

Transponder Cable Black (Rx) to USB Cable (Tx) Orange
Transponder Shield (Ground) to USB Cable Black (Ground)

All very simple and finished off with heatshrink to make the finished cable assembly.  Note: I did not have to download any drivers for the USB.

There is one more step on the PAW configuration page which has to be done and that is to set the appropriate USB port to “Funke Transponder”.  I initially forgot to do this despite already being advised I needed to do it and it caused a fair bit of head scratching as to why I couldn’t see CSA on the traffic page.  Changed the settings and voila.

Also check the transponder setup page to make sure you have set NMEA 4800 baud and you are in receipt of a valid GPS signal as evidenced by the POS field.

I have chosen to permanently install the PAW unit behind the dash panel with the ADSB aerial screw mounted on top of the wooden combing.  To do this I first removed the base magnet so it can’t interfere with the compass then I moulded a rubber base from SUGRU which can be screwed down and works well (Photo attached.)
For the P3i aerial I made up an RG400 aerial extension cable and mounted it to the panel itself via a bulkhead coupling so it is still visible to the sky through the bubble canopy but stays pretty much out of my eyeline. (Photo attached)

Hope this is of help to someone.
