Author Topic: Plug and Play  (Read 4143 times)


Plug and Play
« on: December 23, 2015, 10:27:24 am »
Hi Guys,
I have registered for the "in stock" notification but I wondered how close we were to actually having the stock.
Since "Flyer Live" I have had my Trig TT31 transponder updated with the latest software to enable Pilot Aware to integrate, I now await the arrival of the stock.



Re: Plug and Play
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2015, 08:50:52 pm »
Hi Neil thanks for your post.

As we discussed at the Flyer show we are investing in a new radio unit for PilotAware and this is currently being tested against the relevant European standards. So far the results look encouraging and as planned we hope to do further parametric and range testing on the new unit in the new year. When we are satisfied that the product is ready we will push the button on manufacture. There will obviously be a manufacturing lead-time for volume products so we are still looking for a Q1 2016 launch. If you are signed up then you will get regular updates as we progress and no doubt we will post anything of note here


Keith Vinning
PilotAware Team
« Last Edit: December 24, 2015, 09:32:47 am by Admin »