Author Topic: ADSB out from Funke TRT800H ( when should my plane "show" on another device)  (Read 19653 times)


Short story. Took part in the adsb trial with nats and the return from my transponder was ok when fed nmea data from a handheld garmin etrek walking gps.
I have been having trouble since connecting my PAW to feed the transponder.
Today I decided to see if I could work out what was happening. The transponder when put into test mode displays a P indicating it is getting positional data from the PAW device.
However I fail to get the plane displayed on Skydemon.

As you can see from the screen shots my plane 406CB1 G-CIJO is shown in the logging screen however it does not display on skydemon. Is this correct behaviour? when the plane is on the ground not moving no display?
SILS SIL and SDA all zero which is required.


Skydemon display


Hi Brian

I see the problem, what you are looking at is a Mode S, but there is no ES (extended squitter)
The giveaway is that the relative barometric height is displayed '92'
But the relatve distance is '-', this indicates that there is no DF18 (extended squitter) data

Question is why ..
You can display the data being sent to the transponder, go to the configure page select trp for transponder, then go to the logging page. This will display the data being sent down the RS232



Hi Brian,

I wonder if the DF18 data is only sent while moving for the trt800.
I think I asked before, but what is the FW revision on the trt800 ?



Hi Lee,
Thanks for the reply, I will try and dig out the firmware version.



I hope this is not a silly question, but have you entered your licence key as it is showing all 0000000000. When the key is entered should it not be displaying?

I apologise if I'm incorrect.
Europa XS


I hope this is not a silly question, but have you entered your licence key as it is showing all 0000000000. When the key is entered should it not be displaying?

I apologise if I'm incorrect.

Normally you would be correct 👍
But in this instance Brian was a very early beta user, and his mac address is hard coded into the software, (note to self to take that out)

If you look on the same screen it says the expiry date



Dont you have to set Funke 4800 in USB port 1  ?

I didnt think you could see your own Mode S as their is a filter set on your own Hex code not to display your own position on Skydemon/RunwayHD.



Dont you have to set Funke 4800 in USB port 1  ?

I didnt think you could see your own Mode S as their is a filter set on your own Hex code not to display your own position on Skydemon/RunwayHD.


John is right, I missed that.
You need to configure which usb port is outputting to your transponder.
The main document describes which port is which.
Regarding the ICAO code, PilotAware does filter its own code, but it looks as though in this case the transponder ICAO code has not been entered, it currently has the automatic value entered



I may not have made this clear. The ipad logging screen is a second unit nearby hence the auto generated hex code.
The list of planes seen includes my plane 406CB1/G-CIJO ( highlighted red spot) but the plane is not displayed on Skydemon wheras others in the list are.
Does this help



I may not have made this clear. The ipad logging screen is a second unit nearby hence the auto generated hex code.
The list of planes seen includes my plane 406CB1/G-CIJO ( highlighted red spot) but the plane is not displayed on Skydemon wheras others in the list are.
Does this help


OK, that makes sense.
The main issue is that the transponder does not appear to be outputting any co-ordinate information.
this can be seen from the line in your traffic screen

Code: [Select]
406cb1, GCIJO, -, -, 92, 213, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

This field should contain the distance caclulated from the local and remote GPS positional information.
The fact that it is not shown, means it does not have positional information for ICAO address 406cb1.

I think what you would need to do, is to take a look at the messages being sent to the transponder.
You can do this in the following way for the PilotAware connected to the transponder

From web address
1. go to configure page and select 'trp', press save
2. go to logging page

This will display the NMEA messages being sent to the transponder, we need to capture these to evaluate
if they are legal (valid) messages.
If they are, then we need to know why the TRT-800 is not including this data in the Extended Squitter.



Thanks Lee,
I will investigate further.



Lee am I correct in assuming that 92 is the airfield elevation. If so this would be correct.What is the red highlighted number refering to?



92 should be the relatve height in ft, Red highlighted number is signal strength

« Last Edit: March 29, 2016, 09:02:41 pm by Admin »


Todays log screenshot.
I assume the highlighted lines is where the issue lies?
No message going to the transponder?
Although when in test mode P for position info appears.
Strange thing is I thought it was working correctly in the past.