Author Topic: Netgear 4 G mobile router **Solved**  (Read 1218 times)


Netgear 4 G mobile router **Solved**
« on: January 15, 2025, 11:28:39 am »
I recently purchased a Netgear Wi-Fi 4 g router to use in the various aircraft I fly rather than my I phone. I have a problem that the Rosetta works fine with the I phone and get a nice green indication on the radar screen.
When I switch the Netgear router on, it sometimes allows me to join it as a Wi-Fi hotspot but soon as it connects it jams everything up. It then does not let me go to network page home page or anything else? If I switch the router off everything works again fine.
The router does show as paw connected.
The router works well with everything apart from the Wi-Fi on the paw, I have tried all settings even taken off security with no effect.
The only thing I can think of is that the isp is for both?
Any ideas please?
Cheers. NATO
« Last Edit: January 22, 2025, 10:28:15 pm by NATO »


Re: Netgear 4 G mobile router
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2025, 06:22:46 pm »
I have no idea if it is related or relevant but I have problems connecting to my 4G dongle if the PilotAware is turned on before the dongle. If I get the dongle up and running first then my FX seems to connect to it (as a Hotspot) and then iGrid etc seems to work okay. I have generally mixed and usually negative results if I get the FX up and running before or at the same time as the dongle.

No idea why I am afraid.


Re: Netgear 4 G mobile router
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2025, 06:45:56 pm »
The router works well with everything apart from the Wi-Fi on the paw, I have tried all settings even taken off security with no effect.
The only thing I can think of is that the isp is for both?

I would put the router on a different subnet.

If your router is on, and the PAW has to be on the same address, there is an IP clash.

Solution 1 - make your router IP address, and change the gateway to the same address. Check that you DHCP range does not include This is not a move to a different subnet.

Solution 2 - change the second digit from the right to something other than 1, say 4 or 10, so your router becomes and the gateway follows to the same address. This is another subnet. This is where I am now and it works. Can't remember if it's or

In both cases leave the subnet mask at

Please document all the numbers before you change them in case someone else points out that I've got it wrong.


Re: Netgear 4 G mobile router
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2025, 12:09:33 pm »
Many thanks PaulSS.
Using and changing the range for the DHCP to a similar number cured the problem. Slight issue is that I can not get the GSM on the radar screen to change from orange to green? On the IP line in the home page the wlan1 and I grid have a green boarder but the igrid has igrid-zt=UNKNOWN showing?
On one of the pictures on the forum it has numbers in here? is this normal or still a possible issue?


Re: Netgear 4 G mobile router
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2025, 12:59:01 pm »

Good to hear you have got your router working with your Rosetta.

You mention iGRID reporting on the Home Screen as 'iGRID-zt=UNKNOWN' which implies to me that you are running old software in your Rosetta. We changed iGRID encryption from ZeroTier (zt) to WireGuard (wg) a while back. The latest public release PAW software version is 20241006 - which definitely uses WireGuard (I've just checked). Upgrading your PAW to this latest version may help.

Best Regards


Re: Netgear 4 G mobile router
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2025, 01:51:02 pm »
Hi Peter,

Looks like I have latest version installed?

Cheers Neil


Re: Netgear 4 G mobile router
« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2025, 04:17:07 pm »
Hi Neil,

Looks like you are correct. OK, now I am confused  ??? . I will need to consult our Database Expert.



Re: Netgear 4 G mobile router
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2025, 11:34:42 pm »
Just to add to the confusion! I run a few paw’s on different aircraft and looked at another one today, using the same router I got the following picture which is I believe is correct, I have taken the sd card out to swap to see if that is the problem. But chatting to Ashley he does not think so.
So will keep trying!
Cheers Neil
« Last Edit: January 22, 2025, 10:28:32 pm by NATO »


Re: Netgear 4 G mobile router **Solved**
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2025, 10:35:20 pm »
Thanks to Ashley, the Igrid problem has now been solved. It appears that Igrid is now tied up with the licence and paw serial number, a little while ago a new Pi was fitted to the paw due to power problems and this had not been updated with the office servers. Thanks for everyone’s help.


Re: Netgear 4 G mobile router **Solved**
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2025, 01:55:29 pm »
Hi Neil,

Ah, yes - that explains it! Glad to hear that the problem has now been solved (and that you have amended the thread title accordingly - saves me a job).

Best Regards